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ApsaraVideo Live:Store recordings in ApsaraVideo VOD

更新時間:Aug 27, 2024

ApsaraVideo Live provides the live stream recording feature that allows you to record an ingested stream received by a live center and store the recordings in a specified storage location in ApsaraVideo VOD based on the configured recording rules. You can use the online editing feature of ApsaraVideo VOD to edit and process the video content of live streams to produce short videos.


ApsaraVideo VOD is activated. For more information, see Activate ApsaraVideo VOD.

Usage notes

To store recordings in ApsaraVideo VOD, the region in which ApsaraVideo VOD is activated must be the same as the region in which the live center of the streaming domain resides.



You can store the recordings of a live stream in either ApsaraVideo VOD or Object Storage Service (OSS).

  1. Log on to the ApsaraVideo Live console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Feature Management > Recording.

  3. Select the streaming domain that you want to configure. On the VOD tab, click Add.

  4. Configure the recording template.


    The following table describes the parameters of a recording template.




    The name of the application. The value of the AppName parameter must be the same as the application name specified in the ingest URL. Otherwise, the configuration does not take effect. If you want to record live streams in all applications under your domain name, enter an asterisk (*).


    You can store the recordings of a specific live stream in ApsaraVideo VOD by specifying the stream name. If you want to record all live streams in the application that is specified by the AppName parameter, enter an asterisk (*).


    The value of the AppName or StreamName parameter can be up to 255 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

    Storage location

    The storage location.

    Recording Cycle

    The recording cycle can range from 15 to 360 minutes. If the specified recording cycle is exceeded, the system generates a new recording based on the recording naming rule. By default, the length of a TS segment is 30 seconds.


    The recording cycle specifies the maximum length of a VOD file that is converted from the specified live stream.

    Transcoding Settings

    Select a storage transcoding rule from the drop-down list. You can transcode the recorded videos in ApsaraVideo VOD.

    The storage transcoding rule is used to convert the recorded videos to VOD files for transmission. You can transcode the recorded videos to videos of different resolutions or retain the original quality without transcoding.

    For more information about transcoding templates in ApsaraVideo VOD, see Transcoding templates.


    The region of the transcoding template that you use in ApsaraVideo VOD must be the same as the region of your domain name. For example, if your domain name resides in the China (Shanghai) region, the transcoding template that you use in ApsaraVideo VOD must also reside in the China (Shanghai) region.

    Auto Merge

    After you enable this feature, recordings of multiple recording cycles can be automatically merged into one recording and stored in ApsaraVideo VOD.


    After you enable auto merge of recordings of multiple cycles, the editing and production feature and the transcoding feature of ApsaraVideo VOD will be used. For more information about the billing of the features, see Billing of editing and production and Billing of media transcoding.

    Transcoding Settings of Merged Video

    Select a transcoding template from the drop-down list, which is obtained from ApsaraVideo VOD. The system performs transcoding on the merged video based on the settings of the transcoding template. For more information about a transcoding template for auto merge, see Transcoding templates.


    The region of the transcoding template that you use in ApsaraVideo VOD must be the same as the region of your domain name. For example, if your domain name resides in the China (Shanghai) region, the transcoding template that you use in ApsaraVideo VOD must also reside in the China (Shanghai) region.

  5. Click OK.

Disable the recording feature

If you do not need to use the recording feature, you can delete the added recording templates to disable the feature.

If live streaming is in progress when you delete a template, ApsaraVideo Live continues to record based on the template. The deletion takes effect for subsequent ingested streams.

What to do next

You can view and manage recordings that are stored in ApsaraVideo VOD. For more information, see Manage recordings.


FAQ about live stream recording


You can also store recordings in OSS. For more information, see Store recordings in OSS.