Generates the URL and details of a device list file that you want to upload to Object Storage Service (OSS). When you create a static update batch, you can specify devices that you want to update in a device list file.
- A device list file contains the names of devices. Separate multiple device names with line feeds. Each line contains only one device name. A device list file must be in the CSV format. The maximum size of a device list file is 5 MB.
- Each device list file can contain up to 10,000 names for the devices in a product that is related to an update package. If the number of device names in a device list file exceeds the limit, an error occurs when you use the file to create a static update batch.
This operation can be used with other operations to upload a device list file. Procedure:
1. Call this operation to generate the information of a device list file that you want to upload to OSS.
The response parameters of this API operation include:
The following request parameters of the OSS PostObject operation that is used to upload the device list file: Key, AccessKeyId, Signature, and Policy.
2. Use an OSS SDK to call the PostObject operation to upload the device list file within 1 minute after a response is returned. For more information about sample code, see the "Usage of response parameters" section in this topic.
3. After you upload the device list file, call the CreateOTAStaticUpgradeJob operation of IoT Platform to create a static update batch within 60 minutes.
If you upload device list files but you do not call the CreateOTAStaticUpgradeJob operation to create a static update batch, the system automatically deletes the uploaded files. The system deletes files on a regular basis.
QPS limits
Each Alibaba Cloud account can run up to 10 queries per second (QPS).
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GenerateDeviceNameListURL |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GenerateDeviceNameListURL. |
IotInstanceId | String | No | iot-cn-0pp1n8t**** |
The ID of the instance. You can view the instance ID on the Overview page in the IoT Platform console. Notice
For more information, see Overview. |
In addition to the preceding operation-specific request parameters, you must configure common request parameters when you call this operation. For more information, see Common request parameters.
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Code | String | iot.system.SystemException |
The error code returned if the call fails. For more information, see Error codes. |
Data | Struct |
The information returned if the call is successful. For more information, see the following parameters: |
AccessKeyId | String | cS8uRRy54Rsz**** |
The AccessKey ID of the bucket owner. The OSS bucket stores the file. |
FileUrl | String |****/ck2nfzljo00023g7kysg0****.csv |
The URL of the file that is stored in OSS. After the device list file is uploaded, this parameter is used to call the CreateOTAStaticUpgradeJob operation to create a static update batch. |
Host | String | |
The endpoint of OSS. |
Key | String | ota/65dfcda0473be29836dfde585472****/ck2nfzljo00023g7kysg0****.csv |
The full path of the file in OSS. You can call the OSS PostObject operation to upload the file to OSS. |
ObjectStorage | String | OSS |
The type of the object storage. Default value: OSS. |
Policy | String | eyJleHBpcmF**** |
The parameter that is used by OSS to verify form fields for the request. |
Signature | String | v6lViO4FBvfquajQjg20K5hK**** |
The signature that is calculated based on AccessKeySecret and Policy. When you call an OSS operation, OSS uses the signature information to verify the POST request. |
UtcCreate | String | 2019-11-04T06:21:54.607Z |
The time when the URL of the file that you want to upload was generated. The time is displayed in UTC. |
ErrorMessage | String | A system exception occurred. |
The error message returned if the call fails. |
RequestId | String | 74C2BB8D-1D6F-41F5-AE68-6B2310883F63 |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the call was successful.
Usage of response parameters
When you call the OSS PostObject operation to upload the file to OSS, specify the values of the parameters that are returned by this operation for the request parameters of the PostObject operation.
The following sample code that is written in Java shows how to upload the device list file to OSS.
- Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file:
- Sample code:
public static boolean postObject(String key,
String host,
String policy,
String ossAccessKeyId,
String signature,
String data) throws IOException {
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpPost uploadFile = new HttpPost(host);
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
builder.addTextBody("key", key, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
builder.addTextBody("policy", policy, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
builder.addTextBody("ossAccessKeyId", ossAccessKeyId, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
builder.addTextBody("signature", signature, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
builder.addTextBody("success_action_status", "200", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
builder.addBinaryBody("file", data.getBytes());
HttpEntity multipart =;
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(uploadFile);
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
return true;
return false;
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
"Data": {
"Policy": "eyJleHBpcmF****",
"FileUrl": "****/ck2nfzljo00023g7kysg0****.csv",
"UtcCreate": "2019-11-04T06:21:54.607Z",
"AccessKeyId": "cS8uRRy54Rsz****",
"Signature": "v6lViO4FBvfquajQjg20K5hK****",
"ObjectStorage": "OSS",
"Host": "",
"Key": "ota/65dfcda0473be29836dfde585472****/ck2nfzljo00023g7kysg0****.csv"
"RequestId": "74C2BB8D-1D6F-41F5-AE68-6B2310883F63",
"Success": true