Secure Media Archive

Secure Media Archive is an integrated solution using Alibaba Cloud services to help organizations to securely store content into the cloud. It provides all the tools necessary to ensure content is ingested, stored, managed, distributed, and encrypted to meet the industry's best practices and standards.


Storing and processing growing repositories of content is a major challenge for most of our customers. Our Secure Media Archive solution helps organizations migrate, store and protect their media content. Thanks to Alibaba Cloud’s extensive suite of products and services, we can provide your organization with all the necessary tools to ensure your content is seamlessly ingested, stored and encrypted to meet the industry’s best practices and standards.

Solution Highlights


Architect for scale, without the risk of underestimating or over-provisioning. Use industrialization best practices to provision infrastructure as demand dictates.


Building out systems on a global basis allows content to be stored and processed as requirements dictate, rather than being constrained by existing infrastructure locations.


Turn on and turn off infrastructure allows business ideas and technical solutions to be tested and launched in minutes not weeks.

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How It Works

Your Challenge

Getting content into the cloud and back again is a key challenge for many media organizations. If your files are large, moving this content can take some time, particularly if a substantial legacy archive needs to be migrated.

Our Solution

  • Our customers rely on Alibaba Cloud to provide reliable and secure connectivity to allow content to be moved to and from a chosen storage region predictably. Therefore, our customers leverage industry specialist network providers, who can provide accelerated and secured content ingest/restore solutions, as well as Alibaba Cloud’s native network services.

Express Connect

It provides a physical network connection into any Alibaba Cloud region

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Smart Access Gateway

An all-in-one solution for connecting local branches to the Cloud using a fully encrypted connection.

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VPN Gateway

Supports transferring over Internet connections, it is relatively cheap yet protects at the protocol and transport layer.

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Mass Migration Service

A dedicated Service for large catalogs of content, you can Contact Sales to learn more.

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Your Challenge

Media organisations have different tiers of storage on premises, each having access, permanence, and reliability criteria that make it best suited to a specific workload. Anything whatever is ‘built’ in ‘The Cloud’ would need to meet this criteria.

Our Solution

  • Alibaba Cloud provides several storage services, each of them designed to meet a specific requirement for permanence and performance. These services mirror the commonly used storage tiers on-premises; online, nearline, and offline archive.


ESSDs are based on a 25 GE network and remote direct memory access technology. They deliver a maximum random IOPS of 1 million per disk and low one-way latency.

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NAS is a distributed file system that provides several benefits, such as compatibility with different operating systems, shared access, data consistency, and exclusive locks.

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Object Storage Service (OSS) is an encrypted, secure, cost-effective, and easy-to-use object storage service that enables you to store, back up, and archive large amounts of data in the cloud.

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Your Challenge

To archive media is costly and complex to deploy, with team members needed to manage, support and operate these systems. What’s more, the security of your content adds an extra level of complexity and cost, where dedicated quarantined areas are often required to meet industry standards.

Our Solution

  • Secure file transfers are often conducted using a VPN service over an Internet connection. This method is relatively cheap and protects your content at the protocol and transport layer.


A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a physical computing device that safeguards and manages digital keys for strong authentication and provides cryptoprocessing.

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Key Management Service (KMS) provides features such as key hosting and cryptographic operations.

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Cloud Storage Gateway

This is a gateway service that you can deploy on the premises or in the cloud.

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We are committed to providing stable, reliable, secure, and compliant cloud computing infrastructure services across major jurisdictions around the world.
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  • ISO 27001
  • SOC2 Type II Report
  • C5
  • MPAA
  • TPN

Alibaba Cloud Ecosystem for Media Archive

Related Resources


Get started with Object Storage Service

OSS allows you to store and retrieve a variety of unstructured data files, including text, images, audio, and video, over the network at any time.

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Best Practice for Data Storage in the Cloud

Storing files in the cloud is cheap and simple. This ebook describes how you can get the most out of Alibaba Cloud's Object Storage Service.

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Running Scalable Media Workflows on Alibaba Cloud

Talks about how to migrate, store, process, and distribute media assets on Alibaba Cloud.

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