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更新時間:Mar 12, 2024

Queries the transcoding configurations of a streaming domain.

Usage notes

Obtain the main streaming domain, and then call this operation to query the transcoding configurations.

QPS limit

You can call this operation up to 60 times per second per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes DescribeLiveStreamTranscodeInfo

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeLiveStreamTranscodeInfo.

DomainTranscodeName String Yes

The main streaming domain.

AppName String No myapp

The name of the application to which the live stream belongs.

Response parameters





RequestId String 62136AE6-7793-45ED-B14A-60D19A9486D3

The request ID.

DomainTranscodeList Array of DomainTranscodeInfo

The transcoding configurations.

TranscodeApp String liveApp****

The application name.

TranscodeTemplate String lld

The transcoding template ID. Valid values:

  • Standard transcoding:
    • lld: low definition
    • lsd: standard definition
    • lhd: high definition
    • lud: ultra-high definition
  • Narrowband HD™ transcoding:
    • ld: low definition
    • sd: standard definition
    • hd: high definition
    • ud: ultra-high definition
IsLazy Boolean true

Indicates whether forcible transcoding is used. Valid values:

  • true: Delayed transcoding is used.
  • false: Forcible transcoding is used.
TranscodeName String

The main streaming domain.

CustomTranscodeParameters Object

The custom transcoding configuration.

BitrateWithSource Map

The source-based bitrate settings.

VideoProfile String high

The video encoding profile. Valid values:

  • baseline: suitable for mobile devices.
  • main: suitable for standard-definition devices.
  • high: suitable for high-definition devices.
AudioBitrate Integer 64

The bitrate of the output audio. Unit: Kbit/s. Valid values: 1 to 1000.

Height Integer 1200

The height of the output video.

RtsFlag String true

The Real-Time Transcoding (RTS) flag. Fixed value: true.

Note This parameter is returned only if RTS is used for transcoding.
TemplateType String h264

The type of the custom transcoding template. Valid values:

  • h264: custom H.264 standard transcoding
  • h264-nbhd: custom H.264 Narrowband HD™ transcoding
  • h265: custom H.265 standard transcoding
  • h265-nbhd: custom H.265 Narrowband HD™ transcoding
  • audio: audio-only transcoding
Bframes String 0

Indicates whether B-frame removal is enabled. Fixed value: 0.

ExtWithSource Map

Other source-based settings.

AudioRate Integer 44100

The audio sampling rate. Valid values: 22050 to 96000.

Note If the value of AudioProfile is aac_ld, the audio sampling rate cannot exceed 44100.
FpsWithSource Map

The source-based frame rate settings.

AudioCodec String ACC

The audio encoding format.

FPS Integer 15

The frame rate of the output video. Unit: frames per second (FPS).

Gop String 10

The group of pictures (GOP) size of the output video. Unit: frames. Valid values: 1 to 3000.

Width Integer 1000

The width of the output video.

VideoBitrate Integer 3000

The bitrate of the output video. Unit: Kbit/s.

AudioChannelNum Integer 2

The number of sound channels. Valid values:

  • 1: mono
  • 2: binaural
AudioProfile String aac_low

The audio encoding profile. Valid values:

  • aac_low
  • aac_he
  • aac_he_v2
  • aac_ld
ResWithSource Map

The source-based resolution settings.

EncryptParameters Object

The encryption settings.

EncryptType String aliyun

The type of encryption. Set the value to aliyun.

KmsKeyID String afce5722-81d2-43c3-9930-7601da11****

The ID of the customer master key (CMK) in Key Management Service (KMS).

KmsKeyExpireInterval String 3600

The rotation period of the CMK. Valid values: 60 to 3600. Unit: seconds.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "62136AE6-7793-45ED-B14A-60D19A9486D3",
  "DomainTranscodeList" : {
    "TranscodeApp" : "liveApp****",
    "TranscodeTemplate" : "lld",
    "IsLazy" : true,
    "TranscodeName" : "",
    "CustomTranscodeParameters" : {
      "VideoProfile" : "high",
      "AudioBitrate" : 64,
      "Height" : 1200,
      "RtsFlag" : true,
      "TemplateType" : "h264",
      "Bframes" : 0,
      "AudioRate" : 44100,
      "AudioCodec" : "ACC",
      "FPS" : 15,
      "Gop" : 10,
      "Width" : 1000,
      "VideoBitrate" : 3000,
      "AudioChannelNum" : 2,
      "AudioProfile" : "aac_low"
    "EncryptParameters" : {
      "EncryptType" : "aliyun",
      "KmsKeyID" : "afce5722-81d2-43c3-9930-7601da11****",
      "KmsKeyExpireInterval" : 3600

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.