Call ListNodes to view the status of the ECS machine where the collector is installed.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. After you call an operation, OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request header

This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see Common request parameters.

Request structure

     GET /openapi/collectors/[ResId]/nodes HTTP/1.1 

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
ResId String Path Yes ct-cn-l871nd0u73c45****

The collector ID.

page Integer Query No 1

The number of pages of the returned result.

size Integer Query No 10

The number of results per page.

ecsInstanceIds String Query No i-bp1ei8ysh7orb6eq****

The ID of ECS instance N.

ecsInstanceName String Query No test

The ECS instance name.

tags String Query No [{"tagKey":"abc","tagValue":"xyz"}]

The tag information of the ECS instance. The tag key (tagKey) and tag value (tagValue) must be included.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Headers Struct

The header of the response.

X-Total-Count Integer 10

The number of entries returned.

RequestId String E1FD7642-7C40-4FF2-9C0F-21F1A1746F70

The ID of the request.

Result Array of Result

The return results.

agentStatus String heartOk

The status of each collector on ECS. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • heartOk: normal heartbeat
  • heartLost: abnormal heartbeat
  • uninstalled: not installed
  • failed: installation failed
cloudAssistantStatus String true

Whether the Cloud Assistant has been opened. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • true: Open
  • false: not enabled
ecsInstanceId String i-bp13y63575oypr****

The ID of the instance.

ecsInstanceName String ECS_beat

The ECS instance name.

ipAddress Array of ipAddress

The IP information list of the ECS instance.

host String 192.168.xx.xx

The IP address.

ipType String public

The type of the IP address. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • public: public IP address
  • private: private IP address
osType String linux

The operating system type of the ECS instance. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • windows:Windows Server
  • linux:Linux
status String running

The status of the ECS instance. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • running: The cluster is running.
  • starting
  • stopping: Stopping
  • stopped: The nodes are stopped.
tags Array of tags

The tag information of the ECS instance.

tagKey String abc

The key of the tag.

tagValue String xyz

The tag value.


Sample requests

     GET /openapi/collectors/ct-cn-l871nd0u73c45 ****/nodes HTTP/1.1 public request header 

Sample success responses

JSON format

     { "Result": [ { "ecsInstanceId": "i-bp13y63575oypr9d****", "ecsInstanceName": "zl-test02-keepit", "status": "running", "ipAddress": [ { "host": "47.111.xx.xx", "ipType": "public" }, { "host": "10.8.xx.xx", "ipType": "private" } ], "tags": [ { "tagKey": "a", "tagValue": "b" } ], "agentStatus": "failed", "osType": "linux", "cloudAssistantStatus": "true" } ], "RequestId": "E1FD7642-7C40-4FF2-9C0F-21F1A1746F70", "Headers": { "X-Total-Count": 1 } } 

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.