You can call the UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersion operation to upgrade the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

During an upgrade, ApsaraDB RDS retains the original instance and creates an instance that runs the new major engine version. You start to be charged for the new instance based on the pay-as-you-go billing method after the instance is created. The new instance does not inherit the reduced price that is offered to the original instance. Before you call this operation, make sure that you fully understand the billing methods and pricing of ApsaraDB RDS. You can decide whether to upgrade the major engine version based on your business requirements. For more information, see Billable items, billing methods, and pricing.

Before you upgrade the major engine version, you must call the UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionPrecheck operation to perform an upgrade check and then call the DescribeUpgradeMajorVersionPrecheckTask operation to query the upgrade check report. You can call the UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersion operation only when the check result is Success.

Before you call this operation, make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • The original instance runs PostgreSQL 14, PostgreSQL 13, PostgreSQL 12, PostgreSQL 11, PostgreSQL 10, or PostgreSQL 9.4.
  • The original instance runs RDS High-availability Edition or RDS Basic Edition.
  • The original instance resides in a virtual private cloud (VPC). If the original instance resides in the classic network, you must migrate the instance to a VPC before you call this operation. For more information about how to view or change the network type of an instance, see Change the network type of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
  • The original instance cannot be a read-only instance and cannot be created in a dedicated cluster.

An upgrade causes impacts such as a transient connection that lasts a few minutes. We recommend that you perform an upgrade during off-peak hours. Before you perform an upgrade, we recommend that you read the description in Upgrade the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

Request parameters


The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersion.


The instance type of the new instance. The vCPU and memory specifications of the new instance must be higher than or equal to the vCPU and memory specifications of the original instance.

For example, if the instance type of the original instance is pg.n2.small.2c, which provides 1 core and 2 GB of memory, the instance type of the new instance can be pg.n2.medium.2c, which provides 2 cores and 4 GB of memory.

Note For more information about the supported instance types, see Primary ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance types.

The storage capacity of the new instance.

Unit: GB.

  • Valid values if you use enhanced SSDs (ESSDs) of performance level 1 (PL1): 20 to 3,200
  • Valid values if you use ESSDs of PL2: 500 to 3,200
  • Valid values if you use ESSDs of PL3: 1,500 to 3,200
Note If the original instance uses local SSDs, you can reduce the storage capacity of the instance when you upgrade the major engine version of the instance. For more information about the minimum storage capacity, see Upgrade the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

The billing method of the new instance. The value is fixed as Postpaid.

Note For more information about how to change the billing method of the new instance after an upgrade, see Switch the billing method of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance from pay-as-you-go to subscription.

The network type of the new instance. The value is fixed as VPC. The major engine version upgrade feature is supported only for instances that reside in VPCs.

If the original instance resides in the classic network, you must migrate the instance to a VPC before you call this operation. For more information about how to view or change the network type of an instance, see Change the network type of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.


The time at which ApsaraDB RDS switches your workloads over to the new instance. This parameter is used together with the SwitchOver parameter and takes effect only when you set the SwitchOver parameter to true.

Valid values:

  • Immediate: After data is migrated to the new instance, ApsaraDB RDS immediately switches your workloads over to the new instance.
  • MaintainTime: After data is migrated to the new instance, ApsaraDB RDS switches your workloads over to the new instance during the maintenance window that you specify. You can call the ModifyDBInstanceMaintainTime operation to change the maintenance window of an instance.

A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.


Specifies whether ApsaraDB RDS automatically switches your workloads over to the new instance after data is migrated to the new instance.

Valid values:

  • true: ApsaraDB RDS automatically switches workloads over to the new instance.
  • false: ApsaraDB RDS does not automatically switch your workloads over to the new instance. Before you perform an upgrade, we recommend that you set this parameter to false to test whether the new major engine version is compatible with your workloads.
  • If you set this parameter to true, you must take note of the following information:
    • After the switchover is complete, you cannot roll your workloads back to the original RDS instance. Proceed with caution.
    • During the switchover, the original instance processes only read requests. We recommend that you perform the switchover during off-peak hours.
    • If read-only instances are attached to the original instance, you can set this parameter only to false. In this case, the read-only instances that are attached to the original instance cannot be cloned. After the upgrade is complete, you must create read-only instances for the new instance.
  • If you set this parameter to false, you must take note of the following information:

The time at which ApsaraDB RDS collects the statistics of the new instance. Valid values:

  • Before: ApsaraDB RDS collects the statistics of the new instance before the switchover to ensure service stability. If the original instance contains a large amount of data, the upgrade may require a long period of time.
  • After: ApsaraDB RDS collects the statistics of the new instance after the switchover to accelerate the upgrade. If you access tables for which no statistics are generated, the execution plans that you specify may be inaccurate. In addition, your database service may be unavailable during peak hours.
Note If you set the SwitchOver parameter to false, the value Before specifies that ApsaraDB RDS collects the statistics of the new instance before the new instance starts to process read and write requests, and the value After specifies that ApsaraDB RDS collects the statistics of the new instance after the new instance starts to process read and write requests.

The major engine version of the new instance. The value of this parameter must be the major engine version on which an upgrade check is performed.

Note You can call the UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionPrecheck operation to perform an upgrade check on a major engine version.

The ID of the original instance.


The ID of the VPC in which the original instance resides. You can call the DescribeDBInstanceAttribute operation to query the VPC ID of the instance.

  • If the original instance runs RDS Basic Edition, you must enter the vSwitch ID of the new instance.
  • If the original instance runs RDS High-availability Edition, you must enter the vSwitch ID of the new instance and the vSwitch ID of the secondary instance of the new instance. Make sure that you separate the vSwitch IDs with commas (,).
Note The vSwitches that you specify must reside in the same zone as the original instance. You can call the DescribeVSwitches operation to query vSwitch IDs.

The internal IP address of the new instance. You do not need to specify this parameter. ApsaraDB RDS automatically assigns an internal IP address based on the values of the VPCId and vSwitchId parameters.


A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.


A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.


The storage type of the new instance.

Valid values:

  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: ESSD of PL1
  • cloud_essd2: ESSD of PL2
  • cloud_essd3: ESSD of PL3

The major engine version upgrade feature is based on SSD snapshots. You can select a storage type based on the following conditions:

  • If the original instance uses standard SSDs, you can set this parameter to cloud_ssd.
  • If the original instance uses ESSDs, you can set this parameter to cloud_essd, cloud_essd2, or cloud_essd3.
  • If the original instance uses local SSDs, you can set this parameter to cloud_essd, cloud_essd2, or cloud_essd3.

The zone ID of the new instance. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the zone ID.

You can select a zone that belongs to the region in which the original instance resides. The zone can be different from the zone of the original instance.


The zone ID of the secondary instance for the new instance. You can specify this parameter only when the original instance runs RDS High-availability Edition.

You can select a zone that belongs to the region in which the original instance resides. The zone can be different from the zone of the original instance.

You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the zone ID.


A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.

Response parameters


The ID of the instance.


The ID of the request.


The ID of the order.


A reserved parameter.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "006729E5-2A33-5955-89E3-651D3F44EBE6",
  "DBInstanceId" : "pgm-bp1gm3yh0ht1****",
  "OrderId" : "21128667463****"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidUpgradePrecheckResultThe upgrade precheck failed. No successful precheck task found in the past 7 daysThe error message returned because the upgrade check failed and no upgrade checks are successful over the most recent seven days.
400TargetEngineVersion.Parameters.NotFoundtargetEngineVersion is missing in the request.The error message returned because the TargetMajorVersion parameter is not specified.
400InvalidDBInstanceStorageTypeThe specified DBInstanceStorageType is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the DBInstanceStorageType parameter is invalid.
400InvalidInstanceNetworkTypeThe specified InstanceNetworkType is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the InstanceNetworkType parameter is invalid.
400InvalidVPCIdThe specified VPCId is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the VPCId parameter is invalid.
400InvalidDedicatedHostGroupIdThe specified DedicatedHostGroupId is invalid.The error message returned because an invalid dedicated cluster ID is specified.
400InvalidPayTypeThe specified PayType is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the PayType parameter is invalid.
400InvalidEngineVersionThe specified EngineVersion is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the TargetMajorVersion parameter is invalid.
400InvalidDBInstanceStorageThe specified DBInstanceStorage is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the DBInstanceStorage parameter is invalid.
400InvalidSwitchOverThe specified SwitchOver is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the SwitchOver parameter is invalid.
400PrimaryInstanceWithReadonlyNotSupportThe specified primary instance with the read-only instance does not support the operation.The error message returned because read-only instances are attached to the original instance. This operation is not supported for instances to which read-only instances are attached.
400InvalidSwitchTimeModeThe specified SwitchTimeMode is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the SwitchTimeMode parameter is invalid.
400InvalidSwitchTimeThe specified SwitchTime is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the SwitchTime parameter is invalid.
400InvalidCollectStatsThe specified CollectStats is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the CollectStatMode parameter is invalid.
400IncorrectDBInstanceStateThe current instance state does not support this operation.The error message returned because this operation is not supported for the state in which the instance stays.
400InvalidDBinstanceClass.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter DBinstanceClass is invalid.The error message returned because the value of the DBInstanceClass parameter is invalid.
404InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFoundThe database instance does not exist.The error message returned because the name of the original instance cannot be found. Check whether the name is correct.
404IncorrectDBInstanceLockModeCurrent DB instance lock mode does not support this operation.The error message returned because the instance is locked.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.