Queries further details of the tasks that are generated based on API operations. For example, you can call this operation to view the details of the task when you create a cluster.

  • You can call this operation to view the details of a task that is generated by a specific API operation or in the console. The system calls the specific API operation when you perform an operation in the console. For example, you can view the details of the task when you call the CreateDBCluster operation or create a cluster in the console.
  • You can view the details of tasks that are generated only when you call the CreateDBCluster operation to create a cluster and CreationOption is not set to CreateGdnStandby.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeTasks

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeTasks.

DBClusterId String No pc-***************

The ID of the cluster.

Note You must specify DBNodeId or DBClusterId. You can call the DescribeDBClusters operation to query the details of the clusters that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account, such as cluster IDs.
DBNodeId String No pi-***************

The ID of the node.

Note You must specify DBNodeId or DBClusterId. You can call the DescribeDBClusters operation to query the details of the clusters that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account, such as cluster IDs.
StartTime String Yes 2020-11-30T00:00Z

The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format . The time must be in UTC.

EndTime String Yes 2020-12-02T03:00Z

The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ format. The time must be in UTC. The end time must be later than the start time.

Status String No Running

The state of the tasks that you want to query. Valid values:

  • Waiting: The task is pending.
  • Running: The task is running.
  • Finished: The task is completed.
  • Closed: The task is closed.
  • Pause: The task is suspended.
  • Stop: The task is interrupted.
  • If you do not specify this parameter, the operation returns the details of only the tasks that are in the Waiting or Running state for the cluster or node.
  • Multiple task statuses can be entered, and each status can be queried with a comma.
PageSize Integer No 30

The number of entries to return on each page. Valid values: 30, 50, or 100.

Default value: 30.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0.

Default value: 1.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
TotalRecordCount Integer 1

The total number of entries.

PageRecordCount Integer 30

The number of entries returned per page.

Tasks Array of Task

Details about the tasks.

FinishTime String 2020-12-02T02:40:15Z

The time when the task was completed. The time is in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

StepsInfo String [{\"remain\":0,\"name\":\"init_task\",\"progress\":100},{\"remain\":1764,\"name\":\"create_instance\",\"progress\":0},{\"remain\":1,\"name\":\"init_cluster\",\"progress\":0},{\"remain\":2,\"name\":\"create_backup\",\"progress\":0}]

Details about the subtasks.

Progress Integer 100

The progress of the task in percentage.

ExpectedFinishTime String null

The estimated end time. In most cases, this parameter is empty.

BeginTime String 2020-12-02T02:39:15Z

The time when the task was started. The time is in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

TaskErrorCode String null

The error code that is returned when an error occurs.

Note This parameter is returned only when the task is in the Stop state.
ProgressInfo String null

The description about the task progress. If no progress description is provided for the task, this parameter is empty.

CurrentStepName String create_instance

The name of the current step.

StepProgressInfo String 1/4

The progress of the subtasks. For example, a value of 1/4 indicates that the task consists of four subtasks and the first subtask is in progress.

TaskErrorMessage String null

The error message that is returned when an error occurs.

Note This parameter is returned only when the task is in the Stop state.
TaskAction String CreateDBInstance

The API operation that is used by the task, such as CreateDBInstance.

DBName String test

The name of the database whose tables you want to query.

Note This parameter is returned for only the tasks that involve database operations.
Remain Integer 1767

The estimated remaining duration of the task. Unit: seconds.

TaskId String 111111111

The ID of the task.

EndTime String 2020-12-02T03:00Z

The end of the time range.

RequestId String 4352AD99-9FF5-41A6-A319-068089******

The ID of the request.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number of the returned page.

StartTime String 2020-11-30T00:00Z

The beginning of the time range.

DBClusterId String pc-***************

The ID of the cluster for which the task was created.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "TotalRecordCount" : 1,
  "PageRecordCount" : 30,
  "Tasks" : {
    "Task" : [ {
      "StepProgressInfo" : "1/4",
      "Progress" : 25,
      "TaskId" : "111111111",
      "Remain" : 1767,
      "FinishTime" : "2020-12-02T02:40:15Z",
      "TaskAction" : "CreateDBInstance",
      "StepsInfo" : "[{\"remain\":0,\"name\":\"init_task\",\"progress\":100},{\"remain\":1764,\"name\":\"create_instance\",\"progress\":0},{\"remain\":1,\"name\":\"init_cluster\",\"progress\":0},{\"remain\":2,\"name\":\"create_backup\",\"progress\":0}]",
      "CurrentStepName" : "create_instance",
      "BeginTime" : "2020-12-02T02:39:15Z"
    } ]
  "RequestId" : "45CE02A1-1766-42E3-9E5F-24B576******",
  "EndTime" : "2020-12-02T03:00Z",
  "PageNumber" : 1,
  "StartTime" : "2020-11-30T00:00Z",
  "DBClusterId" : "pc-*****************"

Error code

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.