Queries details about one or more simple application servers in a specified region.


You can call this operation to query the details of one or more simple application servers in a specified region, including the names, public IP addresses, internal IP addresses, creation time, and expiration time of the servers.

QPS limits

The queries per second (QPS) limit for a single user for the API operation is 10 calls per minute. If the number of calls to the API operation per minute exceeds the limit, throttling is triggered. As a result, your business may be affected. We recommend that you take note of the limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limit.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the simple application servers.

InstanceIds String No ["2ad1ae67295445f598017499dc****", "2ad1ae67295445f598017123dc****"]

The IDs of the simple application servers. The value can be a JSON array that consists of up to 100 simple application server IDs. Separate the server IDs with commas (,).

Note If you specify both InstanceIds and PublicIpAddresses, make sure that each specified ID and its corresponding public IP address belong to the same simple application server. Otherwise, an empty result is returned.
ChargeType String No PrePaid

The billing method of the simple application server. Set the value to PrePaid, which indicates the subscription billing method. Only the subscription billing method is supported.

Default value: PrePaid.

PublicIpAddresses String No ["42.1.**.**", "42.2.**.**"]

The public IP addresses of the simple application servers. The value can be a JSON array that consists of up to 100 IP addresses. Separate the IP addresses with commas (,).

Note If you specify both InstanceIds and PublicIpAddresses, make sure that each specified ID and its corresponding public IP address belong to the same simple application server. Otherwise, an empty result is returned.
PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return.

Default value: 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries to return on each page. Maximum value: 100.

Default value: 10.

Action String Yes ListInstances

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListInstances.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Instances Array of Instance

Details about the simple application servers.

Status String Running

The status of the simple application server. Valid values:

  • Pending
  • Starting
  • Running
  • Stopping
  • Stopped
  • Resetting
  • Upgrading
  • Disabled
CreationTime String 2021-03-08T05:31:06Z

The time when the simple application server was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

InnerIpAddress String 172.26.XX.XX

The internal IP address of the simple application server.

ChargeType String PrePaid

The billing method of the simple application server.

InstanceId String 2ad1ae67295445f598017499dc****

The ID of the simple application server.

PlanId String swas.s2.c2m2s50b4t08

The ID of the plan.

PublicIpAddress String 42.1.XX.XX

The public IP address.

RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the simple application servers.

ExpiredTime String 2021-05-08T16:00:00Z

The time when the simple application server expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

InstanceName String test-InstanceName

The name of the simple application server.

BusinessStatus String Normal

The status of the simple application server. Valid values:

  • Normal
  • Expired
  • Overdue
DdosStatus String Normal

The DDoS protection status. Valid values:

  • Normal: Normal
  • BlackHole: Blackholing
  • Defense: Cleaning
ImageId String fe9c66133a9d4688872869726b52****

The ID of the image.

TotalCount Integer 1

The total number of simple application servers returned.

RequestId String 20758A-585D-4A41-A9B2-28DA8F4F****

The ID of the request.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries returned per page.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.


Sample requests

&InstanceIds=["2ad1ae67295445f598017499dc****", "2ad1ae67295445f598017123dc****"]
&PublicIpAddresses=["42.1.**.**", "42.2.**.**"]
&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Instances" : [ {
    "Status" : "Running",
    "CreationTime" : "2021-03-08T05:31:06Z",
    "InnerIpAddress" : "172.26.XX.XX",
    "ChargeType" : "PrePaid",
    "InstanceId" : "2ad1ae67295445f598017499dc****",
    "PlanId" : "swas.s2.c2m2s50b4t08",
    "PublicIpAddress" : "42.1.XX.XX",
    "RegionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
    "ExpiredTime" : "2021-05-08T16:00:00Z",
    "InstanceName" : "test-InstanceName",
    "BusinessStatus" : "Normal",
    "DdosStatus" : "Normal",
    "ImageId" : "fe9c66133a9d4688872869726b52****"
  } ],
  "TotalCount" : 1,
  "RequestId" : "20758A-585D-4A41-A9B2-28DA8F4F****",
  "PageSize" : 10,
  "PageNumber" : 1

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidChargeType.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter ChargeType is invalid. The error message returned because the specified ChargeType parameter is invalid.
400 InvalidPublicIpAddresses.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter PublicIpAddresses is invalid. The error message returned because the specified PublicIpAddresses parameter is invalid.
404 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The specified InstanceId does not exist. The error message returned because the specified InstanceIds parameter is invalid.
500 InternalError An error occurred while processing your request. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a ticket.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.