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IoT Platform:BatchImportVehicleDevice

更新時間:Oct 18, 2023

Adds multiple devices to a cloud gateway product at a time.

Usage notes

The BatchImportVehicleDevice operation is suitable for scenarios in which you want to add multiple devices to a JT/T 808 or GB/T 32960 cloud gateway product at a time.

QPS limits

You can call this API operation up to 10 times per second per account.

Note The RAM users of an Alibaba Cloud account share the quota of the account.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes BatchImportVehicleDevice

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to BatchImportVehicleDevice.

IotInstanceId String Yes iot-1n8t****

The ID of the instance. You can view the ID of the instance on the Overview tab in the IoT Platform console.

For more information, see Overview.

ProductKey String Yes a1Bw****

The ProductKey of the product to which the device belongs.

DeviceList.N.Manufacturer String No mf0001

The manufacturer ID of the device. If you want to add a JT/T 808 cloud gateway device, this parameter is required.

The manufacturer ID must be 4 to 11 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-).

Note You can specify up to 10,000 device manufacturer IDs in a single call. If the number of device manufacturer IDs exceeds the limit, excess device manufacturer IDs are discarded.
DeviceList.N.DeviceModel String No dm0001

The device model of the device. If you want to add a JT/T 808 cloud gateway device, this parameter is required.

The device model must be 4 to 30 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-).

Note You can specify up to 10,000 device models in a single call. If the number of device models exceeds the limit, excess device models are discarded.
DeviceList.N.DeviceId String No di0001

The ID of the device. If you want to add a JT/T 808 cloud gateway device, this parameter is required.

The ID must be 4 to 30 characters, and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-).

Note You can specify up to 10,000 device IDs in a single call. If the number of device IDs exceeds the limit, excess device IDs are discarded.
DeviceList.N.DeviceName String No vin0001

The DeviceName of the device. If you want to add a JT/T 808 cloud gateway device, you must specify the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the device as the value of this parameter.

The DeviceName must be 4 to 17 characters in length, and can contain letters and digits.

Note You can specify up to 10,000 DeviceNames in a single call. If the number of DeviceNames exceeds the limit, excess DeviceNames are discarded.

In addition to the preceding operation-specific request parameters, you must configure common request parameters when you call this operation. For more information about common request parameters, see Common parameters.

Response parameters





Code String iot.system.SystemException

The error code returned if the call fails. For more information, see the "Error codes" section of this topic.

Data Struct

The data returned if the call is successful.

ApplyId Long 1295006

The application ID (ApplyId) returned for the request if the call is successful.

InvalidDetailList Array of InvalidDetailList

The details of invalid devices returned if the call fails.

DeviceId String di_*0001

The IDs of JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices.

DeviceModel String dm_*0001

The device models of JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices.

DeviceName String device_*0001

The DeviceNames of GB/T 32960 cloud gateway devices.

ErrorMsg String The device name is illegal.

The error message returned if the call fails.

Manufacturer String mf_*0001

The manufacturer IDs of JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices.

InvalidDeviceIdList List { "InvalidDeviceIdList": [ "di&^", "&*G%" ] }

The invalid device IDs returned if JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

InvalidDeviceModelList List { "InvalidDeviceModelList": [ "dm$", "dm_uh" ] }

The invalid device models returned if JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

InvalidDeviceNameList List { "InvalidDeviceNameList": [ "APT$", "aw" ] }

The invalid DeviceNames returned if GB/T 32960 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

InvalidManufacturerList List { "InvalidManufacturerList": [ "bm*$", "#$F" ] }

The invalid device manufacturer IDs returned if JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

RepeatedDeviceIdList List { "RepeatedDeviceIdList": [ "^67$", "1" ] }

The duplicate device IDs returned if JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

RepeatedDeviceNameList List { "RepeatedDeviceNameList": [ "abcd", "asdf" ] }

The duplicate DeviceNames returned if GB/T 32960 cloud gateway devices failed to be added.

ErrorMessage String A system exception occurred.

The error message returned if the call fails.

RequestId String E4C0FF92-2A86-41DB-92D3-73B60310D25E

The ID of the request.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the call was successful. Valid values:

  • true: The call was successful.
  • false: The call failed.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "RequestId": "E4C0FF92-2A86-41DB-92D3-73B60310D25E",
    "Data": {
        "ApplyId": 1295006
    "Code": "",
    "Success": true

Error codes


Error Code

Error message


400 iot.device.TooManyDeviceNamesPerRequest The devices you query exceed the maximum number. The number of DeviceNames that you specified in the request exceeds the limit.
400 iot.device.ApplyManyDevicesFailed An error occurred while creating multiple devices. The request to create multiple devices at a time failed.
400 iot.common.InvalidTenant the device tenantId is invalid. The tenant information of the device is invalid.
400 iot.device.InvalidFormattedDeviceNameInNameArray The DeviceName list contains an invalid DeviceName. An invalid DeviceName exists in the DeviceName list.
400 The product authentication type is invalid. The product certification type is invalid.
400 The ProductKey format is invalid. The format of the value of the ProductKey parameter is invalid.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.