Queries the information about snapshot jobs.

Usage notes

You can call this operation to query up to 10 snapshot jobs at a time.

Limits on QPS

You can call this operation up to 100 times per second per account. If the number of calls per second exceeds the limit, throttling is triggered. As a result, your business may be affected. We recommend that you take note of the limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limit.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes QuerySnapshotJobList

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to QuerySnapshotJobList.

SnapshotJobIds String No 72dfa5e679ab4be9a3ed9974c736****

The IDs of the snapshot jobs that you want to query. To obtain the IDs, you can log on to the ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) console, click Tasks in the left-side navigation pane, and then view the IDs on the Snapshot tab. You can query up to 10 snapshot jobs at a time. Separate the IDs with commas (,).

NextPageToken String No cc6cbef8e8d5481ca536f5d2a466****

The token that is used to retrieve the next page of the query results. The value is a 32-bit UUID. If the returned query results cannot be displayed within one page, this parameter is returned. The value of this parameter is updated for each query.

MaximumPageSize Long No 30

The maximum number of entries to return on each page.

  • Default value: 30.
  • Valid values: [1,300].
State String No Snapshoting

The status of the snapshot jobs that you want to query.

  • Submitted: The job was submitted.
  • Snapshoting: The job is being processed.
  • Success: The job was successfully processed.
  • Fail: The job failed.
StartOfJobCreatedTimeRange String No 2014-01-10T12:00:00Z

The beginning of the time range within which the creation time of snapshot jobs to be queried is.

  • Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.
EndOfJobCreatedTimeRange String No 2014-01-12T12:00:00Z

The end of the time range within which the creation time of snapshot jobs to be queried is.

  • Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.
PipelineId String No b11c171cced04565b1f38f1ecc39****

The ID of the MPS queue to which the snapshot jobs that you want to query are submitted. To obtain the ID, you can log on to the MPS console and choose Global Settings > Pipelines in the left-side navigation pane.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
SnapshotJobList Array of SnapshotJob

The information about the snapshot jobs.

CreationTime String 2021-06-30T12:34:29Z

The time when the job was created.

SnapshotConfig Object

The snapshot configuration.

Time String 4

The start time for taking snapshots. Unit: milliseconds.

TileOut Object

The tiling configuration.

Padding String 0

The distance between images.

  • Default value: 0.
  • Unit: pixel.
Color String black

The background color.

  • Default value: black.
  • You can set the Color parameter to a color keyword or random in the request.
Note If you want to set the background color to black, you can specify the color keyword in one of the following three formats: Black, black, and #000000.
CellSelStep String 3

The stride of a single image.

CellHeight String 8

The height of a single image. The default value is the height of the output snapshot.

CellWidth String 8

The width of a single image. The default value is the width of the output snapshot.

Margin String 0

The margin width of the tiled image.

  • Default value: 0.
  • Unit: pixel.
Columns String 10

The number of columns that the tiled image can contain. Default value: 10.

IsKeepCellPic String false

Indicates whether the single images are retained. Default value: true.

Lines String 10

The number of rows that the tiled image can contain. Default value: 10.

Interval String 10

The interval for taking snapshots.

  • If this Interval parameter is specified in the request, snapshots are taken at intervals. The value must be greater than 0.
  • Unit: seconds.
  • Default value: 10.
FrameType String intra

The type of the snapshot. Valid values:

  • normal: normal frames.
  • intra: I-frames.
  • Default value: intra.
Width String 8

The width of the output snapshot.

Height String 8

The height of the output snapshot.

OutputFile Object

The Object Storage Service (OSS) output file of the snapshot job.

RoleArn String acs:ram::1:role/testrole

The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the specified RAM role. Format: acs:ram::$accountID:role/$roleName.

Object String example.png

The OSS object that is generated as the output file of the snapshot job.

Location String example-location

The ID of the region in which the output OSS bucket is located.

Bucket String example

The OSS bucket that stores the output file.

Num String 10

The number of snapshots to take. If the Num parameter is set in the request, snapshots are taken at intervals.

TileOutputFile Object

The OSS output file of the tiling job.

RoleArn String acs:ram::1:role/testrole

The ARN of the specified RAM role. Format: acs:ram::$accountID:role/$roleName.

Object String example.png

The OSS object that is generated as the output file of the tiling job.

Location String example-location

The ID of the region in which the output OSS bucket is located.

Bucket String example

The OSS bucket that stores the output file.

State String Snapshoting

The status of the snapshot job.

  • Submitted: The job was submitted.
  • Snapshoting: The job is being processed.
  • Success: The job was successfully processed.
  • Fail: The job failed.
Message String The resource operated InputFile is bad

The error message returned when the job fails. This parameter is not returned if the job is successfully processed.

MNSMessageResult Object

The message sent by MNS to notify the user of the job result.

MessageId String 799454621135656C7F815F198A76****

The ID of the message. This parameter is not returned if the job fails.

ErrorMessage String The resource operated InputFile is bad

The error message returned when the job fails. This parameter is not returned if the job is successfully processed.

ErrorCode String InvalidParameter

The error code returned when the job fails. This parameter is not returned if the job is successfully processed.

Input Object

The information about the job input.

RoleArn String acs:ram::1:role/testrole

The ARN of the specified RAM role. Format: acs:ram::$accountID:role/$roleName.

Object String example.flv

The OSS object that is used as the input file.

Location String example-location

The ID of the region in which the input OSS bucket is located.

Bucket String example

The OSS bucket that stores the input file.

Count String 1

The number of snapshots that were taken.

TileCount String 7

The number of snapshots that are contained in the tiled image.

UserData String testid-001

The custom data.

Code String InvalidParameter

The error code returned when the job fails. This parameter is not returned if the job is successfully processed.

PipelineId String b11c171cced04565b1f38f1ecc39****

The ID of the MPS queue to which the snapshot job was submitted.

Id String cc6cbef8e8d5481ca536f5d2a466****

The ID of the snapshot job.

RequestId String 34BCAB31-2833-43A7-9FBD-B34302AB23EQ

The ID of the request.

NonExistSnapshotJobIds Array of String c6d973c33d1c4b21bc39907d3b29****

The snapshot job IDs that do not exist. This parameter is not returned if all specified snapshot jobs are found.

NextPageToken String b11c171cced04565b1f38f1ecc39****

The token that is used to retrieve the next page of the query results. The value is a 32-bit UUID. If the returned query results cannot be displayed within one page, this parameter is returned. The value of this parameter is updated for each query.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "SnapshotJobList": [
            "CreationTime": "2021-06-30T12:34:29Z",
            "SnapshotConfig": {
                "Time": "4",
                "TileOut": {
                    "Padding": "0",
                    "Color": "black",
                    "CellSelStep": "3",
                    "CellHeight": "8",
                    "CellWidth": "8",
                    "Margin": "0",
                    "Columns": "10",
                    "IsKeepCellPic": "false",
                    "Lines": "10"
                "Interval": "10",
                "FrameType": "intra",
                "Width": "8",
                "Height": "8",
                "OutputFile": {
                    "RoleArn": "acs:ram::1:role/testrole",
                    "Object": "example.png",
                    "Location": "example-location",
                    "Bucket": "example"
                "Num": "10",
                "TileOutputFile": {
                    "RoleArn": "acs:ram::1:role/testrole",
                    "Object": "example.png",
                    "Location": "example-location",
                    "Bucket": "example"
            "State": "Snapshoting",,
            "MNSMessageResult": {
                "MessageId": "799454621135656C7F815F198A76****",
            "Input": {
                "RoleArn": "acs:ram::1:role/testrole",
                "Object": "example.flv",
                "Location": "example-location",
                "Bucket": "example"
            "Count": "1",
            "TileCount": "7",
            "UserData": "testid-001",
            "PipelineId": "b11c171cced04565b1f38f1ecc39****",
            "Id": "cc6cbef8e8d5481ca536f5d2a466****"
    "RequestId": "34BCAB31-2833-43A7-9FBD-B34302AB23EQ",
    "NonExistSnapshotJobIds": [
    "NextPageToken": "b11c171cced04565b1f38f1ecc39****"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.