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Web Application Firewall:Burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go)

更新時間:Feb 29, 2024

The burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is suitable for scenarios in which traffic spikes occur, such as during promotional events. In these scenarios, peak service traffic may exceed the QPS supported by your WAF edition and the extended QPS that you purchased. If you enable the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature, you are charged based on the usage of excess QPS resources. The feature helps ensure service continuity and prevents your domain names from being added to a sandbox. Only subscription WAF instances support the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature. This topic describes how to enable the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature.


For more information, see The sandbox feature.


For scenarios in which traffic spikes occur, such as during promotional events, we recommend that you enable the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature to eliminate the need to upgrade or downgrade your WAF instance.

Billable items

  • Scenario 1: Peak QPS is less than or equal to the QPS supported by the current edition and you purchased extended QPS

    You are charged based on the subscription billing method. For more information, see Subscription billing overview.

  • Scenario 2: Peak QPS is greater than the QPS supported by the current edition and you purchased extended QPS. The burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is not enabled.

    You are charged based on the billing rules of the sandbox feature. For more information, see The sandbox feature.

  • Scenario 3: Peak QPS is greater than the QPS supported by the current edition and you purchased extended QPS. The burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is supported.

    You are charged for the usage of excess QPS resources based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.

    Excess QPS

    Billable item

    Billing cycle

    Billing rule (Unit: USD.)

    Less than or equal to the burstable QPS (the value that you specify for the Burstable QPS (Pay-as-you-go) parameter when you enable the feature)

    • The excess QPS

    • Request processing fee:

      • Basic traffic fee:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.02 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.03 per QPS-day

      • The bot management or API security module is enabled:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.035 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.045 per QPS-day

      • The bot management and API security modules are enabled:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.05 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.06 per QPS-day

    Fees are calculated on a daily basis (UTC+8). After the fees are calculated, a new billing cycle begins.

    Fee for the current day = (Peak QPS of the current day - Purchased QPS) × Request processing fee

    Greater than the burstable QPS and the instance is not added to a sandbox on the current day

    • Burstable QPS

    • Request processing fee:

      • Basic traffic fee:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.02 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.03 per QPS-day

      • The bot management or API security module is enabled:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.035 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.045 per QPS-day

      • The bot management and API security modules are enabled:

        • Chinese mainland: USD 0.05 per QPS-day

        • Outside the Chinese mainland: USD 0.06 per QPS-day

    Fee for the current day = Burstable QPS × Request processing fee


    If the peak service traffic exceeds the current QPS supported by your WAF instance for 5 minutes, a QPS excess event is recorded. If multiple QPS excess events occur on the same day, only one QPS excess event is recorded. When the number of recorded QPS excess events reaches four, your WAF instance is added to a sandbox.

    Greater than the burstable QPS and the instance that entered a sandbox on the current day is still in the sandbox

    You are charged based on the billing rules of the sandbox feature. The fee for the current day is 0.


Billing examples

For example, you purchased a subscription WAF instance of the Ultimate edition that provides a default QPS quota of 10,000 QPS. Then, you purchased an additional QPS quota of 50,000 QPS, and enabled the bot management module. If your peak service traffic is 64,000 QPS, the excess QPS resources are 4,000 QPS (64,000 - 10,000 - 50,000).

  • For example, you set the threshold of burstable (pay-as-you-go) to 5,000 QPS.

    In this case, the excess QPS usage does not exceed the burstable QPS. The request processing fee is USD 0.035 per QPS-day. The total fee is USD 140 (4,000 × 0.035).

  • For example, you set the threshold of burstable QPS to 1,250 QPS

    In this case, the excess QPS usage exceeds the burstable QPS. The request processing fee is USD 0.05 per QPS-day. The total fee is USD 43.75 (1,250 × 0.035).

    • In this scenario, a QPS excess event is recorded. If multiple QPS excess events occur on the same day, only one QPS excess event is recorded. If four QPS excess events are recorded, your WAF instance is added to a sandbox.

    • After the WAF instance is added to the sandbox, the service-level agreement (SLA) is no longer guaranteed and service access exceptions may occur. The service access exceptions include packet loss, rate limiting, limited connections, failed protection, log or report data exception, access timeout, traffic scrubbing triggered due to DDoS attacks, and blackhole filtering.

    • You can upgrade the QPS specifications to remove your WAF instance from the sandbox. For more information, see The sandbox feature.

Enable the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature

  1. Go to the WAF 3.0 buy page.

  2. Set the Billing Method parameter to Subscription and configure the Threshold of Burstable QPS (Pay-as-you-go) parameter.

    The valid values of the Threshold of Burstable QPS (Pay-as-you-go) parameter vary based on the edition of your WAF instance.


    Chinese mainland

    Outside the Chinese mainland


    The burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is not supported.

    The burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is not supported.


    Supports up to 60,000 QPS.

    Supports up to 1,000 QPS.


    Supports up to 60,000 QPS. If the specifications that are supported by your WAF edition do not meet your business requirements, contact your account manager or solution architect.

    Supports up to 1,000 QPS. If the specifications that are supported by your WAF edition do not meet your business requirements, contact your account manager or solution architect.



    If you set the Threshold of Burstable QPS (Pay-as-you-go) parameter to 0 QPS, the burstable QPS (pay-as-you-go) feature is disabled.

  3. Confirm the configurations, click Buy Now, and then complete the payment.

Manage bills

  1. Log on to the WAF 3.0 console. In the top navigation bar, select the resource group and the region in which the WAF instance is deployed. The region can be Chinese Mainland or Outside Chinese Mainland.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Systems > Bills.

    On the Bills page, you can view the type of burstable QPS, unit price for burstable QPS, peak QPS, current QPS, total fee, and status of your WAF instance.