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更新時間:Apr 24, 2024

Call the ListVpcEndpoints operation to view the status of the endpoints in the VPC of the service account.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation does not have operation-specific request headers and uses only common request headers. For more information, see the "Common request parameters" section of the Common parameters topic.


GET /openapi/instances/{InstanceId}/vpc-endpoints HTTP/1.1

Request parameters







InstanceId String Path Yes es-cn-2r429tctl000d****

The instance ID.

size Integer Query No 10

The number of entries to return on each page. Default value: 20.

page Integer Query No 1

The page number.

Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1.

Response parameters



Sample value


RequestId String F99407AB-2FA9-489E-A259-40CF6DCC47D9

The request ID.

Result Array of Result

The details of the endpoints.

endpointBusinessStatus String Normal

The business status of the endpoint. Valid values:

  • Normal: The IPv6 gateway is running as expected.
  • FinancialLocked: The IPv6 gateway is locked due to overdue payments.
serviceId String epsrv-bp1w0p3jdirbfmt6****

The ID of the endpoint service with which the endpoint is associated.

endpointName String test

The name of the endpoint.

endpointId String ep-bp1tah7zbrwmkjef****

The endpoint ID.

serviceName String****

The name of the endpoint service that is associated with the endpoint.

createTime String 2021-07-22T01:19:24Z

The time when the endpoint was created.

connectionStatus String Disconnected

The status of the endpoint connection. Valid values:

  • Pending
  • Connecting
  • Connected: The connection is established.
  • Disconnecting
  • Disconnected
  • Deleting: The member is being deleted.
  • ServiceDeleted
endpointDomain String ep-bp18s6wy9420wdi4****.epsrv-bp1bz3efowa4kc0****

The domain name of the endpoint. The domain name is used for connection configuration.

endpointStatus String Active

The status of the endpoint. Valid values:

  • Creating: The image is being created.
  • Active
  • Pending
  • Deleting: The member is being deleted.


Sample requests

GET /openapi/instances/es-cn-2r429tctl000d****/vpc-endpoints HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Result" : [ {
    "endpointId" : "ep-bp18s6wy9420wdi4****",
    "serviceId" : "epsrv-bp1bz3efowa4kc03****",
    "zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-i",
    "securityGroupId" : "sg-bp1emvef6hl69pqs****",
    "createTime" : "2021-07-22T01:19:24Z",
    "endpointStatus" : "Active",
    "endpointBusinessStatus" : "Normal",
    "endpointDomain" : "ep-bp18s6wy9420wdi4****.epsrv-bp1bz3efowa4kc0****",
    "connectionStatus" : "Disconnected",
    "serviceName" : "****"
  }, {
    "endpointId" : "ep-bp1tah7zbrwmkjef****",
    "serviceId" : "epsrv-bp1w0p3jdirbfmt6****",
    "zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-i",
    "securityGroupId" : "sg-bp1emvef6hl69pqs****",
    "createTime" : "2021-07-22T01:12:28Z",
    "endpointStatus" : "Active",
    "endpointBusinessStatus" : "Normal",
    "endpointDomain" : "ep-bp1tah7zbrwmkjef****.epsrv-bp1w0p3jdirbfmt6****",
    "connectionStatus" : "Connected",
    "serviceName" : "****"
  } ],
  "RequestId" : "AD080217-B2C1-4F36-904F-BE4E4A0B4536"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.