添加新的域名时,必须先进行验证,再调用本接口添加域名。您可以选择 DNS 解析验证或文件验证。请参见验证域名归属权。
完成添加域名操作后,还需要对添加的域名进行 CNAME 解析,请参见配置 CNAME 域名解析。
QPS 限制
本接口的单用户 QPS 限制为 30 次/秒。超过限制,API 调用会被限流,这可能会影响您的业务,请合理调用。
您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
live:AddLiveDomain | create | *全部资源 * |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
LiveDomainType | string | 是 | 域名业务类型。取值:
| liveVideo |
DomainName | string | 是 | 需要接入直播的推流域名或播流域名。支持泛域名,以英文句号(.)开头。 | example.aliyundoc.com |
Region | string | 是 | 直播域名单元化信息。取值:
Region(直播域名单元化信息)与 Scope(加速区域)之间不存在相互限制。
| cn-beijing |
CheckUrl | string | 否 | 健康检测 URL。 | http://demo.aliyundoc.com/status.html |
Scope | string | 否 | 加速区域。国际用户、中国站 L3 及以上用户设置有效。取值:
| domestic |
TopLevelDomain | string | 否 | 顶级接入域。 | learn.aliyundoc.com |
ResourceGroupId | string | 否 | 资源组 ID。关于资源组的更多信息,请参见什么是资源组。 | rg-aekzw****** |
Tag | array<object> | 否 | 标签列表。 | |
object | 否 | 标签列表。 | ||
Key | string | 否 | 标签健。 | TestKey |
Value | string | 否 | 标签值。 | TestValue |
"RequestId": "16A96B9A-F203-4EC5-8E43-CB92E68F4CD8"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Malformed | Specified DomainName is malformed. | - |
400 | InvalidRegion.Malformed | Specified Region is malformed. | 指定的区域无效。 |
400 | InvalidSource.Content.Malformed | Specified source content is malformed. | - |
400 | InvalidTypeContent.Mismatch | Specified source type does not math the specified source content. | - |
400 | MissingSource.Content | Specified source content is mandatory for this action. | - |
400 | MissingSource.Type | Specified source type is mandatory for this action. | - |
400 | InvalidSource.Type.Malformed | Specified source type is malformed. | - |
400 | InvalidSource.Priority.Malformed | Specified source priority is malformed. | - |
400 | InvalidScope.Malformed | Specified Scope is malformed. | - |
400 | SourceIp.Exceed | The Certificate you provided is malformed! | - |
400 | InvalidCertificate | The Certificate you provided is malformed! | - |
400 | InvalidCertificate.TooLong | The Certificate you provided is over the max length! | - |
400 | InnerAddDomainDenied | Your account haven't bind aoneId, can not add domain. | - |
400 | CheckSourceHealthFailed | sources ip or source domain check health failed,please input right source. | - |
400 | ExtensiveAndAllBothExist | Extensive domain and the domain begins with 'all.' can not exist at the same time. | - |
400 | CdnTypeNotSupportExtensiveDomain | Extensive domain not supported for this cdn type. | - |
400 | ExtensiveAndSpecificDomainConflict | Extensive domain and corresponding specific domain are mutually exclusive. | 泛域名与对应的精确域名冲突 |
400 | InvalidDomainNameLevel | Domain name suffixed with alicdn.com only support third level. | - |
400 | TopLevelDomain.NotFound | TopLevelDomain is not exist. | - |
400 | EntityNotExists.ResourceGroup | The resource group does not exist. | - |
400 | InvalidStatus.ResourceGroup | It's now allowed to do this operation because of the current status of resource-group. | - |
400 | NotInternationRealIdentity | You need to do real name authentication when you use Chinese mainland resources. | 你需要使用真正的授权身份来访问中国大陆的资源 |
400 | RecordCheckNotAvailable | Please try again later. | - |
400 | IcpBlack | The domain is on the ICP blacklist. | - |
400 | IspBlack | The domain is on the ISP blacklist. | - |
400 | DomainNotRecordedAliyun | The domain not access Ali Cloud for the record please access. | - |
400 | Abs.CheckUrl.Malformed | The CheckUrl you provided is malformed! | - |
400 | DomainOwnerVerifyFail | Owner verification of the root domain failed. | - |
400 | TopLevelDomain.Mismatch | The specified TopLevelDomain does not match webSiteType. | - |
400 | InvalidResourceGroupId.Malformed | Specified ResourceGroupId is malformed. | - |
400 | DomainReserved | The root domain of your domain is reserved by another account. | 此域名的根域名已添加到其他账号。 |
400 | ExceedLimit | The number of domains has exceeded the limit. | 拥有的域名数量已经超过上限。 |
400 | LockFail | Domain has been occupied. | - |
403 | AccountException | Account exception. Please open ticket to make an appeal. | - |
403 | EntityNotExist.ResourceGroup | The resource group does not exist. | 资源组不存在。 |
404 | InvalidUser | The user's account is invalid. | - |