Queries the tags that are attached to one or more Server Migration Center (SMC) resources. SMC resources consist of migration sources and migration tasks.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | ListTagResources | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListTagResources. |
ResourceType | String | Yes | sourceserver | The type of the SMC resource. Valid values:
NextToken | String | No | caeba0bbb2be03f84eb48b699f0a4883 | The token that is required for the next query. |
ResourceId.N | String | No | s-bp1e2fsl57knvuug**** | The ID of the SMC resource. SMC resources consist of migration sources and migration tasks. |
Tag.N.Key | String | No | TestKey | The key of tag N. The key must be 1 to 64 characters in length. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. Tag.N is used for exact match of SMC resources to which the tag is attached. Tag N consists of a key-value pair.
Tag.N.Value | String | No | TestValue | The value of tag N. The value must be 1 to 64 characters in length. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
NextToken | String | caeba0bbb2be03f84eb48b699f0a4883 | The token that is required for the next query. If a null value is returned for this parameter, no more tags can be queried. |
RequestId | String | 17743161-66F3-4E7F-B8AE-845FB28B928F | The ID of the request. |
TagResources | Array of TagResource | The returned information about the SMC resources and tags. The information includes the ID, type, and tag key-value pairs of the resources. |
TagResource | |||
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::SMC::SOURCESERVER | The type of the resource. |
TagValue | String | TestValue | The tag value of the resource. |
ResourceId | String | s-bp1e2fsl57knvuug**** | The ID of the resource. |
TagKey | String | TestKey | The tag key of the resource. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"NextToken" : "caeba0bbb2be03f84eb48b699f0a4883",
"RequestId" : "17743161-66F3-4E7F-B8AE-845FB28B928F",
"TagResources" : [ {
"TagValue" : "TestValue",
"ResourceId" : "s-bp1e2fsl57knvuug****",
"TagKey" : "TestKey"
} ]
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | NumberExceed.Tags | The maximum number of the Tag parameters cannot exceed 20. | The error message returned because the number of specified tags exceeds the upper limit of 20. |
400 | MissingParameter.ResourceType | You must specify ResourceType. | The error message returned because the resource type is not specified. |
400 | InvalidResourceType.NotFound | The specified ResourceType does not exist. | The error message returned because the resource type does not exist. |
400 | NumberExceed.ResourceIds | The maximum number of ResourceId parameters cannot exceed 50. | The error message returned because the number of specified resource IDs exceeds the upper limit of 50. |
400 | Duplicate.ResourceId | The ResourceId contains duplicate values. | The error message returned because duplicate resource IDs are specified. |
400 | InvalidResourceId.NotFound | The specified ResourceIds do not exist. | The error message returned because the specified resource does not exist. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.