

更新時間:Aug 03, 2024





  • 為角色授予對象的操作許可權

    • 為角色授予專案的操作許可權

      • 命令

        • ACL授權

          grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • 通過ACL文法實現Policy授權

          grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • 樣本

        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to ROLE Worker;
        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
              on project test_project_a  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 為角色授予表的操作許可權

      • 命令

        • ACL授權

          grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • 通過ACL文法實現Policy授權

          grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • 樣本

        grant Describe, Select on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
        grant Describe, Select  
              on table sale_detail   
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 為角色授予資源的操作許可權

      • 命令

        • ACL授權

          grant Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • 通過ACL文法實現Policy授權

          grant Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • 樣本

        grant Read, Write on resource udtf.jar to ROLE Worker;
        grant Read, Write   
              on resource udtf.jar  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 為角色授予函數的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
              on function <function_name> 
              to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
      • 樣本

        grant Read, Write on function udf_test to ROLE Worker;
        grant Read, Write   
              on function udf_test  
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 為角色授予執行個體的操作許可權

      • 命令

        • ACL授權

          grant Read|Write|All 
                on instance <instance_id> 
                to ROLE <role_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>")];
        • 通過ACL文法實現Policy授權

          grant Read|Write|All  
                on instance <instance_id>   
                to ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}"[, "conditions"= "<conditions>", "expires"="<days>"]);
      • 樣本

        grant All on instance 202112300224**** to ROLE Worker;
        grant All    
              on instance 202112300224****   
              to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
  • 撤銷為角色授予的對象的操作許可權

    • 撤銷為角色授予的專案操作許可權

      • 命令

        • 撤銷ACL授權

          revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • 撤銷Policy授權

          revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All 
                on project <project_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • 樣本

        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from ROLE Worker;
        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
              on project test_project_a  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 撤銷為角色授予的表操作許可權

      • 命令

        • 撤銷ACL授權

          revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • 撤銷Policy授權

          revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All 
                on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • 樣本

        revoke Describe, Select on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
        revoke Describe, Select  
              on table sale_detail   
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 撤銷為角色授予的資源操作許可權

      • 命令

        • 撤銷ACL授權

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • 撤銷Policy授權

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|All 
                on resource <resource_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • 樣本

        revoke Read, Write on resource udtf.jar from ROLE Worker;
        revoke Read, Write   
              on resource udtf.jar  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 撤銷為角色授予的函數操作許可權

      • 命令

        • 撤銷ACL授權

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
                on function <function_name> 
                from ROLE <role_name>;
        • 撤銷Policy授權

          revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All 
                on function <function_name>  
                from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • 樣本

        revoke Read, Write on function udf_test from ROLE Worker;
        revoke Read, Write   
              on function udf_test  
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
    • 撤銷為角色授予的執行個體操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Read|Write|All  
              on instance <instance_id>   
              from ROLE <role_name> privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "{allow}"="{true|false}");
      • 樣本

        revoke All on instance 202112300224**** from ROLE Worker;
        revoke All    
              on instance 202112300224****   
              from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
  • 為角色授予Download許可權

    • 命令

      grant Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> to ROLE <role_name>;
    • 樣本

      grant download on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
  • 撤銷為角色授予的Download許可權

    • 命令

      revoke Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> from ROLE <role_name>;
    • 樣本

      revoke download on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • 為角色授予訪問高敏感等級資料的許可權

    • 命令

      grant Label <number> on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] to ROLE <role_name> [with exp <days>];
    • 樣本

      grant Label 4 on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
  • 撤銷為角色授予的訪問高敏感等級資料的許可權

    • 命令

      revoke Label on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] from ROLE <role_name>;
    • 樣本

      revoke Label on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • 將角色賦予使用者

    • 命令

      grant <role_name> to <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      grant Worker to ALIYUN$Kate@aliyun.com;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
  • 收回賦予使用者的角色

    • 命令

      revoke <role_name> from <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      revoke Worker from ALIYUN$Kate@aliyun.com;
      revoke Worker from RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;


  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 為使用者授予專案的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All
              on project <project_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>",
      • 樣本

        grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to user RAM$Kate@aliyun.com:Lily;
    • 為使用者授予表的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All
              on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)]
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • 樣本

        grant Describe, Select on table sale_detail to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
    • 為使用者授予資源的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Read|Write|Delete|All
              on resource <resource_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>",
      • 樣本

        grant Read, Write on resource udtf.jar to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Alice;
    • 為使用者授予函數的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All
              on function <function_name>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • 樣本

        grant Read, Write on function udf_test to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
    • 為使用者授予執行個體的操作許可權

      • 命令

        grant Read|Write|All
              on instance <instance_id>
              to USER <user_name> [privilegeproperties("conditions" = "<conditions>"
      • 樣本

        grant All on instance 202112300224**** to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 撤銷為使用者授予的專案的操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Read|Write|List|CreateTable|CreateInstance|CreateFunction|CreateResource|All
              on project <project_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • 樣本

        revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from user RAM$Kate@aliyun.com:Lily;
    • 撤銷為使用者授予的表的操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Describe|Select|Alter|Update|Drop|ShowHistory|All
              on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)]
              from USER <user_name>;
      • 樣本

        revoke Describe, Select on table sale_detail from USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
    • 撤銷為使用者授予的資源的操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Read|Write|Delete|All
              on resource <resource_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • 樣本

        revoke Read, Write on resource udtf.jar from USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Alice;
    • 撤銷為使用者授予的函數的操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Read|Write|Delete|Execute|All
              on function <function_name>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • 樣本

        revoke Read, Write on function udf_test from USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
    • 撤銷為使用者授予的執行個體的操作許可權

      • 命令

        revoke Read|Write|All
              on instance <instance_id>
              from USER <user_name>;
      • 樣本

        revoke All on instance 202112300224**** from USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令


    • 樣本

      grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a to ROLE Worker;
      grant CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
            on project test_project_a  
            to ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Alice;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令


    • 樣本

      revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List on project test_project_a from ROLE Worker;
      revoke CreateTable, CreateFunction, CreateInstance, List 
            on project test_project_a  
            from ROLE Worker privilegeproperties("policy" = "true", "allow"="true");
      revoke Worker from RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令

      grant Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> to USER <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      grant Download on table sale_detail to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令

      revoke Download on {Table|Resource|Function|Instance} <object_name> from USER <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      revoke Download on table sale_detail from USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令


    • 樣本

      create role Worker;
      grant download on table sale_detail to ROLE Worker;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Alice;
      grant Worker to RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Tom;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令

      grant Label <number> on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] to USER <user_name> [with exp <days>];
    • 樣本

      grant Label 4 on table sale_detail to USER RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

    • 命令

      revoke Label on table <table_name> [(<column_list>)] from USER <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      revoke Label on table sale_detail from ROLE Worker;
  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

  • 通過命令系統管理使用者許可權

  • 徹底清除被刪除使用者遺留的許可權資訊

    • 命令

      purge privs from user <user_name>;
    • 樣本

      purge privs from user RAM$Bob@aliyun.com:Allen;




  • 命令

    describe role <role_name>;
  • 樣本

    describe role Worker;




  • 命令

    show acl for <object_name> [on type <object_type>];
  • 樣本

    show acl for test_project_a on type project;



  • 查詢指定Package的授權資訊

    • 命令

      show acl for <project_name>.<package_name> on type package;
    • 樣本

      show acl for test_project_b.datashare on type package;
  • 查詢指定Package內資源的授權資訊

    • 命令

      show grants on <object_type> <object_name> privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="<project_name>", "package"="<package
    • 樣本

      show grants on Table sale_detail privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="test_project_a", "package"="datashare");
  • 查詢指定Package內表的Label授權資訊

    • 命令

      show label grants on table <table_name> privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="<project_name>", "package"="<package_name>");
    • 樣本

      show label grants on table sale_detail privilegeproperties ("refobject"="true", "refproject"="test_project_a", "package"="datashare");


  • 專案空間資料保護

    • 開啟或關閉專案空間資料保護機制

      set ProjectProtection=true|false;
    • 查看專案空間的安全配置

      show SecurityConfiguration;


  • 查看已添加的可信的專案空間

    list trustedprojects;
  • LabelSecurity許可權控制策略

    • 開啟或關閉LabelSecurity許可權控制策略

      set LabelSecurity=true|false;
    • 查看專案空間的安全配置

      show SecurityConfiguration;


  • Download許可權控制功能

    • 開啟或關閉Download許可權控制功能

      setproject odps.security.enabledownloadprivilege=true|false;
    • 查看專案空間屬性


      返回結果中有odps.security.enabledownloadprivilege = true|false,對應專案空間Download許可權控制功能已開啟或關閉。