Modifies the configuration of a Smart Access Gateway (SAG) instance.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
SmartAGId | String | Yes | sag-0ovhf732a9j0****** | The ID of the SAG instance. |
Name | String | No | SAG | The name of the SAG instance. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter. |
Description | String | No | SAG instance description | The description of the SAG instance. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. The description must start with a letter but cannot start with |
CidrBlock | String | No | | The CIDR blocks of terminals in the private network. Make sure that the CIDR blocks do not overlap with each other. If the LAN ports of the terminals use dynamic routing, the IP addresses within the first private CIDR block are allocated to the terminals that have Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) enabled. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou | The ID of the region where the SAG instance is deployed. |
Action | String | Yes | ModifySmartAccessGateway | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ModifySmartAccessGateway. |
SecurityLockThreshold | Integer | No | 3 | The time during which the disconnected SAG instance remains locked. Valid values: an integer that is greater than or equal to 0. Unit: seconds. |
RoutingStrategy | String | No | static | The policy that is used to advertise routes to Alibaba Cloud. Valid values:
Position | String | No | [ { "adcode":"", "label":"No. xx, xx Street, xx District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang", "value":"B0FFGxxxx", "center":"120.190xxxx, 30.182xxxx", "_new":"true" } ] | The location where the SAG instance is deployed. |
EnableSoftwareConnectionAudit | Boolean | No. | true | Specifies whether to audit the network connection logs of the SAS app instance.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | CE6642D4-21EB-4168-9BF9-F217953F9892 | The ID of the request. |
Sample requests
&Description=SAG description
[ { "adcode":"", "label":"No. xx, xx Street, xx District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang", "value":"B0FFGxxxx", "center":"120.190xxxx, 30.182xxxx", "_new":"true" } ]
&Common request parameters
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "CE6642D4-21EB-4168-9BF9-F217953F9892"
Error codes
HttpCode | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | SAG.IpCountTooLittle | The number of available IP addresses of the CIDR block is fewer than the number of SslConnectionSpec. | The error message returned because the number of available IP addresses in the specified CIDR block is fewer than the number of connections. |
400 | SAG.SslConnectionSpecInvalid | The number of SslConnectionSpec is invalid. | The error message returned because the specified number of connections is invalid. |
400 | SAG.CcnCidrNoConfig | You must configure the CIDR block of CCN. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the associated Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instance is not specified. |
400 | SAG.CidrEmpty | You must specify the CIDR blocks of SAG. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the SAG instance is not specified. |
400 | SAG.ConflictCidr.CcnSnatCidr | The SAG CIDR block is in conflict with the CCN CIDR block. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the SAG instance overlaps with that of the CCN instance. |
400 | SAG.ConflictSnatIp | The specified SNAT IP address is invalid. | The error message returned because the IP address specified in the source network address translation (SNAT) entry conflicts with another one. |
400 | SAG.InstanceIdEmpty | You must specify the SAG instance ID. | The error message returned because the ID of the SAG app instance is not specified. |
400 | SAG.InstanceNoFound | The specified SAG instance does not exist. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance does not exist. |
400 | SAG.InvalidCidr | The specified CIDR block is invalid. | The error message returned because the specified CIDR block of the SAG instance is invalid. |
400 | SAG.InvalidCidr.NoBelongCcnCidr | The specified SAG CIDR block does not belong to the CCN CIDR block. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the SAG instance does not fall within that of the CCN instance. |
400 | SAG.InvalidSnatCidr | The specified SNAT CIDR block is invalid. | The error message returned because the CIDR block specified in the SNAT entry associated with the SAG instance is invalid. |
400 | SAG.InvalidSnatIp | The specified SNAT IP address is invalid. | The error message returned because the IP address specified in the SNAT entry associated with the SAG instance is invalid. |
400 | CCN.CidrEmpty | You must specify the CCN CIDR block. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the CCN instance is not specified. |
400 | CCN.SnatCidrConflict | The specified SNAT CIDR block is invalid. | The error message returned because the specified SNAT CIDR block conflicts with another one. |
400 | ActionNotSupport | The specified instance does not support this action. | The error message returned because the specified instance does not support this feature. |
400 | CCN.SnatCidrNoConfig | You must configure the SNAT CIDR block of the CCN. | The error message returned because the CIDR block of the SNAT entry associated with the CCN instance is not specified. |
400 | SAG.CidrUsedByRoutableAddress | A routable internal IP address belongs to the specified internal CIDR block. You cannot modify this CIDR block. | The error message returned because the private CIDR block that you want to modify is already used as routable IP addresses and cannot be modified. |
400 | InvalidName | The specified name is invalid. | The error message returned because the specified name is invalid. |
400 | SAG.CidrAmountLimit | The maximum number of static routes for the SAG instance is exceeded. | The error message returned because the number of static routes specified for the SAG instance has reached the upper limit. |
400 | SAG.InvalidCidrFormat | The specified CIDR format is invalid. | The error message returned because the format of the private CIDR block is invalid. |
400 | SAG.CidrOverlap | The specified CIDR overlaps with an existing CIDR. | The error message returned because the private CIDR blocks overlap with each other. |
400 | SAG.Arrearage | The specified SAG instance has overdue payments. Renew the instance first. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance has overdue payments. Complete the overdue payments first. |
400 | SAG.NoActive | The specified SAG instance has not been activated. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance is not activated. Activate the SAG instance first. |
400 | SAG.NotAllowConfigCidr | You cannot specify a static CIDR block when the dynamic routing strategy is used. | The error message returned because the dynamic routing mode does not support static CIDR blocks. |
403 | MissingParameter | The input parameter is missing, please check your input. | The error message returned because one or more required parameters are not specified. Check whether you have specified all required parameters. |
403 | InvalidId.SMARTAG | The specified smart access gateway instance id is invalid. | The error message returned because the ID of the specified SAG instance is invalid. |
403 | InvalidCidr | Cidr is illegal, please check your input. | The error message returned because the specified CIDR block is invalid. Check the specified CIDR block. |
403 | Forbidden | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | The error message returned because you do not have the permissions to manage the specified resource. |
403 | VbrConflict.ChangeSubnet | The subnet of the gateway conflicts with the VBR. Modify the subnet first. | The error message returned because the subnet CIDR block of the specified SAG instance overlaps with the CIDR block of the specified virtual border router (VBR). Modify the CIDR block of the subnet. |
403 | VbrConflict.CreateBackup | The subnet of the gateway conflicts with the VBR. Create a backup relationship first. | The error message returned because the subnet CIDR blocks of the specified SAG instance overlaps with the CIDR block of the specified VBR. Deploy the SAG instance as a backup of the Express Connect circuit. |
403 | SmartAccessGatewayNotBind | The instance has not yet been bound. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance does not have associations. |
403 | FeatureNotSupport | The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this feature. | The error message returned because the current version of the specified SAG device does not support this feature. |
500 | SmartAccessGatewayInArrears | The specified Smart Access Gateway has expired. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance expires and is suspended. Renew the SAG instance. |
500 | SmartAccessGatewayNotActivated | The specified Smart Access Gateway has not been activated. | The error message returned because the specified SAG instance is not activated. Activate the SAG instance first. |
500 | InternalError | An error occurred while processing your request. | The error message returned because an unknown error occurred. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.