本文為您介紹Over Aggregate變更的可相容性和不可相容性詳情。
新增、刪除、修改非Distinct的統計指標(Aggregate Function)。
Over Aggregate除了輸出彙總指標,還會輸出原始輸入資料。因此輸入的Schema發生變化時,狀態不相容。
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts), max(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 新增統計指標:count(c),屬於部分相容變更。 -- sum(b)、max(c) 的計算結果不受影響,count(c)的值在作業啟動時從0開始累計。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts), max(c) over (partition by a order by ts), count(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 刪除統計指標:sum(b),屬於完全相容變更。 -- max(c) 的計算結果不受影響。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 修改統計指標:max(c) -> min(c),屬於部分相容變更。 -- sum(b)的計算結果不受影響。max(c)被認為刪除,其對應的狀態資料會被丟棄。 -- min(c)被認為是新增指標,其值在作業啟動時開始計算,min(c) 對應的狀態資料會被丟棄。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts), min(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable;
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts), max(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable -- 調整統計指標位置:sum(b)、max(c),屬於完全相容變更。 -- sum(b)、max(c) 的計算結果不受影響。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts), sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable;
修改Partition Key順序,該修改屬於完全相容變更。
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a,b order by ts), max(c) over (partition by a,b order by ts) from MyTable; -- 修改partition key順序,屬於完全相容。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by b,a order by ts), max(c) over (partition by b,a order by ts) from MyTable;
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, count(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 例如over節點修改schema欄位順序。 select a, c, b, count(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, cnt from (select a, b, c, d, count(b) over (partition by a order by proctime) as cnt from src); -- 例如over節點刪除未被agg用到,本來就會被裁減的schema欄位。 select a, b, c, cnt from (select a, b, c, count(b) over (partition by a order by proctime) as cnt from src);
Over Aggregate輸入的Schema發生變化,該修改屬於不相容變更。
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts), max(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 新增輸入欄位d,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, d, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts), sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 修改輸入欄位c,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts), sum(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from ( select a, b, substring(c, 1, 5) as c from MyTable );
修改Over視窗相關屬性(Partition By、Order By、Bound Definition),該修改屬於不相容變更。
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from MyTable; -- 修改partition key:a -> b,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by b order by ts asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from MyTable; -- 修改order by:ts asc -> ts desc,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts desc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) from MyTable; -- 修改bound definition:unbounded preceding -> 2 preceding,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts asc rows between 2 preceding and current row) from MyTable;
新增、刪除、修改Distinct統計指標(Distinct Aggregate Function),該修改屬於不相容變更。
-- 原始SQL。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 新增Distinct統計指標count(distinct b),當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, b, c, max(c) over (partition by b order by ts), count(distinct b) over (partition by b order by ts) from MyTable;
-- 原始SQL。 select a, ts, min(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable; -- 修改唯一統計指標,當前修改屬於不相容變更。 select a, ts, max(b) over (partition by a order by ts) from MyTable;
-- 作業變更前後,存在例如python自訂weighter_avg的函數,屬於未知相容。
select min(a), min(b), min(c), weighted_avg(a, b), min(cnt)
from (select a, b, c, count(b)
over (partition by a, b order by ts) as cnt from MyTable);