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Graph Compute:Metrics

更新時間:Jul 13, 2023

This topic describes the metrics for the graphs in a Graph Compute instance.

Metrics page

After you create graphs in a Graph Compute instance, you can go to the Metrics page of the instance details page. On the Metrics page, you can select a graph and specify a time range to view the metrics of the graph and the metrics of the tables in the graph.

Metrics of a graph

The monitored object is the Proxy. The following metrics are displayed for a graph:

  • Online service queries per second (QPS)

  • Online service latency

Metrics of the tables in a graph

The monitored objects are all the tables in a graph. The following metrics are displayed:

  • QPS: the QPS of the Searcher.

  • Server RT: the server response time (RT) of the Searcher.

  • Total update QPS

  • Update QPS with failures

  • Update time gap: the period from the time when you send an update message to the time when the update message takes effect.

  • Returned records

  • Disk usage: the disk space used by different online clusters, which includes data that is mutually backed up.

  • Memory usage

  • Real-time memory status