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ApsaraVideo VOD:Manage storage buckets

更新時間:Aug 01, 2024

ApsaraVideo VOD allows you to store VOD resources in Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets without the need to activate OSS. You can also add existing OSS buckets to ApsaraVideo VOD. This frees you from data migration. This topic describes how to manage storage buckets.

Storage bucket types

ApsaraVideo VOD supports the VOD and OSS buckets. All features provided by ApsaraVideo VOD can be used on all media resources that are stored in VOD and OSS buckets. Examples of these features include media upload, transcoding (encryption included), snapshot capture, playback, and AI processing such as content moderation and media fingerprinting.

For more information about the differences between VOD buckets and OSS buckets, see Storage overview.

  • Media resources in ApsaraVideo VOD are region-bound. You cannot access media resources across multiple regions. For example, if you activate ApsaraVideo VOD within an Alibaba Cloud account in the China (Shanghai) region, you cannot process media files stored in the China (Beijing) region.

  • We recommend that you use your Alibaba Cloud account to store and manage media files. If you want to perform these operations as a RAM user, you must attach the AliyunVODFullAccess policy to the RAM user in advance. For more information, see Create and grant permissions to a RAM user.

Enable VOD buckets

After you activate ApsaraVideo VOD, you are assigned an independent VOD bucket in each region. You must enable the bucket before you can upload and manage media resources in a region. Other configurations are not required.

  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select the desired region.


  4. Find the VOD bucket that you want to enable and click Enable.

    Wait until the bucket is enabled. You can use the bucket only after the system returns the The bucket is enabled message and the status of the bucket is Normal.

Add user-created OSS buckets


When you add an OSS bucket to ApsaraVideo VOD, the system automatically configures cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for the bucket. The following content describes the default configurations:

  • Origin: *

  • Allow Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD

  • Allowed Headers: *

  • Exposed Headers: ETag and x-oss-request-id

You can modify the CORS configurations in the Object Storage Service (OSS). For more information, see CORS.

If you have a large number of media files stored in an OSS bucket and these media files cannot be migrated to a VOD bucket, you can add the OSS bucket to ApsaraVideo VOD. This way, you can perform transcoding, snapshot capture, and playback operations on these media files.

  • Existing resources: If the OSS bucket that you added to ApsaraVideo VOD contains existing media resources, you need to register these resources by calling the RegisterMedia operation. Then, you can use the transcoding, snapshot capture, and playback features provided by ApsaraVideo VOD.

  • New resources: You can directly use features such as transcoding, snapshot capture, and playback on the media resources after you upload the resources to an OSS bucket that is added to ApsaraVideo VOD. No additional configurations are required.


  • You cannot add OSS buckets in the China (Hong Kong) region. For more information about the regions in which you can add OSS buckets, see Regions.

  • You can add up to 10 user-created OSS buckets to each region.

  • You can add only OSS buckets whose storage class is Standard to ApsaraVideo VOD.



  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select the desired region.


  4. Click Add User-created Bucket and select an OSS bucket in your destination region.

  5. Click OK.


    Wait until the storage bucket is added. The bucket is added when the The bucket has been added. message appears and the status of the bucket changes to Normal.

Specify a default bucket

If multiple buckets are available in a region, you can set one as the default bucket. All media resources uploaded to ApsaraVideo VOD will be stored in the default bucket unless specified otherwise.

  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console and select the desired region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage.

  2. Find the bucket that you want to set as the default one and click Set as Default in the Actions column.

Manage buckets

In the ApsaraVideo VOD console, you can view buckets, modify permissions, and delete or set default origin domain names for buckets.

In the ApsaraVideo VOD console, select the desired region and choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage. On the Storage page, click Manage in the Actions column.

  • In the Basics section, view basic information about the bucket, such as the region and type.

  • In the Permissions section, click Modify to modify the read and write permissions on the bucket.

    • If you specify Public Read and Private Write for a bucket, the corresponding address is permanently valid but is exposed to hotlinking and illegal downloads. If you specify Private Read and Write for a bucket, the corresponding address is valid for 3,600 seconds by default. You can call the GetPlayInfo operation to modify the validity period of the address.

    • By default, Read-write permission is set to Private Read and Write for the VOD bucket. This ensures the security of your VOD resources. You can configure this parameter based on your business requirements.

    Buckets are provided by OSS. For more information, see What is OSS?

    The following table describes the values of the Read-write permission parameter.



    Private Read and Write

    Only the bucket owner and authorized RAM users can read, write, and delete the objects in the bucket. Other users cannot access the objects in the bucket without authorization.

    Public Read and Private Write

    Only the bucket owner and authorized RAM users can write and delete the objects in the bucket. Everyone (including anonymous users) can read the objects in the bucket.


    All users can access objects in the bucket over the Internet. This may result in data leaks and unexpectedly high costs. Exercise caution when you set Read-write permission to this value.

  • In the Origin Domain Name section, specify the default origin domain name.

    If multiple origin domain names point to the bucket, click Set as Default next to one of the domain names. Then, playback callbacks are sent to the default domain.

    For information about how to configure origin domain names, see Domain management.


Delete an OSS bucket


You cannot delete the VOD bucket.


  • All media files stored in the OSS bucket are deleted. For more information, see Delete media files.

  • The origin configuration that you set to specify the OSS bucket as the origin server is deleted. To modify the origin configuration, perform the following steps: Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > CDN Configuration > Domain Names. On the Domain Names page, find the domain name that you want to manage and click Configure in the Actions column. On the Basic Configuration tab that appears, click Modify in the Origin Information section.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select the desired region.

  4. On the Storage page, click Delete in the Actions column to delete buckets that you no longer require.

  5. Complete the security verification as prompted.

Release buckets

ApsaraVideo VOD supports the release of the VOD bucket with one click. This allows you to quickly delete resources stored in a specific region from ApsaraVideo VOD.

  • Resources cannot be restored after they are deleted. We recommend that you back up important resources.

  • You can release only the VOD bucket with one click.

  1. Submit an application in Quota Center to use the bucket release feature.


    If you are a RAM user, make sure that the RAM user is granted the management permissions (AliyunQuotasFullAccess) on Quota Center. For more information, see Authorize a RAM user.

    1. Log on to the Quota Center console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Products > Privileges.

    3. On the Products with Privileges page, select Media Service & CDN from the Category drop-down list.

    4. Click ApsaraVideo VOD to go to the Privileges page.

    5. Click Apply in the Use the release on-demand system storage function row.

    6. Configure the parameters in the Apply for Privileges dialog box. The following table describes the parameters.




      Quota Value

      • Valid: After the application is approved, the Release System Storage/View Release Progress button is displayed in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

      • Invalid: After the application is approved, the Release System Storage/View Release Progress button is hidden in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.



      If you set the Quota Value parameter to Valid, you must specify a start time and end time for the validity period.

      • If you do not specify a start time for the validity period, the default start time is the time when the application is submitted. If you do not specify an end time for the validity period, the default end time is 99 years after the start time.

      • The end time must be later than the start time.

      Valid From: 10:01:01, August 29, 2023

      Valid Until: -


      When you apply for privileges, provide as much information as possible.

      Apply for the resource release feature because ApsaraVideo VOD is no longer required.

      Notify Result

      • Yes (default): The application result notification is sent to you by text or email.

      • No: The application result notification is not sent to you by text or email. You can click Application Records in the Quota Center console to view the application results.


    7. Click OK.

      When the application status changes to Approved in the Application Records dialog box, the application whose Quota Value is Valid is approved.

  2. Release the VOD bucket in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

    • After a release task is submitted, the task automatically runs during 00:00 to 06:00. If you do not stop the task, the task continues to run and is complete when the resources are cleared from the bucket.

    • If the release task fails, the clearing of media resources is stopped. If you want to continue running the task, resubmit the release task in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

    1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage.

    3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select the desired region.

    4. Find the bucket that you want to release and choose menu按钮.png > Release System Storage/View Release Progress.

    5. Click Release.

    6. Complete the security verification as prompted and wait until the resources are cleared.