Call the UpdateCollectorName to modify the name of the collector.
Request header
This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see Common request parameters.
Request structure
POST /openapi/collectors/[ResId]/actions/rename HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Position | Required | Example | Description |
ResId | String | Path | Yes | ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c**** |
The collector ID. |
ClientToken | String | Query | No | 5A2CFF0E-5718-45B5-9D4D-70B3FF**** |
This parameter is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. The value of this parameter is generated by the client and is unique among different requests. The maximum length is 64 ASCII characters. |
The following parameters must be filled in the RequestBody to specify the name of the modified collector.
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
name |
String |
Yes |
collectorName1 |
The name of the modified collector. |
{ "name": "collectorName1" }
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1**** |
The ID of the request. |
Result | Struct |
The returned results. |
collectorPaths | List | ["/var/log"] |
The fileBeat collection path. It is displayed when the deployment machine of the collector is ECS. |
configs | Array of configs |
The configuration file information of the collector. |
content | String | - key: log\n title: Log file content\n description: >\n Contains log file lines.\n .... |
The content of the remote file. |
fileName | String | fields.yml |
The name of the file. |
dryRun | Boolean | false |
Whether to verify and create a collector. Then, you can perform the following operations:
extendConfigs | Array of extendConfigs |
Collector expansion configuration. |
configType | String | collectorDeployMachine |
The type of the configuration. Then, you can perform the following operations:
enableMonitoring | Boolean | true |
Whether to enable Monitoring. When configType For collectorTargetInstance , and instanceType For elasticsearch When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:
groupId | String | default_ct-cn-5i2l75bz4776**** |
machine group ID. When configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed. |
host | String | es-cn-4591jumei000u**** |
The private network access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
hosts | List | ["es-cn-n6w1o1x*****"] |
Collector Output specifies the list of access addresses of the instance. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed. |
instanceId | String | es-cn-n6w1o1**** |
The instance ID associated with the collector. When configType For collectorTargetInstance is the instance ID of the collector Output; when configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster is the ACK cluster ID. |
instanceType | String | elasticsearch |
The instance type specified by the collector Output. Support: Elasticsearch, logstash. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed. |
kibanaHost | String | https://es-cn-4591jumei000u**** |
The Internet access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
machines | Array of machines |
The list of ECS machines deployed by the collector. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ECSInstanceId When displayed. |
agentStatus | String | heartOk |
The status of each collector on ECS. Then, you can perform the following operations: heartOk (normal heartbeat), heartLost (abnormal heartbeat), uninstalled (not installed) and failed (Installation failed). |
instanceId | String | c1b9fde5172b84f82b9928e825a7b8988 |
The list of ECS machine IDs. |
protocol | String | HTTP |
Transport protocol, supported HTTP , HTTPS . |
successPodsCount | String | 8 |
The number of all successfully collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed. |
totalPodsCount | String | 10 |
The number of all collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed. |
type | String | ECSInstanceId |
The type of machine deployed by the collector, when configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:
userName | String | elastic |
Output specifies the user name of the instance. The default name is elastic. When configType For collectorTargetInstance or collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
gmtCreatedTime | String | 2020-06-20T07:26:47.000+0000 |
The time when the collector was created. |
gmtUpdateTime | String | 2020-06-20T07:26:47.000+0000 |
The collector update time. |
name | String | ct-test |
The name of the collector. |
ownerId | String | 16852099488***** |
The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
resId | String | ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c**** |
The collector instance ID. |
resType | String | fileBeat |
The collector type, which supports fileBeat, metricBeat, heartBeat, and audiBeat. |
resVersion | String | 6.8.5_with_community |
The collector version. The supported versions are related to the deployment machine type of the collector, as follows:
status | String | active |
The collector status. Activing (in effect) and active (in effect) are supported. |
vpcId | String | vpc-bp16k1dvzxtma***** |
Virtual Private Cloud ID. where the collector is located |
Sample requests
POST /openapi/collectors/ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c **** /actions/rename HTTP/1.1 public request header {"name": "collectorName1" }
Sample success responses
{ "Result": { "gmtCreatedTime": "2021-01-14T08:54:42.000+0000", "gmtUpdateTime": "2021-01-18T03:59:20.140+0000", "name": "API_test", "resId": "ct-cn-tfv81t7vs8608****", "resVersion": "6.8.5_with_community", "vpcId": "vpc-bp12nu14urf0upaf4****", "resType": "fileBeat", "ownerId": "168520994880****", "collectorPaths": [ "/opt/test/logs/" ], "configs": [ { "fileName": "fields.yml", "content": "- key: log\n title: Log file content\n description: >\n Contains log file lines.\n fields:\n ......" }, { "fileName": "filebeat.yml", "content": "###################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################\n\n# This file is an example configuration file ......" } ], "status": "active", "extendConfigs": [ { "configType": "collectorTargetInstance", "instanceId": "es-cn-nif201ihd0012****", "instanceType": "elasticsearch", "hosts": [ "es-cn-nif201ihd0012****" ], "protocol": "HTTP", "userName": "elastic", "enableMonitoring": false }, { "configType": "collectorDeployMachine", "type": "ECSInstanceId", "machines": [ { "instanceId": "i-bp11u91xgubypcuz****", "agentStatus": "heartOk" } ], "groupId": "default_ct-cn-tfv81t7vs8608****" } ], "dryRun": false }, "RequestId": "9B2BD604-3B93-4F66-91F0-43B4D2D268FF" }
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Error Center.