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ApsaraVideo VOD:AddTranscodeTemplateGroup

更新時間:Jul 19, 2024

Creates a transcoding template group or adds transcoding templates to a transcoding template group.

Operation description

  • You cannot perform custom operations on transcoding template groups that are locked in the ApsaraVideo VOD console. You can call the GetTranscodeTemplateGroup operation to query the information about a transcoding template group and check whether the transcoding template group is locked based on the value of the Locked parameter. You can call the UpdateTranscodeTemplateGroup operation to unlock a transcoding template group if it is locked. Then, you can perform custom operations on the transcoding template group.
  • An Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket is required to store files that are used for transcoding. You cannot create a transcoding template group if no bucket is available. To activate a bucket, perform the following operations: Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Media Management > Storage. On the Storage page, activate the bucket that is allocated by ApsaraVideo VOD.
  • You cannot add transcoding templates to the No Transcoding template group.
  • You can create a maximum of 20 transcoding template groups.
  • You can add a maximum of 20 transcoding templates to a transcoding template group.
  • If you want to generate a URL for adaptive bitrate streaming, you can add video packaging templates to a transcoding template group. You can add a maximum of 10 video packaging templates to a transcoding template group. If you add more than 10 video packaging templates, URLs of the video transcoded based on the video packaging templates are generated but the URL for adaptive bitrate streaming is not generated.

QPS limits

You can call this operation up to five times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The name of the transcoding template group.

  • The name can be up to 128 bytes in length.
  • The value must be encoded in UTF-8.
Note You must specify TranscodeTemplateGroupId or Name in the request.

The configurations of the transcoding template. The value is a string in JSON format. For more information about the data structure, see TranscodeTemplate .

  • If you do not specify this parameter, the transcoding job cannot be automatically created after you upload a video.
  • If you do not need to set Width or Height, do not specify the corresponding parameter. You cannot set the value to an empty string, such as "Height":"".
  • [{"Video":{"Bitrate":"400","Codec":"H.264","Fps":"30","Height":""},"Definition":"SD","Container":{"Format":"mp4"},"TemplateName":"testName","MuxConfig":{},"Audio":{"Codec":"AAC","Bitrate":"64","Samplerate":"44100"}}]

    The ID of the transcoding template group. If a transcoding template group ID is specified, you can add transcoding templates to the template group.

    Note You must specify TranscodeTemplateGroupId or Name in the request.

    The application ID. Default value: app-1000000. For more information, see Use the multi-application service.


    Response parameters


    The response parameters.


    The ID of the transcoding template group.


    The request ID.



    Sample success responses


      "TranscodeTemplateGroupId": "34e908aa4024af7821c31f93a2a****",
      "RequestId": "25818875-5F78-4AF6-D7393642CA58****"

    Error codes

    For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

    Common errors

    The following table describes the common errors that this operation can return.

    Error codeError messageHTTP status codeDescription
    InvalidStorage.NotFoundThe storage info dose not exist.404The error message returned because the storage path is not specified.
    InvalidTranscodeTemplateGroup.NotFoundThe transcode template group does not exist.404The error message returned because the specified transcoding template group does not exist.
    Forbidden.LockedTemplateGroupThe transcode template group has been locked.403The error message returned because the specified template group is locked and cannot be managed. To manage the template group, contact the ApsaraVideo VOD technical support.
    Forbidden.SpecialTemplateGroupThe transcode template group is using for special purpose.403The error message returned because the specified transcoding template group is used for a special purpose and you cannot add transcoding templates to the group. For example, the No Transcoding and Storage Only template groups are used for special purposes.
    TrasncodeTemplateGroupExceededMaxThe transcode template group size exceeded maximum.400The error message returned because the number of transcoding template groups exceeds the upper limit. You can create a maximum of 20 transcoding template groups.
    TranscodeTemplateExceededMaxThe template transcode template config size exceeded maximum.400The error message returned because the number of transcoding templates that are added to the specified transcoding template group exceeds the upper limit. You can add a maximum of 20 transcoding templates to a transcoding template group.
    WatermarkExceededMaxThe watermark size exceeded maximum.400The error message returned because the number of watermark IDs that are associated with a transcoding template in the transcoding template group exceeds the upper limit. You can associate a maximum of four watermark IDs with a transcoding template.