Call ListNodes to view the status of the ECS machine where the collector is installed.
Request header
This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see Common request parameters.
Request structure
GET /openapi/collectors/[ResId]/nodes HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Position | Required | Example | Description |
ResId | String | Path | Yes | ct-cn-l871nd0u73c45**** |
The collector ID. |
page | Integer | Query | No | 1 |
The number of pages of the returned result. |
size | Integer | Query | No | 10 |
The number of results per page. |
ecsInstanceIds | String | Query | No | i-bp1ei8ysh7orb6eq**** |
The ID of ECS instance N. |
ecsInstanceName | String | Query | No | test |
The ECS instance name. |
tags | String | Query | No | [{"tagKey":"abc","tagValue":"xyz"}] |
The tag information of the ECS instance. The tag key (tagKey) and tag value (tagValue) must be included. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Headers | Struct |
The header of the response. |
X-Total-Count | Integer | 10 |
The number of entries returned. |
RequestId | String | E1FD7642-7C40-4FF2-9C0F-21F1A1746F70 |
The ID of the request. |
Result | Array of Result |
The return results. |
agentStatus | String | heartOk |
The status of each collector on ECS. Then, you can perform the following operations:
cloudAssistantStatus | String | true |
Whether the Cloud Assistant has been opened. Then, you can perform the following operations:
ecsInstanceId | String | i-bp13y63575oypr**** |
The ID of the instance. |
ecsInstanceName | String | ECS_beat |
The ECS instance name. |
ipAddress | Array of ipAddress |
The IP information list of the ECS instance. |
host | String | 192.168.xx.xx |
The IP address. |
ipType | String | public |
The type of the IP address. Then, you can perform the following operations:
osType | String | linux |
The operating system type of the ECS instance. Then, you can perform the following operations:
status | String | running |
The status of the ECS instance. Then, you can perform the following operations:
tags | Array of tags |
The tag information of the ECS instance. |
tagKey | String | abc |
The key of the tag. |
tagValue | String | xyz |
The tag value. |
Sample requests
GET /openapi/collectors/ct-cn-l871nd0u73c45 ****/nodes HTTP/1.1 public request header
Sample success responses
{ "Result": [ { "ecsInstanceId": "i-bp13y63575oypr9d****", "ecsInstanceName": "zl-test02-keepit", "status": "running", "ipAddress": [ { "host": "47.111.xx.xx", "ipType": "public" }, { "host": "10.8.xx.xx", "ipType": "private" } ], "tags": [ { "tagKey": "a", "tagValue": "b" } ], "agentStatus": "failed", "osType": "linux", "cloudAssistantStatus": "true" } ], "RequestId": "E1FD7642-7C40-4FF2-9C0F-21F1A1746F70", "Headers": { "X-Total-Count": 1 } }
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.