You can execute DESCRIBE or SHOW statements to query information about databases (also known as schemas), tables, or indexes. You can execute the USE statement to use a specified schema.


  • The following statement can be executed to show all databases.
    show schemas;
    In LindormTable V2.2.16 or later, the following statement is used by default to show all databases:
    show databases; 
  • The following statement can be executed to show all tables in a specified schema. If no schema is specified, all tables in the default schema are returned.
    show tables;
  • In LindormTable V2.2.16 or later, the following statement can be executed to show the details of a specified table. The details include the data types of columns in the table and other column information.
    show columns in/from <Table name>;
  • The following statement can be executed to show the indexes that are created for the test table.
    show index from test;
  • The following statement can be executed to show the details of the test table. The details includes the data types of columns in the table and other column information.
    describe test;
  • The following statement can be executed to use a specific schema.
    use schema;