Queries the details of a transcoding template group based on the ID of the transcoding template group.

Note This operation returns the information about the specified transcoding template group and the configurations of all the transcoding templates in the group.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetTranscodeTemplateGroup

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetTranscodeTemplateGroup.

TranscodeTemplateGroupId String Yes a591f697c7167*****6ae1502142d0

The ID of the transcoding template group.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 6730AC93-7B12-4B*****7F-49EE1FE8BC49

The ID of the request.

TranscodeTemplateGroup Struct

The information about the transcoding template group.

AppId String app-****

The ID of the application.

CreationTime String 2018-12-12T10:20:51Z

The time when the template group was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

IsDefault String NotDefault

Indicates whether the template group is the default one. Valid values:

  • Default: The template group is the default one.
  • NotDefault: The template group is not the default one.
Locked String Enabled

Indicates whether the template group is locked. Valid values:

  • Disabled: The template group is not locked.
  • Enabled: The template group is locked.
ModifyTime String 2018-12-12T11:20:51Z

The time when the template group was modified. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Name String test

The name of the template group.

TranscodeTemplateGroupId String a59b11f697c716*****6ae1502142d0

The ID of the transcoding template group.

TranscodeTemplateList Array of TranscodeTemplate

The configurations of the transcoding templates.

Audio String {\"Codec\":\"AAC\",\"Remove\":\"false\",\"Bitrate\":\"44\",\"Samplerate\":\"32000\",\"Channels\":\"2\",\"Profile\":\"aac_low\"}

The transcoding configurations of the audio stream. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

Clip String {\"TimeSpan\":{\"Seek\":\"1\",\"Duration\":\"5\"}

The clipping configurations of the video. The value is a JSON-formatted string. For example, you can set this parameter if you want to extract 5 seconds of content from a video to generate a new video.

Container String "Format":"m3u8"

The format of the container used to encapsulate audio and video streams. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

Definition String SD

Valid values for the definition of a common transcoding template:

  • LD: low definition.
  • SD: standard definition.
  • HD: high definition.
  • FHD: ultra high definition.
  • OD: original quality.
  • 2K
  • 4K
  • SQ: standard sound quality.
  • HQ: high sound quality.

Valid values for the definition of a Narrowband HD™ 1.0 transcoding template:

  • LD-NBV1: low definition.
  • SD-NBV1: standard definition.
  • HD-NBV1: high definition.
  • FHD-NBV1: ultra high definition.
  • 2K-NBV1
  • 4K-NBV1
  • You cannot modify the definition of transcoding templates.
  • You cannot modify the system parameters, such as the video resolution, audio resolution, and bitrate, of Narrowband HD™ 1.0 transcoding templates.
  • You can create only Narrowband HD™ 1.0 transcoding templates that support the FLV, M3U8 (HLS), and MP4 output formats.
EncryptSetting String "EncryptType":"Private"

The encryption configuration used for transcoding.

MuxConfig String "Segment": { "Duration":"6" }

The transcoding segment configurations. This parameter must be returned if HTTP-Live-Streaming (HLS) encryption is used. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

PackageSetting String "PackageType":"HLSPackage","PackageConfig":{ "BandWidth":"900000" }

The packaging configurations. Only HLS packaging and DASH packaging are supported. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

Rotate String 90

The video rotation identifier. It is used to control the image rotation angle. For example, if you set this parameter to 180, the video image is turned upside down. Valid values: 0 to 360.

SubtitleList String [{"SubtitleUrl":"http://outin-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/subtitles/c737fece-14f1-4364-b107-d5f7f8edde0e.ass","CharEncode":"utf-8"}]

The subtitle configurations. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

TemplateName String test

The name of the transcoding template.

TransConfig String {"IsCheckReso":"true","IsCheckResoFail":"false","IsCheckVideoBitrate":"false","IsCheckVideoBitrateFail":"false","IsCheckAudioBitrate":"false","IsCheckAudioBitrateFail":"false"}

The conditional transcoding configurations. This parameter can be used if you want to determine the basic logic based on the bitrate and resolution of the mezzanine file before the video is transcoded. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

TranscodeFileRegular String {MediaId}/transcoce_1

The custom output path of transcoded files.

TranscodeTemplateId String 696d29a11erc057*****a3acc398d02f4

The ID of the transcoding template.

Type String Normal

The type of the template. Valid values:

  • Normal: a common transcoding template. This is the default value. The PackageSetting parameter cannot be set for this type of template.
  • VideoPackage: a video stream package template. If this type of template is used, ApsaraVideo VOD transcodes a video into video streams in different bitrates and packages these video streams with a file. The PackageSetting parameter must be set for this type of template.
  • SubtitlePackage: a subtitle package template. If this type of template is used, ApsaraVideo VOD adds the subtitle information to the output file generated by packaging the multi-bitrate video streams of the corresponding video. You must set the PackageSetting parameter for a subtitle package template and associate the subtitle package template with a video stream package template. A template group can contain only one subtitle package template.
Video String {"Codec":"H.264","Bitrate":"900","Width":"960","Remove":"false","Fps":"30"}

The transcoding configurations of the video stream. The value is a JSON-formatted string.

WatermarkIds List "USER_DEFAULT_WATERMARK","ddddddddd"

The ID of the associated watermark.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

              <PackageSetting>"PackageType":"HLSPackage","PackageConfig":{   "BandWidth":"900000"  }</PackageSetting>
              <MuxConfig>"Segment": { "Duration":"6" }</MuxConfig>

JSON format

    "RequestId": "6730AC93-7B12-4B*****7F-49EE1FE8BC49",
    "TranscodeTemplateGroup": {
        "IsDefault": "NotDefault",
        "Locked": "Enabled",
        "ModifyTime": "2018-12-12T11:20:51Z",
        "AppId": "app-****",
        "TranscodeTemplateGroupId": "a59b11f697c716*****6ae1502142d0",
        "TranscodeMode": "FastTranscode",
        "TranscodeTemplateList": [{
            "TailSlateList": "[{\"TailUrl\":\"http://outin-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/tailslates/b6e9ceed-b665-426f-9d9a-277f0f****.mov\"}]",
            "PackageSetting": "\"PackageType\":\"HLSPackage\",\"PackageConfig\":{   \"BandWidth\":\"900000\"  }",
            "Rotate": "90",
            "UserData": "{}",
            "Definition": "SD",
            "TranscodeFileRegular": "{MediaId}/transcoce_1",
            "EncryptSetting": "\"EncryptType\":\"Private\"",
            "Clip": "{\\\"TimeSpan\\\":{\\\"Seek\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"Duration\\\":\\\"5\\\"}",
            "Type": "Normal",
            "Container": "\"Format\":\"m3u8\"",
            "TranscodeTemplateId": "696d29a11erc057*****a3acc398d02f4",
            "TransConfig": "{\"IsCheckReso\":\"true\",\"IsCheckResoFail\":\"false\",\"IsCheckVideoBitrate\":\"false\",\"IsCheckVideoBitrateFail\":\"false\",\"IsCheckAudioBitrate\":\"false\",\"IsCheckAudioBitrateFail\":\"false\"}",
            "Video": "{\"Codec\":\"H.264\",\"Bitrate\":\"900\",\"Width\":\"960\",\"Remove\":\"false\",\"Fps\":\"30\"}",
            "TemplateName": "test",
            "SubtitleList": "[{\"SubtitleUrl\":\"http://outin-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/subtitles/c737fece-14f1-4364-b107-d5f7f8edde0e.ass\",\"CharEncode\":\"utf-8\"}]",
            "Audio": "{\\\"Codec\\\":\\\"AAC\\\",\\\"Remove\\\":\\\"false\\\",\\\"Bitrate\\\":\\\"44\\\",\\\"Samplerate\\\":\\\"32000\\\",\\\"Channels\\\":\\\"2\\\",\\\"Profile\\\":\\\"aac_low\\\"}",
            "MuxConfig": "\"Segment\": { \"Duration\":\"6\" }",
            "OpeningList": "[{\"OpenUrl\":\"http://outin-test.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/tailslates/b6e9ceed-b665-426f-9d9a-277f0f****.mov\"}]"
        }, {
            "WatermarkIds": "\"USER_DEFAULT_WATERMARK\",\"ddddddddd\""
        "CreationTime": "2018-12-12T10:20:51Z",
        "Name": "test"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.

Common errors

The following table describes the common errors that this operation can return.

Error code

Error message

HTTP status code



The transcode template group does not exist.


The error message returned because the specified transcoding template group does not exist.

SDK examples

We recommend that you use server SDKs to call this operation. You can view the sample code of different languages to call this operation by clicking the following links: