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Certificate Management Service:DescribeCertificateState

更新時間:Jul 31, 2024

Queries the status of a specified certificate application order.

Operation description

If you do not complete the verification of the domain name ownership after you submit a certificate application, you can call this operation to obtain the information that is required to complete the verification. You can complete the verification of the domain name ownership based on the data returned. If you use the DNS verification method, you must complete the verification on the management platform of the domain name. If you use the file verification method, you must complete the verification on the DNS server.

The certificate authority (CA) reviews your certificate application only after you complete the verification of the domain name ownership. After the CA approves your certificate application, the CA issues the certificate. If a certificate is issued, you can call this operation to obtain the CA certificate and private key of the certificate.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the certificate application order that you want to query.

Note You can call the ListUserCertificateOrder operation to obtain the ID.

Response parameters


The status of the certificate application order. Valid values:

  • domain_verify: pending review, which indicates that you have not completed the verification of the domain name ownership after you submit the certificate application.

    Note After you submit a certificate application, you must manually complete the verification of the domain name ownership. The CA reviews the certificate application only after the verification is complete. If you have not completed the verification of the domain name ownership, you can complete the verification based on the data returned by this operation.
  • process: being reviewed, which indicates that the certificate application is being reviewed by the CA.

  • verify_fail: review failed, which indicates that the certificate application failed to be reviewed.

    Note If a certificate application fails to be reviewed, the information that you specified in the certificate application may be incorrect. We recommend that you call the DeleteCertificateRequest operation to delete the certificate application order and resubmit a certificate application. After the order is deleted, the quota that is consumed for the order is released.
  • certificate: issued, which indicates that the certificate is issued.

  • payed: pending application, which indicates that you have not submitted a certificate application.

  • unknow: The status is unknown.


The domain name to be verified when you use the file verification method. You must connect to the DNS server of the domain name and create a file on the server. The file is specified by the Uri parameter.

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is FILE. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete, and the value FILE indicates that the file verification method is used.

The type of the DNS record that you need to add when you use the DNS verification method. Valid values:

  • TXT
Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is DNS. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete.

The content of the certificate in the PEM format. For more information about the PEM format and how to convert certificate formats, see What formats are used for mainstream digital certificates?

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is certificate. The value certificate indicates that the certificate is issued.

The ID of the request.


The DNS record that you need to manage when you use the DNS verification method.

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is DNS. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete, and the value DNS indicates that the DNS verification method is used.

The private key of the certificate in the PEM format. For more information about the PEM format and how to convert certificate formats, see What formats are used for mainstream digital certificates?

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is certificate. The value certificate indicates that the certificate is issued.

The verification method of the domain name ownership. Valid values:

  • DNS: DNS verification. If you use this method, you must add a TXT record to the DNS records of the domain name in the management platform of the domain name.
  • FILE: file verification. If you use this method, you must create a specified file on the DNS server.
Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete.

You need to add a TXT record to the DNS records only when you use the DNS verification method.

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is DNS. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete, and the value DNS indicates that the DNS verification method is used.

The content that you need to write to the newly created file when you use the file verification method.

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is FILE. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete, and the value FILE indicates that the file verification method is used.

The file that you need to create on the DNS server when you use the file verification method. The value of this parameter contains the file path and file name.

Note This parameter is returned only when the value of the Type parameter is domain_verify and the value of the ValidateType parameter is FILE. The value domain_verify indicates that the verification of the domain name ownership is not complete, and the value FILE indicates that the file verification method is used.


Sample success responses


  "Type": "domain_verify",
  "Domain": "",
  "RecordType": "TXT",
  "Certificate": "——BEGIN CERTIFICATE—— …… ——END CERTIFICATE——",
  "RequestId": "082FAB35-6AB9-4FD5-8750-D36673548E76",
  "RecordDomain": "_dnsauth",
  "ValidateType": "FILE",
  "RecordValue": "20200420000000223erigacv46uhaubchcm0o7spxi7i2isvjq59mlx9lucnkqcy",
  "Content": "",
  "Uri": "/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.