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PolarDB:Manual renewal

更新時間:Aug 22, 2024

This topic describes how to manually renew a subscription PolarDB cluster in the PolarDB console or Expenses and Costs console.


Only the subscription PolarDB clusters support manual renewal. Pay-as-you-go PolarDB clusters do not expire, and you do not need to renew them.

Fee deduction time

Fees are deducted when you complete the payment.

Method 1: Renew a cluster in the PolarDB console

  1. Log on to the PolarDB console.

  2. In the upper-left corner, select the region in which the cluster is deployed.

  3. In the Actions column that corresponds to the cluster that you want to renew, choose More > Renew.

  4. On the Renew page, set the Purchase Plan parameter, select Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.

  5. On the Purchase page, confirm the order and the payment method, and click Purchase.

    After you complete the payment, the cluster is renewed within approximately 10 to 15 minutes, you can view its expiration time on the Clusters page.

Method 2: Renew a cluster in the Expenses and Costs console

  1. Log on to the PolarDB console.

  2. In the upper-left corner, select the region in which the cluster is deployed.

  3. In the top navigation bar of the console, choose Renewal Management.续费管理

  4. On the Manual, Auto, or Nonrenewal tab of the Renewal page, use filters to find the cluster that you want to renew. You can renew multiple clusters at a time.

    • Renew a cluster

      In the Actions column that corresponds to the cluster that you want to renew, click Renew.

    • Renew multiple clusters at a time

      Select the clusters that you want to renew. Then, in the lower part of the page, click Batch Renew.

  5. On the Renew page, set the Purchase Plan parameter, select Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.

  6. On the Purchase page, confirm the order and the payment method, and click Purchase.

    After you complete the payment, the cluster is renewed within approximately 10 to 15 minutes, you can view its expiration time on the Clusters page.