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:Billable items

更新時間:May 07, 2024

This topic describes the billable items, billing overview, and billing rules in WUYING Workspace (Pro Edition).

Usage notes

  • The following features are in public preview. You can use the features free of charge until the public preview ends. After the public preview ends, you are charged for using the features based on billing rules. The end of the public preview will be announced in advance. We recommend that you stay tuned to our latest updates and announcements.




    Use snapshots (public preview)

    Screen recording audit

    Configure the screen recording audit feature (public preview)

  • Examples in this topic are only for reference to help you understand billing rules of WUYING Workspace (Pro Edition). For more information about the pricing details, visit the Pricing page. The prices on the WUYING Workspace buy page shall prevail.

  • You are charged for using WUYING Workspace (Pro Edition) resources. The fees for the resources vary based on the type, quantity, and usage duration of cloud computers.

Basic services

Cloud computers

When you create a cloud computer, you must configure computing and storage resources for the cloud computer. In WUYING Workspace, computing resources of a cloud computer include vCPUs or vGPUs and memory or GPU memory. Storage resources of a cloud computer include a system disk (required) and data disk (optional).

The basic fees for using a cloud computer consist of computing resource fees and storage resource fees.



Billing method


For subscription cloud computers, you must pay upfront before you can use the cloud computers. In this case, you continue to be charged regardless of whether your cloud computers are stopped. After you purchase subscription cloud computers, take note of the subscription duration and renew your cloud computers at the earliest opportunity to prevent business interruption.


For pay-as-you-go cloud computers, you pay after you use the cloud computers. You are not charged for computing resources when the cloud computers are stopped. When a pay-as-you-go cloud computer is stopped, the system automatically reclaims computing resources and retains the cloud computer for subsequent use. In this case, you are no longer charged for the computing resources, but you are charged for the storage resources.

Billing formula

Total fee = Computing resource fee + Storage resource fee


If you purchase a subscription cloud computer, you are charged for using the computing and storage resources of the cloud computer on a subscription basis. If you purchase a pay-as-you-go cloud computer, you are charged for using the computing and storage resources of the cloud computer on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Billing example (subscription)

You purchased a subscription cloud computer in the China (Hangzhou) region, and the subscription duration was one month. The following items describe the configurations of the cloud computer:

  • Cloud computer type: Enterprise Office – 2 vCPUs, 4 GiB memory

  • System disk size: 50 GiB

  • Data disk size: 50 GiB

Prices and duration:

  • Price of the cloud computer type (Enterprise Office – 2 vCPUs, 4 GiB memory): USD 100/Month/Set

  • Disk price per GiB per month: USD 1

  • Subscription duration: one month


  • Computing resource fee: USD 100

  • Storage resource fee: [(50 × 1) + (50 × 1)] = USD 100

  • Total fee: 100 + 100 = USD 200

Billing example (pay-as-you-go)

You purchased a pay-as-you-go cloud computer in the China (Hangzhou) region. The following items describe the configurations of the cloud computer:

  • Cloud computer type: Enterprise Office – 2 vCPUs, 4 GiB memory

  • System disk size: 80 GiB

  • Data disk size: 50 GiB

Prices and duration:

  • Price of the cloud computer type (Enterprise Office – 2 vCPUs, 4 GiB memory): USD 1/Set/Hour

  • Disk price per GiB per hour: USD 0.01

  • Usage duration: 20 hours (stopped for 10 hours)


  • Computing resource fee: 1 × (20 – 10) = USD 10

  • Storage resource fee: [(80 × 0.01) + (50 × 0.01)] × 20 = USD 26

  • Total fee: 10 + 26 = USD 36

Billable item in a bill

Subscription cloud computer: You pay for a cloud computer before you use the cloud computer. An order is generated when you create a cloud computer.

Pay-as-you-go cloud computer: cloud computer type, system disk size, and data disk size

Stop billing

The billing of a cloud computer stops when you release the cloud computer. For more information, see Start, stop, restart, or release a cloud computer.

AD connectors

If you want to connect a cloud computer to an enterprise Active Directory (AD) system, you must configure an AD connector when you create an AD office network in which your cloud computer resides. The billing cycle of an AD connector starts when the AD office network is created and ends when the AD office network is deleted.



Billing method


Billing formula

Total fee = Unit price of an AD connector × Usage duration

Billing example

You purchased a General AD connector when you created an AD office network in the China (Hangzhou) region at 15:20:00 on November, 20, 2020. Then, you deleted the AD office network at 00:00:00 on December 21, 2020. The usage duration is one month (30 days).

Prices and duration:

  • Price of an AD connector (General): USD 1/Hour

  • Usage duration: 720 hours (30 days × 24 hours)

Total fee: 1 × 720 = USD 720

Billable item in a bill


Stop billing

If you want the system to stop the billing of an AD connector, delete the AD office network. For more information, see the "Delete an AD office network" section of the Create and configure an AD office network topic.

Value-added services

Premium bandwidth plans

If you use a premium bandwidth plan, you are charged for the plan. The following table describes the billing details.



Billing method

  • Subscription: You are charged for a subscription premium bandwidth plan based on the subscription duration and peak bandwidth that you specify.

  • Pay-as-you-go: The bandwidth of a pay-as-you-go premium bandwidth plan supports the pay-by-bandwidth and pay-by-data-transfer metering methods. For the pay-by-bandwidth metering method, the peak bandwidth of the plan determines the hourly billing. For the pay-by-data-transfer metering method, you are charged based on the amount of inbound traffic.

    • Inbound traffic is traffic from the Internet to cloud computers.

    • If your business requires a stable network bandwidth, we recommend that you select the pay-by-bandwidth metering method. If your business receives only a small amount of traffic and the traffic surges only during a few peak hours, we recommend that you select the pay-by-data-transfer metering method.


  • The peak bandwidth is not a guaranteed value, but indicates the upper limit of bandwidth and is only for reference. When resource contention occurs, the actual bandwidth may be lower than the peak bandwidth.

  • You can unsubscribe from a subscription premium bandwidth plan. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

  • You cannot switch the billing method of a premium bandwidth plan.

    The billing method of a premium bandwidth plan cannot be switched from subscription to pay-as-you-go, or vice versa. In addition, the metering method of a pay-as-you-go premium bandwidth plan cannot be switched from pay-by-bandwidth to pay-by-data-transfer, or vice versa.

  • If you do not want to renew a subscription premium bandwidth plan when the plan expires, the plan becomes invalid. You can purchase a new premium bandwidth plan and select a billing method for the plan based on your business requirements.

Billing formula

  • Subscription premium bandwidth plan: Total fee = Price of the peak bandwidth × Subscription duration. You must make a full payment when you purchase a subscription premium bandwidth plan.

    The billing cycle of a subscription premium bandwidth plan is determined by the time that you commit when you purchase the plan. The billing cycle starts when the purchased subscription resource is activated or renewed, and ends at 00:00:00 on the next day of the expiration date. The time is accurate to the second and displayed in UTC+8.


    The valid units for the billing cycles of subscription resources are calendar years, months, and weeks.

  • Pay-as-you-go premium bandwidth plan:

    • Pay-by-data-transfer: Total fee = Amount of inbound traffic × Unit price.

      You are charged for per GB of traffic from the Internet. This metering method allows you to use resources and pay for them afterward. Fees are automatically deducted from the balance of your Alibaba Cloud account.


      If the amount of traffic is less than 1 GB, you are charged based on the actual amount of traffic.

      Resources are billed by second. Fees are settled every hour (UTC+8), and bills generated every hour. After the settlement is completed, a new settlement cycle starts.

    • Total fee = Unit price of the peak bandwidth × Subscription duration. This metering method allows you to use resources and pay for them afterward. Fees are automatically deducted from the balance of your Alibaba Cloud account.

Billing example

  • Subscription

    You purchased a subscription premium bandwidth plan for an office network in the China (Hangzhou) region for one week. You set the peak bandwidth to 10 Mbit/s. The following items describe the billing details of the premium bandwidth plan:

    • Billing method: subscription

    • Duration: one week

    • Peak bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s

    • Unit price per 10 Mbit/s per week: USD 46

    • Total fee: 46 × 1 = USD 46

  • Pay-as-you-go (pay-by-bandwidth)

    You purchased a pay-as-you-go premium bandwidth plan for an office network in the China (Hangzhou) region for 30 days. You selected pay-by-bandwidth as the metering method, and you set the peak bandwidth to 10 Mbit/s. The following items describe the billing details of the premium bandwidth plan:

    • Billing method: pay-as-you-go (pay-by-bandwidth)

    • Subscription duration: one month

    • Peak bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s

    • Unit price per 10 Mbit/s per hour: USD 0.10

    • Total fee: 0.10 × 24 × 30 = USD 72

  • Pay-as-you-go (pay-by-data-transfer)

    You purchased a pay-as-you-go premium bandwidth plan for an office network in the China (Hangzhou) region. You select pay-by-data-transfer as the metering method. The following items describe the billing details:

    • Billing method: pay-as-you-go (pay-by-data-transfer)

    • Unit price of traffic per GB: USD 0.80

    • Total traffic volume: 10 GB

    • Total fee: 10 × 0.8 = USD 8

Billable item in a bill

  • If the billing method is subscription, you must pay for a premium bandwidth plan before you can use the plan. An order is generated when you enable premium bandwidth.

  • If the billing method is pay-as-you-go and the metering method is pay-by-bandwidth, the billable item is the peak bandwidth.

  • If the billing method is pay-as-you-go and the metering method is pay-by-data-transfer, the billable item is traffic volume.

Stop billing

To stop billing, you can delete a premium bandwidth plan, regardless of the billing method you selected for the plan.

If you want to stop the billing of a premium bandwidth plan and retain the associated office network, take note of the following items:

  • Subscription

    You can unsubscribe from the premium bandwidth plan. After you unsubscribe from the plan, the billing stops. For more information, see the "Unsubscribe from a premium bandwidth plan" section of the Manage Internet access topic.

  • Pay-as-you-go (pay-by-bandwidth or pay-by-data-transfer)

    • If you use the pay-by-data-transfer metering method, you can suspend the premium bandwidth plan. After you suspend the plan, you are no longer charged for the plan.

    • If you use the pay-by-bandwidth metering method, you must delete the premium bandwidth plan to stop billing.

NAS file systems

If you want to share files between cloud computers, you must mount a General-purpose Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file system on the cloud computers.

You are charged for a General-purpose NAS file system based on the storage type, data volume (peak value per hour), and retention period. For more information about the billing of General-purpose NAS file system, see Billing of General-purpose NAS file systems.


WUYING application marketplace provides free applications and paid applications. Paid applications are published by independent software vendors (ISVs). You are charged for using paid applications.


The fees go to ISVs. In this case, the bills of the paid applications are not displayed on the Alibaba Cloud Billing Details page.



Billing method

  • Pay-per-use

  • Subscription

Billing formula

You are charged based on the number of purchases or subscription duration.

Billing example

ISVs determine application prices and billing methods. You can view the actual prices and billing methods on the buy pages of paid applications.

Stop billing

On the buy page of an application, click Consult to obtain the billing details of the application.

Simple Log Service

If you want to deliver user operation logs to Logstores in Simple Log Service, you are charged for log storage in Simple Log Service. For more information about the billing of Simple Log Service, see Billable items of pay-by-feature.



Billing method


Simple Log Service pricing

Billing formula

After the user operation logs are delivered from WUYING Workspace to Simple Log Service, the following billable items incur fees:

  • Shard

  • Storage

  • Index

  • Read/Write

  • Traffic

The total fee is equal to the sum of the fees of the preceding billable items. Total fee = Shard fee + Storage fee + Index fee + Read/Write fee + Traffic fee

For information about the billing rules of each billable item, see Billable items of pay-by-feature.

Billing example

Billing example


If you want to establish connections between office networks or between an office network and a data center, you can use Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN). If the office network and the data center reside in the same region, you are charged only for traffic that is generated by using transit routers. If the office network and the data center reside in different regions, you are charged for traffic that is generated by using transit routers and the bandwidth that is consumed for cross-region connections. For more information about the billing of CEN, see Billing rules.