ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule is used to create a scaling rule.


  "Type": "ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule",
  "Properties": {
    "AdjustmentValue": Integer,
    "Cooldown": Integer,
    "ScalingGroupId": String,
    "AdjustmentType": String,
    "ScalingRuleName": String,
    "MetricName": String,
    "PredictiveTaskBufferTime": Integer,
    "ScalingRuleType": String,
    "PredictiveValueBuffer": Integer,
    "TargetValue": Number,
    "StepAdjustment": List,
    "PredictiveValueBehavior": String,
    "DisableScaleIn": Boolean,
    "InitialMaxSize": Integer,
    "MinAdjustmentMagnitude": Integer,
    "EstimatedInstanceWarmup": Integer,
    "PredictiveScalingMode": String,
    "ScaleInEvaluationCount": Integer,
    "ScaleOutEvaluationCount": Integer


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
AdjustmentValue Integer No Yes

The number of ECS instances to increase or decrease when scaling occurs. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to SimpleScalingRule or StepScalingRule.

Valid values based on the AdjustmentType value:
  • Valid values when the AdjustmentType parameter is set to QuantityChangeInCapacity: -500 to 500
  • Valid values when the AdjustmentType parameter is set to PercentChangeInCapacity: - 100 to 10000
  • Valid values when the AdjustmentType parameter is set to TotalCapacity: 0 to 1000
Note The number of ECS instances to be adjusted in a single scaling activity cannot exceed 500.
Cooldown Integer No Yes The cooldown period of the scaling rule. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to SimpleScalingRule. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

Unit: seconds.

By default, this property is empty.

ScalingGroupId String Yes No The ID of the scaling group to which the scaling rule belongs. None.
AdjustmentType String No Yes The adjustment method of the scaling rule. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to SimpleScalingRule or StepScalingRule. Valid values:
  • QuantityChangeInCapacity: increases or decreases the specified number of ECS instances in a scaling group.
  • PercentChangeInCapacity: increases or decreases the specified percentage of ECS instances in a scaling group.
  • TotalCapacity: increases or decreases the number of ECS instances in a scaling group by or to a specific number.
ScalingRuleName String No Yes The name of the scaling rule. The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length and can contain digits, letters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). It must start with a digit or letter.

If this parameter is not specified, the ScalingRuleId value is used by default.

MetricName String No No The predefined metric to monitor. This parameter is required and applicable only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to TargetTrackingScalingRule or PredictiveScalingRule.
  • Valid values when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to TargetTrackingScalingRule:
    • CpuUtilization: the average CPU utilization
    • ClassicInternetRx: the average Internet inbound traffic over the classic network
    • ClassicInternetTx: the average Internet outbound traffic over the classic network
    • VpcInternetRx: the average Internet inbound traffic over the VPC
    • VpcInternetTx: the average Internet outbound traffic over the VPC
    • IntranetRx: the average inbound traffic over the internal network
    • IntranetTx: the average outbound traffic over the internal network
  • Valid values when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to PredictiveScalingRule:
    • CpuUtilization: the average CPU utilization
    • IntranetRx: the average inbound traffic over the internal network
    • IntranetTx: the average outbound traffic over the internal network
PredictiveTaskBufferTime Integer No No The buffer period ahead of the prediction task execution time. By default, all scheduled tasks that are automatically created for a predictive scaling rule are executed on the hour. You can set a buffer period to execute prediction tasks ahead of schedule, so that resources can be prepared in advance. Valid values: 0 to 60.

Unit: minutes.

Default value: 0.
ScalingRuleType String No No The type of the scaling rule. Default value: SimpleScalingRule. Valid values:
  • SimpleScalingRule: scales ECS instances based on the values of AdjustmentType and AdjustmentValue.
  • TargetTrackingScalingRule: dynamically calculates the number of ECS instances to be scaled and tries to keep the value of a predefined metric close to TargetValue.
  • StepScalingRule: scales ECS instances in steps based on specified thresholds and metric values.
  • PredictiveScalingRule: uses machine learning to analyze historical monitoring data of the scaling group and predict the future values of metrics. The rule then automatically creates scheduled tasks to set the boundary values for the scaling group.
PredictiveValueBuffer Integer No No The ratio of the increment to the predicted value when PredictiveValueBehavior is set to PredictiveValueOverrideMaxWithBuffer. If the predicted value increased by this ratio is greater than the initial maximum capacity, the value after the increase is used as the maximum value for prediction tasks. Valid values: 0 to 100.

Default value: 0.

TargetValue Number No No The metric value that you expect. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to TargetTrackingScalingRule or PredictiveScalingRule. The value must be greater than 0 and can have a maximum of three decimal places.
StepAdjustment List No No The step adjustments for step scaling. For more information, see StepAdjustment properties.
PredictiveValueBehavior String No No The action taken on the predicted maximum value. Default value: MaxOverridePredictiveValue. Valid values:
  • MaxOverridePredictiveValue: uses the initial maximum capacity as the maximum value for prediction tasks when the predicted value is greater than the initial maximum capacity.
  • PredictiveValueOverrideMax: uses the predicted value as the maximum value for prediction tasks when the predicted value is greater than the initial maximum capacity.
  • PredictiveValueOverrideMaxWithBuffer: increases the predicted value by a ratio, which is specified by PredictiveValueBuffer. If the value after the increase is greater than the initial maximum capacity, the value after the increase is used as the maximum value for prediction tasks.
DisableScaleIn Boolean No No Specifies whether to disable scale-in. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to TargetTrackingScalingRule. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
InitialMaxSize Integer No No The maximum number of ECS instances in the scaling group, which is used together with the PredictiveValueBehavior parameter. The default value of this parameter is the value of MaxSize.
MinAdjustmentMagnitude Integer No No The minimum number of ECS instances to be adjusted in the scaling rule. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to SimpleScalingRule or StepScalingRule, and the AdjustmentType parameter is set to PercentChangeInCapacity.
EstimatedInstanceWarmup Integer No No The warm-up period of the ECS instances. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to TargetTrackingScalingRule or StepScalingRule. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

Unit: seconds.

Default value: 300.

The system adds ECS instances that are in the warm-up state to the scaling group, but does not report monitoring data to Cloud Monitor during the warm-up period.

Note When the system calculates the number of ECS instances to be adjusted, the system does not count ECS instances in the warm-up state as part of the current capacity of the scaling group.
PredictiveScalingMode String No No The mode of the predictive scaling rule. Default value: PredictAndScale. Valid values:
  • PredictAndScale: generates predicted results and creates prediction tasks.
  • PredictOnly: generates predicted results but does not create prediction tasks.
ScaleInEvaluationCount Integer No Yes The number of consecutive times that the event-triggered task created for scale-in activities must meet the threshold conditions before an alert is triggered. After a target tracking scaling rule is created, an event-triggered task is automatically created.

Default value: 15.

ScaleOutEvaluationCount Integer No Yes The number of consecutive times that the event-triggered task created for scale-out activities must meet the threshold conditions before an alert is triggered. After a target tracking scaling rule is created, an event-triggered task is automatically created.

Default value: 3.

StepAdjustment syntax

"StepAdjustment": [
    "MetricIntervalUpperBound": Number,
    "ScalingAdjustment": Integer,
    "MetricIntervalLowerBound": Number

StepAdjustment properties

Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
MetricIntervalUpperBound Number No No The upper limit value specified in the step adjustment. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to StepScalingRule. Valid values: -9.999999E18 to 9.999999E18
ScalingAdjustment Integer No No The specified number of ECS instances to be adjusted in the step adjustment. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to StepScalingRule. None.
MetricIntervalLowerBound Number No No The lower limit value specified in the step adjustment. This parameter takes effect only when the ScalingRuleType parameter is set to StepScalingRule. Valid values: -9.999999E18 to 9.999999E18

Return values


  • ScalingRuleAri: the unique identifier of the scaling rule.
  • ScalingRuleId: the ID of the scaling rule. This ID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) generated by the system.


  • YAMLformat

    ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
    Description: Test ESS ScalingRule
        Type: String
        AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ESS::AutoScalingGroup::AutoScalingGroupId
        Type: ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule
          AdjustmentType: QuantityChangeInCapacity
            Ref: AutoScalingGroupId
          AdjustmentValue: 1
    Outputs: {}
  • JSONformat

      "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
      "Description": "Test ESS ScalingRule",
      "Parameters": {
        "AutoScalingGroupId": {
          "Type": "String",
          "AssociationProperty": "ALIYUN::ESS::AutoScalingGroup::AutoScalingGroupId"
      "Resources": {
        "ScalingRule": {
          "Type": "ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule",
          "Properties": {
            "AdjustmentType": "QuantityChangeInCapacity",
            "ScalingGroupId": {
              "Ref": "AutoScalingGroupId"
            "AdjustmentValue": 1
      "Outputs": {