Views the list of functions.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common parameters.

Request syntax

GET /services/{serviceName.qualifier}/functions HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
serviceName String Path No service_name

The name of the service.

qualifier String Path No test

The version or alias of the service.

limit Integer Query No 20

The maximum number of resources to be returned. Default value: 20. The value cannot exceed 100. The number of returned resources is smaller than or equal to the specified number.

nextToken String Query No next_service

The token used to obtain more results. If the number of resources exceeds the limit, the nextToken parameter is returned. Include this parameter in subsequent invocations to obtain more results. You do not need to provide this parameter in the first invocation.

prefix String Query No prefix_text

The prefix that the names of returned resources must contain.

startKey String Query No next_service

The starting position of the result list. Results are sorted in the alphabetical order and those results following startKey (inclusive) are listed.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
functions Array

An array that consists of the information of functions.

codeChecksum String 282517953635042****

The CRC-64 value of the function code package.

codeSize Long 421

The size of the function code package. Unit: byte.

createdTime String 2020-04-01T08:14:58Z

The time when the function was created.

customContainerConfig CustomContainerConfig

The configuration of the custom container. After you configure the custom container runtime, you can use custom container images to execute functions.

description String test_description

The description of the function.

environmentVariables Map

The environment variables configured for the function. The values of the environment variables are obtained from the function. For more information, see Overview.

functionId String e68905d5-f81c***

The ID generated by the system for each function. It must be globally unique.

functionName String function_name

The name of the function.

handler String index.handler

The handler of the function. The format is determined by the programming language. For more information, see Function handlers.

lastModifiedTime Long 2020-04-01T08:14:58Z

The last time when the function was updated.

memorySize Integer 256

The memory size of the function. Unit: MB. The memory size is a multiple of 64 MB. Instance types have different memory specifications. For more information, see Instance types.

runtime String python3

The runtime environment of the function. Valid values: nodejs6, nodejs8, nodejs10, nodejs12, python2.7, python3, java8, java11, php7.2, dotnetcore2.1, custom runtime, and custom container.

timeout Integer 60

The timeout period for the execution of the function. Unit: seconds. Default value: 60. Valid values: 1 to 86400. When this period expires, the execution of the function is terminated.

initializationTimeout Integer 60

The timeout period for the execution of the initializer function. Unit: seconds. Default value: 3. Valid values: 1 to 300. When this period expires, the execution of the initializer function is terminated.

initializer String index.handler

The handler of the initializer function. The format is determined by the programming language. For more information, see Initializer function.

caPort Integer 9000

The port on which the HTTP server listens for the custom runtime or custom container runtime.

nextToken String next_service

The token used to obtain more results. If this value is not returned, all results are returned.


Sample requests

GET /2016-08-15/services/service_name.test/functions HTTP/1.1 
Common request headers

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "functions" : [ {
    "codeChecksum" : "282517953635042****",
    "codeSize" : 421,
    "createdTime" : "2020-04-01T08:14:58Z",
    "customContainerConfig" : {
      "args" : "[\"-arg1\", \"value1\"]",
      "command" : "[\"/code/myserver\"]",
      "image" : "",
      "accelerationType" : "Default",
      "instanceID" : "cri-xxxxxx"
    "description" : "test_description",
    "functionId" : "e68905d5-f81c***",
    "functionName" : "function_name",
    "handler" : "index.handler",
    "memorySize" : 256,
    "runtime" : "python3",
    "timeout" : 60,
    "initializationTimeout" : 60,
    "initializer" : "index.handler",
    "caPort" : 9000
  } ],
  "nextToken" : "next_service"