Queries policy-based routes configured for a VPN gateway.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeVpnPbrRouteEntries | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeVpnPbrRouteEntries. |
RegionId | String | Yes | eu-central-1 | The ID of the region where the VPN gateway is created. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
VpnGatewayId | String | Yes | vpn-bp1a3kqjiiq9legfx**** | The ID of the VPN gateway. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 | The number of the returned page. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 | The number of entries per page. Maximum value: 50. Default value: 10. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
PageSize | Integer | 10 | The number of entries per page. |
RequestId | String | 5BE01CD7-5A50-472D-AC14-CA181C5C03BE | The request ID. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 | The number of the returned page. |
TotalCount | Integer | 1 | The number of entries returned. |
VpnPbrRouteEntries | Array of VpnPbrRouteEntry | The list of policy-based routes. |
VpnPbrRouteEntry | |||
NextHop | String | vco-bp15oes1py4i66rmd**** | The next hop of the policy-based route. |
Weight | Integer | 100 | The weight of the policy-based route. Valid values:
RouteDest | String | | The destination CIDR block of the policy-based route. |
State | String | published | The status of the policy-based route. Valid values:
CreateTime | Long | 1492747187000 | The timestamp generated when the policy-based route was created. Unit: milliseconds. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. |
VpnInstanceId | String | vpn-bp1a3kqjiiq9legfx**** | The ID of the VPN gateway. |
RouteSource | String | | The source CIDR block of the policy-based route. |
Priority | Integer | 10 | The priority of the policy-based route. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. |
NextHopTunnelId | String | tun-opsqc4d97wni2**** | The ID of the tunnel associated with the next hop of the policy-based route. This parameter is returned only if the VPN gateway supports the dual-tunnel mode. |
Sample requests
&Common request parameters
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"PageSize" : 10,
"RequestId" : "5BE01CD7-5A50-472D-AC14-CA181C5C03BE",
"PageNumber" : 1,
"TotalCount" : 1,
"VpnPbrRouteEntries" : [ {
"NextHop" : "vco-bp15oes1py4i66rmd****",
"Weight" : 100,
"RouteDest" : "",
"State" : "published",
"CreateTime" : 1492747187000,
"VpnInstanceId" : "vpn-bp1a3kqjiiq9legfx****",
"RouteSource" : "",
"Priority" : 10,
"NextHopTunnelId" : "tun-opsqc4d97wni2****"
} ]
Error codes
HttpCode | Error Code | Error message | Description |
403 | Forbbiden.SubUser | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource as your account is created by another user. | You are unauthorized to perform this operation on the specified resource. You can apply for the required permissions and try again. |
403 | Forbidden | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | You are unauthorized to perform this operation on the specified resource. Acquire the required permissions and try again. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.