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ApsaraDB for MongoDB:Migrate data from an ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instance to an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance

更新時間:Jul 11, 2024

This topic describes how to migrate data from an ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instance to an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance by using Data Transmission Service (DTS). DTS supports full data migration and incremental data migration. When you migrate data between ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances, you can select both of the supported migration types to ensure service continuity.


Each shard in the destination sharded cluster instance has sufficient storage space.

Usage notes

  • DTS consumes the resources of the source and destination databases during full data migration. This may increase the loads on the database servers. If the loads on the database servers are high or the server specifications do not meet the migration requirements, database services may become unavailable. Before you migrate data, evaluate the impact of data migration on the performance of the source and destination databases. We recommend that you migrate data during off-peak hours.

  • If the source and destination ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances have different versions or storage engines, make sure that the versions or storage engines are compatible. For more information, see MongoDB versions and storage engines.

  • The data is concurrently written to the destination database. Therefore, the storage space occupied in the destination database is 5% to 10% larger than the size of the data in the source database.

  • Make sure that the destination MongoDB database does not have the same primary key as the source database. The default primary key is _id. Otherwise, data loss may occur in the destination database. If the destination database has the same primary key as the source database, clear the related data in the destination database without interrupting the services of DTS. If the same primary key is _id, you can delete the data in the destination database that has the same _id as the source database.


Migration type

Task configuration fee

Internet traffic fee

Full data migration

Free of charge.

Charged only when data is migrated from Alibaba Cloud over the Internet. For more information, see Billing overview.

Incremental data migration

Charged. For more information, see Billing overview.

Migration types

Migration type


Full data migration

DTS migrates the existing data of objects from the source MongoDB database to the destination MongoDB database.


The following types of objects are supported: database, collection, and index.

Incremental data migration

After full data migration is complete, DTS migrates incremental data from the source MongoDB database to the destination MongoDB database.

  • The create and delete operations that are performed on databases, collections, and indexes can be migrated.

  • The create, delete, and update operations that are performed on documents can be migrated.

Permissions required for database accounts


Full data migration

Incremental data migration

ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instance

Read permissions on the source database

Read permissions on the source, admin, and local databases

ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance

Read and write permissions on the destination database

Read and write permissions on the destination database


For more information about how to create a database account and grant permissions to the database account, see Manage user permissions on MongoDB databases.


Create databases and collections to be sharded in the destination ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, and configure data sharding based on your business requirements. For more information, see Configure sharding to maximize the performance of shards.


After you configure sharding for a cluster, the migrated data is distributed among different shards. This maximizes the performance of the sharded cluster.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Replica Set Instances.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select the resource group and region to which the instance belongs.

  4. On the page that appears, find the instance that you want to manage and click its ID.

  5. In the upper-right corner of the page that appears, click Migrate Databases.

  6. On the Create Migration Task page, create a migration task.

    1. Configure the source and destination databases.

      Configure the source and destination databases





      Task Name

      The task name that DTS automatically generates. We recommend that you specify a descriptive name that makes it easy to identify the task. You do not need to specify a unique task name.

      Source Database

      Instance Type

      Select ApsaraDB for MongoDB.

      Instance Region

      The region in which the source ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance resides.

      MongoDB Instance ID

      The ID of the source instance.

      Database Name

      The name of the authentication database. The database account is created in this database.


      If you want to use the root account, enter admin in the Database Name field.

      Database Account

      The username of the account that is used to connect to the source instance. For information about the permissions that are required for the account, see Permissions required for database accounts.

      Database Password

      The password of the database account.


      After you specify the information about the source database, you can click Test Connectivity next to Database Password to check whether the information is correct. If the information is correct, the Passed message appears. If the information is incorrect, the Failed message appears and you must click Check next to the Failed message to modify the information.

      Destination Database

      Instance Type

      Select MongoDB Instance.

      Instance Region

      The region in which the destination ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance resides.

      MongoDB Instance ID

      The ID of the destination instance.

      Database Name

      The name of the authentication database. The database account is created in this database.


      If you want to use the root account, enter admin in the Database Name field.

      Database Account

      The username of the account that is used to connect to the destination instance. For information about the permissions that are required for the account, see Permissions required for database accounts.

      Database Password

      The password of the database account.


      After you specify the information about the destination database, you can click Test Connectivity next to Database Password to check whether the information is correct. If the information is correct, the Passed message appears. If the information is incorrect, the Failed message appears and you must click Check next to the Failed message to modify the information.

    2. In the lower-right corner of the page, click Set Whitelist and Next.


      If the CIDR blocks of DTS servers are automatically or manually added to the whitelist of the database or instance, or to the ECS security group rules, security risks may arise. Therefore, before you use DTS to migrate data, you must understand and acknowledge the potential risks and take preventive measures, including but not limited to the following measures: enhance the security of your username and password, limit the ports that are exposed, authenticate API calls, regularly check the whitelist or ECS security group rules and forbid unauthorized CIDR blocks, or connect the database to DTS by using Express Connect, VPN Gateway, or Smart Access Gateway.

    3. Select the migration types and the objects to be migrated.

      Select the migration types and the objects to be migrated



      Select the migration types

      • To perform only full data migration, select Full Data Migration.

      • To ensure service continuity during data migration, select Full Data Migration and Incremental Data Migration.


      If Incremental Data Migration is not selected, do not write data to the source database during full data migration. This ensures data consistency between the source and destination databases.

      Select the objects to be migrated

      To select the objects to be migrated, perform the following steps:

      1. Select one or more objects from the Available section.

      2. Click the icon to add the objects to the Selected section.

      • DTS cannot migrate data from the admin or local database.

      • The objects that you can migrate are databases, collections, and functions.

      • By default, after an object is migrated to the destination instance, the name of the object remains unchanged. If you want to rename an object in the destination instance, you can use the object name mapping feature. For more information, see Object name mapping.

      Specify whether to rename objects

      You can use the object name mapping feature to rename the objects that are migrated to the destination instance. For more information, see Object name mapping.

      Specify the retry time range for a failed connection to the source or destination database

      By default, if DTS fails to connect to the source or destination database, DTS retries within the following 12 hours. You can specify the retry time range based on your business requirements. If DTS is reconnected to the source and destination databases within the specified time range, DTS resumes the data migration task. Otherwise, the data migration task fails.


      Within the retry time range in which DTS attempts to reconnect to the source and destination databases, you are charged for the DTS instance. We recommend that you specify the retry time range based on your business requirements. You can also release the DTS instance at the earliest opportunity after the source and destination databases are released.

    4. In the lower-right corner of the page, click Precheck.

      • Before you can start the data migration task, DTS performs a precheck. You can start the data migration task only after the task passes the precheck.

      • If the task fails to pass the precheck, click View Details next to each failed item. After you analyze the causes based on the check results, troubleshoot the issues. Then, run a precheck again.

      • If an alert is generated for an item during the precheck, perform the following operations based on the scenario:

        • If the alert item cannot be ignored, click View Details next to the failed item and troubleshoot the issues. Then, run a precheck again.

        • If the alert item can be ignored, click Confirm Alert Details. In the View Details dialog box, click Ignore. In the message that appears, click OK. Then, click Precheck Again to run a precheck again. If you ignore the alert item, data inconsistency may occur and your business may be exposed to potential risks.

    5. After the data migration task passes the precheck, click Next.

    6. In the Confirm Settings dialog box, configure the Instance Class parameter. Then, read and select the check box to agree to Data Transmission Service (Pay-As-You-Go) Service Terms.

    7. Click Buy and Start to start the data migration task.

  7. View the progress of the migration task.

    • Full data migration

      We recommend that you do not manually stop the task during full data migration. Otherwise, the data migrated to the destination database may be incomplete. You can wait until the full data migration task automatically stops.

    • Incremental data migration

      An incremental data migration task does not automatically stop. You must manually stop the task.

    1. Wait until Incremental Data Migration and The migration task is not delayed appear in the progress bar of the data migration task. Then, stop writing data to the source instance for a few minutes. The latency of incremental data migration may be displayed in the progress bar.

    2. Wait until the status of incremental data migration changes to The migration task is not delayed again. Then, manually stop the migration task.

  8. Switch your workloads to the destination ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.

What to do next

If you no longer need the source instance, release the source instance.

  • If the source instance is billed based on the pay-as-you-go billing method, you can release the instance. For more information, see Release an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.

  • If the source instance is billed based on the subscription billing method, you are not allowed to release the instance.