Queries the details of one or more migration tasks.

Usage notes

  • You can set multiple request parameters to filter query results. Specified parameters have logical AND relations. Parameters without assigned values are not used as filtering conditions.
  • Server Migration Center (SMC) allows you to migrate source servers to Docker container images. You can use SMC to migrate containerized applications in a cost-effective way. For more information, see Terms.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String No DescribeReplicationJobs

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeReplicationJobs.

Name String No testMigrationTaskName

The name of the migration task.

RegionId String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud region to which you want to migrate the source server.

For example, if you want to migrate a source server to the China (Hangzhou) region, set this parameter to cn-hangzhou. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to obtain the latest regions.

Status String No Ready

The status of the migration task. Valid values:

  • Ready: The migration task is not started.
  • Running: The migration task is running.
  • Stopped: The migration task is paused.
  • InError: An error occurs in the migration task.
  • Finished: The migration task is complete.
  • Waiting: The migration task is waiting to run.
  • Expired: The migration task has expired.
  • Deleting: The migration task is being deleted.
BusinessStatus String No Preparing

The business status of the migration task. Valid values:

  • Preparing: The migration is being prepared.
  • Syncing: Data is being synchronized.
  • Processing: The migration is in progress.
  • Cleaning: Intermediate resources are being released.
PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. Pages start from page 1.

Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries to return on each page. The value cannot exceed 50.

Default value: 10.

SourceId.N String No s-bp1bjhkwk2j5hlbn****

The IDs of the source servers. Maximum value of N: 50.

JobId.N String No j-bp1h3d33mekxwu0n****

The IDs of the migration tasks. Maximum value of N: 50.

JobType Integer No 0

The type of the migration task. Valid values:

  • 0: server migration.
  • 1: operating system migration.
  • 2: cross-zone migration
  • 3: agentless migration for a VMware VM
InstanceId.N String No i-bp1f1dvfto1sigz5****

The ID of the destination ECS instance.

ResourceGroupId String No rg-acfmw3ty5y7****

The ID of the resource group.

Tag.N.Key String No TestKey

The key of the tag N that is added to the SMC resource. Valid values of N: 1 to 20.

The tag key can be an empty string. It can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://.

Tag.N.Value String No TestValue

The value of tag N that is added to the SMC resource. Valid values of N: 1 to 20.

The tag value can be an empty string. It can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
TotalCount Integer 5

The total number of migration tasks returned.

ReplicationJobs Array of ReplicationJob

The details of migration tasks.

Frequency Integer 15

The interval at which the incremental migration task runs. Unit: hours. Valid values: 1 to 168.

VpcId String vpc-bp1vwnn14rqpyiczj****

The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) for which an Express Connect circuit or a VPN gateway is configured.

CreationTime String 2014-07-24T13:00:52Z

The time when the migration task was created.

Status String Running

The status of the migration task. Valid values:

  • Ready: The migration task is not started.
  • Running: The migration task is running.
  • Stopped: The migration task is paused.
  • InError: An error occurs in the migration task.
  • Finished: The migration task is complete.
  • Waiting: The migration task is waiting to run.
  • Expired: The migration task has expired.
  • Deleting: The migration task is being deleted.
ScheduledStartTime String 2019-06-04T13:35:00Z

The time when the migration task is scheduled to run. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC. The time must meet the following requirements:

  • The value must indicate a point in time within 30 days after the current time.
  • If you do not set this parameter, you must manually start the migration task after the task is created. You can call the StartReplicationJob operation to start the migration task.
MaxNumberOfImageToKeep Integer 8

The maximum number of images retained for the incremental migration task. Valid values: 1 to 10.

ContainerNamespace String testNamespace

The namespace of the Docker container image.

DataDisks Array of DataDisk

The data disks on the destination Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

Index Integer 1

The index number of the data disk.

Size Integer 40

The size of the data disk. Unit: GiB.

Parts Array of Part

The information about data disk partitions.

SizeBytes Long 21474836480

The size of the data disk partition. Unit: bytes.

Block Boolean true

Indicates whether block replication is enabled for the data disk partition.

Device String 0_1

The device ID of the data disk partition.

StatusInfo String statusinfo

The status information about the migration task.

InstanceRamRole String SMCAdmin

The name of the RAM role that is assigned to the instance.

SystemDiskSize Integer 40

The size of the system disk of the destination ECS instance.

Description String This is my migration task.

The description of the migration task.

ReplicationParameters String BandWidthLimit:0

The string of key-value pairs configured for the replication driver.

ErrorCode String InternalError

The error code returned if an error occurred in the migration task.

ValidTime String 2019-06-08T14:40:52Z

The time when the migration task expired. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note The time is eight hours earlier than that displayed in the SMC console.
NetMode Integer 0

The type of network used for the migration.

ContainerTag String CentOS:v1

The tag of the Docker container image.

LicenseType String BYOL

The type of license for the migration task. Valid values:

  • An empty value indicates no license.
  • A value of BYOL indicates Bring Your Own License (BYOL).
Name String testMigrationTaskName

The name of the migration task.

ImageId String m-o6w3gy99qf89rkga****

The ID of the destination image.

Progress Float 100

The progress of the migration task.

RunOnce Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental migration is disabled for the source server. Valid values:

  • true: Incremental migration is disabled. A migration task runs only once after the task is created.
  • false: Incremental migration is enabled. For an incremental migration task, SMC synchronizes incremental data to Alibaba Cloud at the interval specified by the Frequency parameter.
LaunchTemplateId String lt-launchtemplateid

The ID of the launch template.

ContainerRepository String testRepository

The repository that stores the Docker container image.

InstanceId String i-bp1ff25rzvnul6kr****

The ID of the destination ECS instance.

SystemDiskParts Array of SystemDiskPart

The information about system disk partitions.

SizeBytes Long 254803968

The size of the system disk partition. Unit: bytes.

Block Boolean true

Indicates whether block replication is enabled for the system disk partition.

Device String 0_1

The device ID of the system disk partition.

InstanceType String ecs.sn1ne.large

The instance type of the intermediate instance.

SourceId String s-bp1e2fsl57knvuug****

The ID of the migration source.

LaunchTemplateVersion String 1

The one or more versions of the launch template.

RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud region to which the source server is migrated.

TransitionInstanceId String i-bp1ff25rzvnul6kr****

The ID of the intermediate instance.

EndTime String 2019-06-04T16:00:52Z

The time when the migration task was complete. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note The time is eight hours earlier than that displayed in the SMC console.
StartTime String 2019-06-04T14:40:52Z

The time when the migration task was started. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note The time is eight hours earlier than that displayed in the SMC console.
VSwitchId String vsw-bp1ddbrxdlrcbim46****

The ID of the vSwitch in the specified VPC.

JobId String j-bp19vlwm0tyigbmj****

The ID of the migration task.

ImageName String testAliCloudImageName

The name of the destination image.

BusinessStatus String Preparing

The business status of the migration task. Valid values:

  • Preparing: The migration is being prepared.
  • Syncing: Data is being synchronized.
  • Processing: The migration is in progress.
  • Cleaning: Intermediate resources are being released.
ReplicationJobRuns Array of ReplicationJobRun

The execution records of the migration task.

EndTime String 2019-10-04T13:35:00Z

The time when the migration task ended. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note The time is eight hours earlier than that displayed in the SMC console.
Type String Schedule

The method used to run the migration task. Valid values:

  • Manual: The migration task was manually started.
  • Schedule: The migration task was started at a scheduled time or at a specific interval.
StartTime String 2019-10-01T13:35:00Z

The time when the migration task was started. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note The time is eight hours earlier than that displayed in the SMC console.
ImageId String m-o6w3gy99qf89rkga****

The ID of the destination image.

TargetType String Image

The type of destination to which the source server is migrated. Valid values:

  • Image: After the migration task is complete, SMC generates an ECS image for the source server.
  • ContainerImage: After the migration task is complete, SMC generates a Docker container image for the source server.
  • TargetInstance: After the migration task is complete, SMC migrates the source server to the destination instance. If you set this parameter to TargetInstance, you must set the InstanceId parameter.
JobType Integer 0

The type of the migration task. Valid values:

  • 0: server migration.
  • 1: operating system migration.
  • 2: cross-zone migration
  • 3: agentless migration for a VMware VM
ResourceGroupId String rg-acfmw3ty5y7****

The ID of the resource group.

Tags Array of Tag

The information about tags that are attached to the SMC resource.

Key String TestKey

The key of the tag N that is added to the SMC resource. Valid values of N: 1 to 20.

The tag key can be an empty string. It can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://.

Value String TestValue

The value of tag N that is added to the SMC resource. Valid values of N: 1 to 20.

The tag value can be an empty string. It can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries returned on each page.

RequestId String 6E1187E8-843A-4850-B97E-2F17F00D48F7

The ID of the request.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.


Sample requests

&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        <Description>This is my migration task.</Description>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "TotalCount" : 5,
  "ReplicationJobs" : [ {
    "Frequency" : 15,
    "VpcId" : "vpc-bp1vwnn14rqpyiczj****",
    "CreationTime" : "2014-07-24T13:00:52Z",
    "Status" : "Running",
    "ScheduledStartTime" : "2019-06-04T13:35:00Z",
    "MaxNumberOfImageToKeep" : 8,
    "ContainerNamespace" : "testNamespace",
    "DataDisks" : [ {
      "Index" : 1,
      "Size" : 40,
      "Parts" : [ {
        "SizeBytes" : 21474836480,
        "Block" : true,
        "Device" : "0_1"
      } ]
    } ],
    "StatusInfo" : "statusinfo",
    "InstanceRamRole" : "SMCAdmin",
    "SystemDiskSize" : 40,
    "Description" : "This is my migration task.",
    "ReplicationParameters" : "BandWidthLimit:0",
    "ErrorCode" : "InternalError",
    "ValidTime" : "2019-06-08T14:40:52Z",
    "NetMode" : 0,
    "ContainerTag" : "CentOS:v1",
    "LicenseType" : "BYOL",
    "Name" : "testMigrationTaskName",
    "ImageId" : "m-o6w3gy99qf89rkga****",
    "Progress" : 100,
    "RunOnce" : true,
    "LaunchTemplateId" : "lt-launchtemplateid",
    "ContainerRepository" : "testRepository",
    "InstanceId" : "i-bp1ff25rzvnul6kr****",
    "SystemDiskParts" : [ {
      "SizeBytes" : 254803968,
      "Block" : true,
      "Device" : "0_1"
    } ],
    "InstanceType" : "ecs.sn1ne.large",
    "SourceId" : "s-bp1e2fsl57knvuug****",
    "LaunchTemplateVersion" : "1",
    "RegionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
    "TransitionInstanceId" : "i-bp1ff25rzvnul6kr****",
    "EndTime" : "2019-06-04T16:00:52Z",
    "StartTime" : "2019-06-04T14:40:52Z",
    "VSwitchId" : "vsw-bp1ddbrxdlrcbim46****",
    "JobId" : "j-bp19vlwm0tyigbmj****",
    "ImageName" : "testAliCloudImageName",
    "BusinessStatus" : "Preparing",
    "ReplicationJobRuns" : [ {
      "EndTime" : "2019-10-04T13:35:00Z",
      "Type" : "Schedule",
      "StartTime" : "2019-10-01T13:35:00Z",
      "ImageId" : "m-o6w3gy99qf89rkga****"
    } ],
    "TargetType" : "Image",
    "JobType" : 0,
    "ResourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmw3ty5y7****",
    "Tags" : [ {
      "Key" : "TestKey",
      "Value" : "TestValue"
    } ]
  } ],
  "PageSize" : 10,
  "RequestId" : "6E1187E8-843A-4850-B97E-2F17F00D48F7",
  "PageNumber" : 1

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
403 Forbidden.Unauthorized A required authorization for the specified action is not supplied. The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform operations on the specified resource.
500 InternalError An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again. If the problem still exists, please submit a ticket. The error message returned because an internal error had occurred. Try again later. If the error persists, submit a ticket.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.