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Web Application Firewall:DescribeInstanceSpecInfo

更新時間:May 28, 2024

Queries the specifications of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters


The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeInstanceSpecInfo.


The ID of the WAF instance whose specifications you want to query.

Note You can call the DescribeInstanceInfo operation to query the ID of the WAF instance.

The ID of the resource group to which the WAF instance belongs in Resource Management. By default, this parameter is empty, which specifies that the instance whose specifications you want to query belongs to the default resource group.

For more information about resource groups, see Create a resource group.

All Alibaba Cloud API requests must include common request parameters. For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.

For information about sample requests, see the "Examples" section of this topic.

Response parameters


The ID of the request.


The ID of the WAF instance.


The expiration time of the WAF instance. Unit: milliseconds.

Note If the WAF instance is a pay-as-you-go instance, this parameter indicates the time when the trial period ends.

The edition of the WAF instance. Valid values:

  • version_pro_china: a WAF Pro instance in the Chinese mainland

  • version_business_china: a WAF Business instance in the Chinese mainland

  • version_enterprise_china: a WAF Enterprise instance in the Chinese mainland

  • version_exclusive_china: a WAF Exclusive instance in the Chinese mainland

  • version_hybrid_cloud_standard_china: a Hybrid Cloud WAF instance in the Chinese mainland

  • version_pro: a WAF Pro instance outside the Chinese mainland

  • version_business: a WAF Business instance outside the Chinese mainland

  • version_enterprise: a WAF Enterprise instance outside the Chinese mainland

  • version_exclusive: a WAF Exclusive instance outside the Chinese mainland

  • version_hybrid_cloud_standard: a Hybrid Cloud WAF instance outside the Chinese mainland

The preceding list contains only the editions of WAF instances that belong to Alibaba Cloud accounts that are created on the Alibaba Cloud international site (

InstanceSpecInfosArray of InstanceSpecInfo

An array that consists of the specifications of the WAF instance. Each element in the array is a structure that contains the Code and Value fields. The Code field indicates the specification code, and the Value field indicates the specification value.


The specification code of the WAF instance. Valid values:

  • 100: indicates whether the WAF instance can protect HTTPS services.
  • 101: indicates the maximum queries per second (QPS).
  • 102: indicates the request rate that triggers HTTP flood protection.
  • 103: indicates the maximum number of domain names that the WAF instance can protect.
  • 104: indicates whether wildcard domain names are supported.
  • 105: indicates the maximum number of custom protection policies that can be configured.
  • 106: indicates the maximum number of back-to-origin IP addresses that can be configured.
  • 107: indicates whether the WAF instance can protect external servers.
  • 108: indicates whether the custom protection policy feature is supported.
  • 109: indicates whether non-standard ports are supported.
  • 110: indicates whether the scan protection feature is supported.
  • 111: indicates whether the data risk control feature is supported.
  • 112: indicates the maximum number of URLs that can be protected by the data risk control feature.
  • 113: indicates the maximum number of second-level domain names that can be added to the WAF instance.
  • 114: indicates the maximum bandwidth of normal traffic that can pass through the WAF instance.
  • 115: indicates the number of extra domain packages that you purchased.
  • 116: indicates whether the IP addresses of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances within different Alibaba Cloud accounts can be added as the IP addresses of origin servers.
  • 117: indicates whether the IP address of a Cloud Web Hosting instance can be added as the IP address of the origin server.
  • 118: indicates the maximum number of rules for data risk control that can be configured.
  • 119: indicates whether the semantic analysis engine is supported.
  • 12: indicates whether the traffic analysis feature is supported.
  • 120: indicates whether the Internet Content Provider (ICP) filing of a domain name is obtained.
  • 121: indicates whether HTTP flood protection rules can be configured.
  • 122: indicates the maximum number of HTTP flood protection rules that can be configured.
  • 123: indicates whether the region blacklist feature is supported.
  • 124: indicates whether the website tamper-proofing feature is supported.
  • 125: indicates the maximum number of custom website tamper-proofing rules that can be configured.
  • 126: indicates whether the log collection feature is supported.
  • 127: indicates the maximum number of non-standard ports that can be added to the WAF instance.
  • 128: indicates the HTTP ports that can be added to the WAF instance.
  • 129: indicates the HTTPS ports that can be added to the WAF instance.
  • 13: indicates whether the work mode of the HTTP flood protection feature can be changed.
  • 130: indicates whether the attacker profiling feature is supported.
  • 131: indicates whether the data leakage prevention feature is supported.
  • 132: indicates the maximum number of data leakage prevention rules that can be configured.
  • 133: indicates the condition fields that are supported by the custom protection policy and whitelist features.
  • 134: indicates the number of exclusive IP addresses that you purchased.
  • 135: indicates whether the data visualization feature is supported.
  • 136: indicates the maximum number of data dashboards that are supported.
  • 137: indicates whether the deep learning engine is supported.
  • 138: indicates whether the log search feature is supported.
  • 139: indicates the period during which logs can be stored.
  • 14: indicates whether the logs of HTTP flood attacks can be viewed.
  • 140: indicates the maximum storage capacity that can be used to store logs.
  • 141: indicates whether the alert settings feature is supported.
  • 142: indicates the maximum number of times that the log storage can be cleared.
  • 143: indicates whether custom rule groups are supported.
  • 144: indicates the maximum number of custom rule groups that can be configured.
  • 145: indicates whether the general gateway proxy that is developed by Alibaba Cloud is supported.
  • 146: indicates whether the general rule proxy that is developed by Alibaba Cloud is supported.
  • 147: indicates whether the security expert service is supported.
  • 148: indicates whether the free trial of the WAF instance is available.
  • 149: indicates whether the transparent proxy mode is supported.
  • 150: indicates whether IPv6 addresses can be configured for origin servers.
  • 151: indicates whether the positive security model is supported.
  • 152: indicates the maximum number of rules that can be generated for the positive security model.
  • 153: indicates whether the WAF instance can protect HTTP/2 services.
  • 154: indicates whether the website configuration feature is supported.
  • 155: indicates whether the asset discovery feature is supported.
  • 156: indicates whether specifications are provided for the staging environment.
  • 157: indicates whether exclusive clusters are supported.
  • 158: indicates the maximum number of ports that are supported by an exclusive cluster.
  • 159: indicates whether the account security feature is supported.
  • 160: indicates the maximum number of APIs that can be protected by the account security feature.
  • 162: indicates the maximum number of whitelist rules that can be created.
  • 163: indicates the maximum number of custom protection rules that can be configured.
  • 164: indicates the maximum number of IP address blacklist rules that can be configured.
  • 167: indicates whether scan protection is supported.
  • 168: indicates the number of protected domain names for which Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is enabled.
  • 169: indicates whether intelligent load balancing is supported.
  • 171: indicates whether the app protection feature is supported.
  • 172: indicates the maximum number of app protection rules that can be configured.
  • 173: indicates whether the typical bot behavior identification feature is supported.
  • 176: indicates whether the allowed crawlers feature is supported.
  • 177: indicates whether the bot threat intelligence feature is supported.
  • 181: indicates the maximum number of traffic redirection configuration items that are supported in transparent proxy mode. A configuration item consists of the IP address and ports of a specific cloud service instance.
  • 190: indicates whether HTTP flood protection is supported.
  • 191: indicates whether account security capabilities are provided.
  • 192: indicates whether the scan protection feature is supported.
  • 193: indicates whether custom Transparent Layer Security (TLS) security policies are supported.
  • 194: indicates whether the advanced settings for custom TLS security policies are supported.
  • 196: indicates whether the transparent proxy mode supports all ports.
  • 199: indicates whether the WAF instance can forward requests over IPv6.
  • 200: indicates whether scenario-specific bot mitigation configuration is supported.
  • 201: indicates the maximum number of bot mitigation scenarios that are supported.

The specification value of the WAF instance. Valid values: true, false and digits.

Note For example: If the value of the Code field is 103, the value of the Value field is 640. If the value of the Code field is 104, the value of the Value field is true.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "E906513E-F6B5-495E-98DC-7BA888671D76",
  "InstanceId" : "waf-cn-st2225l****",
  "ExpireTime" : 1677168000000,
  "Version" : "version_hybrid_cloud_standard",
  "InstanceSpecInfos" : [ {
    "Code" : "103",
    "Value" : "true"
  } ]

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.