Queries the indexes stored on an Elasticsearch cluster.
Request headers
This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.
Request syntax
GET /openapi/instances/{InstanceId}/indices HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Position | Required | Example | Description |
InstanceId | String | Path | Yes | es-cn-tl329rbpc0001**** |
The ID of the instance. |
all | Boolean | Query | No | false |
Specifies whether to obtain all indexes. Valid values:
name | String | Query | No | log-0001 |
The name of the index. Fuzzy match is supported. |
isManaged | Boolean | Query | No | false |
Specifies whether to view only the indexes in the host. Valid values:
isOpenstore | Boolean | Query | No | false |
Specifies whether to view only the OpenStore cold stage index. Valid values:
page | Integer | Query | No | 1 |
The page number of the returned page. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
size | Integer | Query | No | 15 |
The number of entries to return on each page. Maximum value: 100. Default value: 20. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | F99407AB-2FA9-489E-A259-40CF6DCC**** |
The ID of the request. |
Headers | Object |
The header of the response. |
X-Managed-StorageSize | Long | 18093942932 |
The total size of the index in Cloud Hosting. Unit: bytes. |
X-Managed-Count | Integer | 15 |
The total number of indexes in Cloud Hosting. |
X-OSS-StorageSize | Long | 9093942932 |
The total size of the OpenStore cold stage index for this instance. Unit: bytes. |
X-OSS-Count | Integer | 5 |
The total number of indexes in the OpenStore cold phase. |
Result | Array of Result |
The details of the index list. |
isManaged | String | false |
This parameter is deprecated. |
createTime | String | 2021-01-11T05:49:41.114Z |
The time when the index list was queried. |
size | Long | 49298589 |
The total storage space occupied by the current index. Unit: bytes. |
managedStatus | String | closing |
The managed status of the index. The following three statuses are supported:
name | String | .kibana_task_manager_1 |
The name of the Elasticsearch index. |
health | String | green |
The running status of the index. The following three statuses are supported:
phase | String | warm |
The current storage lifecycle. Value meaning:
Note If this parameter is empty, the current index is not managed by the lifecycle.
ilmExplain | String | { "indices": { ".ds-console-2021.08.18-000002": { "index": ".ds-console-2021.08.18-000002", "managed": true, "policy": "console", "lifecycle_date_millis": 1629277498775, "age": "2.64h", "phase": "hot", "phase_time_millis": 1629277450334, "action": "complete", "action_time_millis": 1629278605586, "step": "complete", "step_time_millis": 1629278605586, "phase_execution": { "policy": "console", "phase_definition": { "min_age": "0s", "actions": { "rollover": { "max_size": "1gb", "max_age": "1d", "max_docs": 10000 }, "set_priority": { "priority": 1000 } } }, "version": 1, "modified_date_in_millis": 1629277370953 } } } } |
The full lifecycle status of the current index. |
Sample requests
GET /openapi/instances/es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****/indices?all=false&name=log-0001&isManaged=false&isOpenstore=false&page=1&size=15 HTTP/1.1
Sample responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "F99407AB-2FA9-489E-A259-40CF6DCC****",
"Result" : [ {
"name" : ".kibana_task_manager_1",
"health" : "green",
"size" : 4929858933232,
"createTime" : "2021-01-11T05:49:41.114Z",
"managedStatus" : "closing",
"ilmExplain" : "{\n \"indices\": {\n \".kibana_task_manager_1\": {\n \"index\": \".kibana_task_manager_1\",\n \"managed\": false\n }\n }\n}"
}, {
"name" : ".ds-console-2021.08.18-000002",
"health" : "yellow",
"size" : 49298589,
"createTime" : "2021-01-11T05:49:41.114Z",
"managedStatus" : "following",
"phase" : "warm",
"ilmExplain" : "{\n \"indices\": {\n \".ds-console-2021.08.18-000002\": {\n \"index\": \".ds-console-2021.08.18-000002\",\n \"managed\": true,\n \"policy\": \"console\",\n \"lifecycle_date_millis\": 1629277498775,\n \"age\": \"2.64h\",\n \"phase\": \"hot\",\n \"phase_time_millis\": 1629277450334,\n \"action\": \"complete\",\n \"action_time_millis\": 1629278605586,\n \"step\": \"complete\",\n \"step_time_millis\": 1629278605586,\n \"phase_execution\": {\n \"policy\": \"console\",\n \"phase_definition\": {\n \"min_age\": \"0s\",\n \"actions\": {\n \"rollover\": {\n \"max_size\": \"1gb\",\n \"max_age\": \"1d\",\n \"max_docs\": 10000\n },\n \"set_priority\": {\n \"priority\": 1000\n }\n }\n },\n \"version\": 1,\n \"modified_date_in_millis\": 1629277370953\n }\n }\n }\n}"
} ],
"Headers" : {
"X-Managed-Count" : 15,
"X-Managed-StorageSize" : 18093942932,
"X-OSS-Count" : 5,
"X-OSS-StorageSize" : 9093942932
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.