DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instance is used to query the information about a Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) instance.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::REDIS::Instance",
"Properties": {
"DBInstanceId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
DBInstanceId | String | Yes | Yes | The instance ID. | None. |
Return values
SecurityIpGroupAttribute: the attribute of the IP address whitelist.
EndTime: the expiration time of the instance.
ResourceGroupId: the ID of the resource group to which the instance belongs.
Config: the parameter configurations of the instance.
Port: the port number that is used by the instance to provide services.
HasRenewChangeOrder: indicates whether an order for renewal and configuration change that has not taken effect exists.
SecurityIpGroupName: the name of the IP address whitelist.
ShardCount: the number of data shards.
ConnectionDomain: the private endpoint of the instance.
MaintainEndTime: the end time of the maintenance window.
Capacity: the capacity of the instance.
DBInstanceId: the instance ID.
PrivateIp: the private IP address of the instance.
Qps: the queries per second (QPS).
NetworkType: the network type.
PackageType: the plan type.
InstanceReleaseProtection: the release protection feature of the instance.
Bandwidth: the bandwidth of the instance.
PaymentType: the billing method.
InstanceType: the category of the instance.
Tags: details of the tags.
MaintainStartTime: the start time of the maintenance window.
DBInstanceName: the instance name.
ReplacateId: the logical ID of the distributed instance.
ArchitectureType: the architecture type.
SecurityIps: the IP addresses in the IP address whitelist.
EngineVersion: the version of the database engine of the instance.
ZoneId: the zone ID.
CloudType: This property is returned only when the instance is in a cloud box.
VSwitchId: the vSwitch ID.
SecurityGroupId: the ID of the security group.
CreateTime: the time when the instance was created.
ReadOnlyCount: the number of read replicas. This property is available only for read/write splitting instances that use cloud disks.
InstanceClass: the specifications of the instance.
IsRds: indicates whether the instance is managed by ApsaraDB RDS.
SecondaryZoneId: the ID of the secondary zone.
VpcId: the ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).
VpcAuthMode: the authentication mode of the VPC.
VpcCloudInstanceId: the ID of the instance in the VPC.