You can call this operation to detect drift on individual resources in a stack.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DetectStackResourceDrift |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DetectStackResourceDrift. |
LogicalResourceId | String | Yes | ScalingRuleName |
The name of the resource. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the stack. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
StackId | String | Yes | 4a6c9851-3b0f-4f5f-b4ca-a14bf691**** |
The ID of the stack. |
ClientToken | String | No | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-42665544**** |
The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the value, but you must ensure that it is unique among different requests. The value can be up to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). For more information, see How to ensure idempotence. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
ActualProperties | String | {"ScalingRuleName": "test1"} |
The actual resource properties in JSON format. |
DriftDetectionTime | String | 2020-02-27T07:47:47 |
The time at which the resource drift detection operation was initiated. |
ExpectedProperties | String | {"ScalingRuleName": "test2"} |
The resource properties as defined in the template, in JSON format. |
LogicalResourceId | String | ScalingRule |
The logical ID of the resource as defined in the template. |
PhysicalResourceId | String | asr-2ze4zzc3kf9yz1kd**** |
The physical ID of the resource. |
PropertyDifferences | Array |
The property differences of the resource. |
ActualValue | String | test1 |
The actual value of the resource property. |
DifferenceType | String | NOT_EQUAL |
The drift type of the resource property. Valid values:
ExpectedValue | String | test2 |
The expected value of the resource property as defined in the template. |
PropertyPath | String | /ScalingRuleName |
The path of the resource property. |
RequestId | String | B288A0BE-D927-4888-B0F7-B35EF84B6E6F |
The ID of the request. |
ResourceDriftStatus | String | MODIFIED |
The resource drift status. Valid values:
ResourceType | String | ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule |
The resource type. |
StackId | String | 4a6c9851-3b0f-4f5f-b4ca-a14bf691**** |
The ID of the stack. |
Sample requests
http(s):// Action=DetectStackResourceDrift
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
<ActualProperties>{"ScalingRuleName": "test1"}</ActualProperties>
<ExpectedProperties>{"ScalingRuleName": "test2"}</ExpectedProperties>
"ActualProperties": "{\"ScalingRuleName\": \"test1\"}",
"DriftDetectionTime": "2020-02-27T07:47:47",
"ExpectedProperties": "{\"ScalingRuleName\": \"test2\"}",
"LogicalResourceId": "ScalingRule",
"PhysicalResourceId": "asr-2ze4zzc3kf9yz1kd****",
"PropertyDifferences": [
"ActualValue": "test1",
"DifferenceType": "NOT_EQUAL",
"ExpectedValue": "test2",
"PropertyPath": "/ScalingRuleName"
"ResourceDriftStatus": "MODIFIED",
"ResourceType": "ALIYUN::ESS::ScalingRule",
"StackId": "4a6c9851-3b0f-4f5f-b4ca-a14bf691****"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.
HttpCode |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
400 |
ResourceDriftDetectionProcessing |
Drift detection of resource {name} is processing. |
The error message returned because the resource drift detection is already in progress. name indicates the resource name. |
400 |
ResourceDriftDetectionFailure |
Fail to detect resource {name} drift: {reason} |
The error message returned because the resource drift detection failed. name indicates the resource name, and reason indicates the reason of failure. |
404 |
StackNotFound |
The Stack ({name}) could not be found. |
The error message returned because the specified stack does not exist. name indicates the name or ID of the stack. |
404 |
ResourceNotFound |
The Resource ({name}) could not be found in Stack {stack}. |
The error message returned because the specified resource does not exist in the specified stack. name indicates the resource name, and stack indicates the stack name or ID. |