Queries the topology information of a PolarDB-X instance.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeDBInstanceTopology | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDBInstanceTopology. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou | The region ID of the instance. |
DBInstanceName | String | Yes | pxc-******** | The instance ID. |
StartTime | String | No | 2021-10-21T10:30:45Z 04:00:00 | The beginning of the time range to query historical instances in the topology. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
EndTime | String | No | 2021-10-22T10:30:45Z 04:00:00 | The end of the time range to query historical instances in the topology. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
RequestId | String | C458B1E8-1683-3645-B154-6BA32080EEA | The request ID. |
Data | Object | The data structure. |
LogicInstanceTopology | Object | The information about the topology. |
DBInstanceName | String | pxc-sprcym7g7w**** | The name of the instance. |
DBInstanceCreateTime | String | 2021-10-21T10:30:45Z 04:00:00 | The time when the instance was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
MaintainStartTime | String | 04:00:00 | The start time of the maintenance window. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the HH:mm:ss format. |
MaintainEndTime | String | 05:00:00 | The end time of the maintenance window. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the HH:mm:ss format. |
LockReason | String | OverduePayments | The reason for locking the instance. |
DBInstanceStatus | Integer | 8 | The status of the instance. |
LockMode | Integer | 0 | Indicates whether the instance is locked. Valid values:
EngineVersion | String | 2.0 | The database engine version of the instance. Default value: 2.0. |
DBInstanceStorage | Integer | 1 | The number of data nodes in the instance. |
DBInstanceConnType | String | lvs | The load balancing mechanism used for the instance. |
DBInstanceId | String | 304726047 | The instance ID. |
Engine | String | polarx | The type of the database engine. Default value: polarx. |
DBInstanceDescription | String | pxc-sprcym7****** | The description of the instance. |
DBInstanceStatusDescription | String | TDE_MODIFYING | The status of the instance. |
Items | Array of Items | The details of the nodes in the instance. |
DBInstanceCreateTime | String | 2021-10-21T10:30:45Z | The time when the instance was created. |
DBInstanceName | String | pxc-i-tk6t4z**** | The name of the instance. |
CharacterType | String | Node role | The character type of the node. Valid values:
MaintainStartTime | String | N/A | The start time of the maintenance window. |
DiskSize | Long | 3145728 | The disk size. |
MaintainEndTime | String | N/A | The end time of the maintenance window. |
LockReason | String | N/A | The reason for locking the instance. |
DBInstanceStatus | Integer | 8 | The status of the instance. |
LockMode | Integer | 0 | Indicates whether the instance is locked. Valid values:
EngineVersion | String | 5.7 | The database engine version of the instance. Default value: 2.0. |
DBInstanceConnType | Integer | N/A | The connection type. |
MaxConnections | Integer | 4000 | The maximum number of connections. |
DBInstanceId | String | 304726049 | The instance ID. |
Engine | String | mysql | The engine that the instance runs. Valid values:
MaxIops | Integer | 7000 | The maximum IOPS. |
DBInstanceDescription | String | N/A | The description of the instance. |
DBInstanceStatusDescription | String | N/A | The status of the instance. |
ConnectionIp | Array of ConnectionIp | The data structure. |
Port | String | 3306 | The port number that is used to connect to the instance. |
DBInstanceNetType | Integer | 1 | The connection method of nodes in the instance. This parameter is set to 1, which indicates that nodes are connected by using the classic network. |
ConnectionString | String | pxc-xdb-m-pxcdym7g7w********.mysql.singapore.rds.aliyuncs.com | The connection string used to connect to the instance. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The region in which the node is located. If the node is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, the regions of the sub-nodes are separated by semicolons (;). |
Azone | String | cn-hangzhou-a | The zone in which the node is located. If the node is an Apsara RDS for MySQL instance, the zones of the sub-nodes are separated by semicolons (;). |
Role | String | master | The role of the node. Valid values:
Activated | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the node is activated. In the computing layer, only nodes in the primary zone are activated. If a switchover is performed on the instance, the secondary node becomes the primary node. In the storage layer, all nodes are activated. |
AzoneRoleList | Array of aoneRoleMap | The information about the three sub-nodes of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. |
Azone | String | cn-hangzhou-a | The zone of a sub-node of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. |
Role | String | leader | The role of a sub-node of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. Valid values:
Status | String | 0 | The status of the node. Valid values:
NodeClass | String | polarx.x4.large.2e | The instance type of the node. Valid values:
Version | String | polarx-cdc-kernel-2.0.0-3985896 | The version of the CDC instance. |
PhyInstanceName | String | pxc-unrbk8oyz********** | The physical instance name. |
HistoryItems | Array of historyItems | The details of historical nodes. |
CharacterType | String | Node role | The character type of the node. Valid values:
Role | String | master | The role of the node. Valid values:
DBInstanceName | String | pxc-sprcym7g7w**** | The name of the instance. |
DBInstanceId | String | 304726049 | The instance ID. |
Region | String | cn-hangzhou | The region in which the node is located. If the node is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, the regions of the sub-nodes are separated by semicolons (;). |
Azone | String | cn-hangzhou-a | The zone in which the node is located. If the node is an Apsara RDS for MySQL instance, the zones of the sub-nodes are separated by semicolons (;). |
Activated | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the node is activated. In the computing layer, only nodes in the primary zone are activated. If a switchover is performed on the instance, the secondary node becomes the primary node. In the storage layer, all nodes are activated. |
PhyInstanceName | String | pxc-unrbk8oyz********** | The physical instance name. |
Sample requests
&StartTime=2021-10-21T10:30:45Z 04:00:00
&EndTime=2021-10-22T10:30:45Z 04:00:00
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
XML format
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<DBInstanceCreateTime>2021-10-21T10:30:45Z 04:00:00</DBInstanceCreateTime>
<CharacterType>Node role</CharacterType>
<CharacterType>Node role</CharacterType>
JSON format
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "C458B1E8-1683-3645-B154-6BA32080EEA",
"Data" : {
"LogicInstanceTopology" : {
"DBInstanceName" : "pxc-sprcym7g7w****",
"DBInstanceCreateTime" : "2021-10-21T10:30:45Z 04:00:00",
"MaintainStartTime" : "04:00:00",
"MaintainEndTime" : "05:00:00",
"LockReason" : "OverduePayments",
"DBInstanceStatus" : 8,
"LockMode" : 0,
"EngineVersion" : "2.0",
"DBInstanceStorage" : 1,
"DBInstanceConnType" : "lvs",
"DBInstanceId" : "304726047",
"Engine" : "polarx",
"DBInstanceDescription" : "pxc-sprcym7******",
"DBInstanceStatusDescription" : "TDE_MODIFYING",
"Items" : [ {
"DBInstanceCreateTime" : "2021-10-21T10:30:45Z",
"DBInstanceName" : "pxc-i-tk6t4z****",
"CharacterType" : "Node role",
"MaintainStartTime" : "N/A",
"DiskSize" : 3145728,
"MaintainEndTime" : "N/A",
"LockReason" : "N/A",
"DBInstanceStatus" : 8,
"LockMode" : 0,
"EngineVersion" : "5.7",
"MaxConnections" : 4000,
"DBInstanceId" : "304726049",
"Engine" : "mysql",
"MaxIops" : 7000,
"DBInstanceDescription" : "N/A",
"DBInstanceStatusDescription" : "N/A",
"ConnectionIp" : [ {
"Port" : "3306",
"DBInstanceNetType" : 1,
"ConnectionString" : "pxc-xdb-m-pxcdym7g7w********.mysql.singapore.rds.aliyuncs.com"
} ],
"Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
"Azone" : "cn-hangzhou-a",
"Role" : "master",
"Activated" : true,
"AzoneRoleList" : [ {
"Azone" : "cn-hangzhou-a",
"Role" : "leader"
} ],
"Status" : "0",
"NodeClass" : "polarx.x4.large.2e",
"Version" : "polarx-cdc-kernel-2.0.0-3985896",
"PhyInstanceName" : "pxc-unrbk8oyz**********"
} ],
"HistoryItems" : [ {
"CharacterType" : "Node role",
"Role" : "master",
"DBInstanceName" : "pxc-sprcym7g7w****",
"DBInstanceId" : "304726049",
"Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
"Azone" : "cn-hangzhou-a",
"Activated" : true,
"PhyInstanceName" : "pxc-unrbk8oyz**********"
} ]
Error codes
HttpCode |
Error code |
Error message |
Description |
404 | InvalidDBInstance.NotFound | The specified DB instance does not exist. | The specified PolarDB-X instance does not exist. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.