Obtains the list of Elasticsearch instances.
Request headers
This operation does not have operation-specific request headers and uses only common request headers. For more information, see the "Common request headers" section of the "Common parameters" topic.
GET /openapi/instances HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Position |
Required |
Example |
Description |
page | Integer | Query | No. | 1 | The page number. Start value: 1. Default value: 1. |
size | Integer | Query | No. | 10 | The number of entries to return on each page. Maximum value: 100. Default value: 10. |
description | String | Query | No. | aliyunes_test1 | The name of the instance. You can specify a keyword to match multiple instances. For example, if you search for all instances of a abc, you might return all instances of abc, abcde, xyabc, and xabcy. |
instanceId | String | Query | No. | es-cn-v641a0ta3000g**** | The instance ID. |
esVersion | String | Query | No. | 6.7_with_X-Pack | The version of the instance. |
resourceGroupId | String | Query | No. | rg-aekzvowej3i**** | The ID of the resource group to which the ECS instances belong. |
tags | String | Query | No. | [{"tagKey":"key1","tagValue":"value1"}] | The tags of the ALB instance. |
vpcId | String | Query | No. | vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva**** | The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud to which the instance belongs. |
zoneId | String | Query | No. | cn-hangzhou-i | The zone ID of the instance. |
paymentType | String | Query | No. | postpaid | The billing method of the instance. Valid values:
instanceCategory | String | Query | No. | advanced | The edition of the Elasticsearch cluster. Valid values:
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Example |
Description |
RequestId | String | 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1**** | The request ID. |
Headers | Object | The header of the response. |
X-Total-Count | Integer | 10 | The number of entries returned per page. |
Result | Array of Instance | The response parameters. |
advancedDedicateMaster | Boolean | false | Indicwhether the dedicated master node is included. Valid values:
nodeAmount | Integer | 2 | The number of data nodes. |
createdAt | String | 2018-07-13T03:58:07.253Z | The time when the instance was created. |
status | String | active | The status of the instance. Valid values:
dedicateMaster | Boolean | false | Whether to include dedicated master nodes (deprecated). Valid values:
serviceVpc | Boolean | true | Whether it is a service VPC. |
paymentType | String | postpaid | The billing method of the cluster. Valid values:
resourceGroupId | String | rg-aekzvowej3i**** | The ID of the resource group. |
postpaidServiceStatus | String | active | The status of the pay-as-you-go service for the subscription cluster. Valid values:
description | String | es-cn-abc | The instance name. |
esVersion | String | 6.7_with_X-Pack | The version of the instance. |
isNewDeployment | String | true | Indicates whether the cluster is deployed in the new architecture. |
updatedAt | String | 2018-07-18T10:10:04.484Z | The time when the instance was last updated. |
instanceId | String | es-cn-v641a0ta3000g**** | The instance ID. |
tags | Array of Tag | The tags of the instance. Each tag is a key-value pair. |
tagKey | String | env | The tag key. |
tagValue | String | dev | The tag value. |
extendConfigs | Array of Object | [{ "configType": "aliVersion", "aliVersion": "ali1.3.0" }] | The configuration of the cluster extension parameters. |
clientNodeConfiguration | Object | The configurations of client nodes. |
spec | String | elasticsearch.sn2ne.large | The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications. |
amount | Integer | 3 | The number of nodes. |
disk | Integer | 20 | The size of the node storage space. Unit: GB. |
diskType | String | cloud_efficiency | The storage type of the node. Only ultra disks (cloud_efficiency) are supported. |
specInfo | String | 1C 2G | The description of the node specifications. |
elasticDataNodeConfiguration | Object | The configurations of elastic nodes. |
spec | String | elasticsearch.sn2ne.large | The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications. |
amount | Integer | 3 | The number of nodes. |
disk | Integer | 20 | The size of the node storage space. Unit: GB. |
diskEncryption | Boolean | true | Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled. Valid values:
diskType | String | cloud_ssd | The storage type. Valid values:
specInfo | String | 1C 2G | node specifications Description |
kibanaConfiguration | Object | The configurations of Kibana nodes. |
spec | String | elasticsearch.n4.small | The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications. |
amount | Integer | 1 | The number of nodes. |
disk | Integer | 20 | The size of the node storage space. Unit: GB. |
diskType | String | cloud_ssd | The storage type. |
specInfo | String | 1C 2G | node specifications Description |
masterConfiguration | Object | The configurations of dedicated master nodes. |
spec | String | elasticsearch.sn2ne.large | The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications. |
amount | Integer | 3 | The number of nodes. |
disk | Integer | 20 | The size of the node storage space. Unit: GB. |
diskType | String | cloud_ssd | The storage type. Only cloud_ssd is supported. |
specInfo | String | 1C 2G | node specifications Description |
networkConfig | Object | The network type. |
vpcId | String | vpc-abc | The VPC ID. |
vsArea | String | cn-hangzhou-e | The zone where the cluster resides. |
type | String | vpc | The network type. Only the VPC is supported. |
vswitchId | String | vsw-def | The vSwitch ID. |
whiteIpGroupList | Array of whiteIpGroupList | The whitelist of the public and private networks of the cluster. |
groupName | String | default | The name of the IP whitelist. |
whiteIpType | String | PUBLIC_KIBANA | The network type. PRIVATE_ES: Elasticsearch is an intranet. PUBLIC_KIBANA. Kibana over the Internet. PUBLIC_ES,ES public network. PRIVATE_KIBANA: The private network of Kibana. |
ips | Array of String | ["", "127.0.XX.XX"] | The network whitelist. |
nodeSpec | Object | The configurations of data nodes. |
spec | String | elasticsearch.n4.small | The specification category. For more information, see Product specifications. |
disk | Integer | 50 | The storage capacity of the node. Unit: GB. |
diskEncryption | Boolean | false | Whether to use disk encryption. Valid values:
diskType | String | cloud_ssd | The storage type. Valid values:
performanceLevel | String | PL1 | The performance level (PL) of the ESSD. This parameter is returned if the value of diskType is cloud_essd. Valid values: PL1, PL2, and PL3. |
specInfo | String | 1C 2G | node specifications Description |
vpcInstanceId | String | vpc-bp1uag5jj38c**** | The VPC ID. |
kibanaIPWhitelist | Array of String | "" | The public IP address whitelist of Kibana nodes in the cluster. |
kibanaPrivateIPWhitelist | Array of String | ["192.168.XX.XX"] | The private IP address whitelist of Kibana nodes in the cluster. |
publicIpWhitelist | Array of String | [ "" ] | Elasticsearch the public network whitelist of the cluster. |
privateNetworkIpWhiteList | Array of String | ["192.168.XX.XX/25"] | Elasticsearch the private network access whitelist of the cluster. |
endTime | Long | 1715826092044 | The time when the cache reserve instance expires. |
archType | String | public | Deployment mode, architecture type: exclusive: basic management public: cloud-native new control |
domain | String | es-cn-nif1q8auz0005****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com | The internal endpoint of the cluster. |
Sample requests
GET /openapi/instances?esVersion=6.7_with_X-Pack&resourceGroupId=rg-aekzvowej3i****&tags=[{"tagKey":"key1","tagValue":"value1"}]&vpcId=vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva****&zoneId=cn-hangzhou-i HTTP/1.1
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Result" : [ {
"instanceId" : "es-cn-v641a0ta3000g****",
"description" : "aliyunes_test1",
"nodeAmount" : 3,
"paymentType" : "postpaid",
"status" : "active",
"esVersion" : "6.7.0_with_X-Pack",
"esConfig" : { },
"esIPWhitelist" : [ ],
"esIPBlacklist" : [ ],
"privateNetworkIpWhiteList" : [ ],
"kibanaIPWhitelist" : [ ],
"publicIpWhitelist" : [ ],
"serviceVpc" : true,
"enablePublic" : false,
"haveKibana" : true,
"nodeSpec" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.sn1ne.large",
"disk" : 20,
"diskType" : "cloud_ssd",
"diskEncryption" : true
"networkConfig" : {
"vpcId" : "vpc-bp1xk0naij7jx4ph1****",
"vswitchId" : "vsw-bp1ogpdintii5qvyx****",
"vsArea" : "cn-hangzhou-g",
"type" : "vpc"
"createdAt" : "2019-08-26T08:18:06.652Z",
"updatedAt" : "2019-08-26T08:19:49.448Z",
"inited" : true,
"tags" : [ {
"tagKey" : "key1",
"tagValue" : "value1"
} ],
"dedicateMaster" : false,
"advancedDedicateMaster" : true,
"masterConfiguration" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.ic5.large",
"amount" : 3,
"diskType" : "cloud_ssd",
"disk" : 20
"haveClientNode" : true,
"warmNode" : true,
"warmNodeConfiguration" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.ic5.large",
"amount" : 2,
"diskType" : "cloud_efficiency",
"disk" : 500,
"diskEncryption" : true
"clientNodeConfiguration" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.ic5.large",
"amount" : 2,
"diskType" : "cloud_efficiency",
"disk" : 20
"kibanaConfiguration" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.n4.small",
"amount" : 1,
"disk" : 0
"commodityCode" : "elasticsearch",
"endTime" : 4722508800000,
"dictList" : [ ],
"synonymsDicts" : [ ],
"ikHotDicts" : [ ],
"aliwsDicts" : [ ],
"clusterTasks" : [ ],
"resourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmwriiikz****",
"zoneCount" : 1,
"protocol" : "HTTP",
"haveGrafana" : false,
"haveCerebro" : false,
"zoneInfos" : [ {
"zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-g",
"status" : "NORMAL"
} ],
"enableKibanaPublicNetwork" : false,
"advancedSetting" : {
"gcName" : "CMS"
}, {
"instanceId" : "es-cn-v641920bh0006****",
"description" : "aliyunes_test2",
"nodeAmount" : 2,
"paymentType" : "postpaid",
"status" : "active",
"esVersion" : "6.7.0_with_X-Pack",
"archType" : "exclusive",
"esConfig" : { },
"esIPWhitelist" : [ ],
"esIPBlacklist" : [ ],
"privateNetworkIpWhiteList" : [ ],
"kibanaIPWhitelist" : [ ],
"publicIpWhitelist" : [ ],
"enablePublic" : false,
"haveKibana" : true,
"nodeSpec" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge",
"disk" : 20,
"diskType" : "cloud_ssd",
"diskEncryption" : false
"networkConfig" : {
"vpcId" : "vpc-bp1op7luys63go2x5****",
"vswitchId" : "vsw-bp1rusvg785q97ucp****",
"vsArea" : "cn-hangzhou-i",
"type" : "vpc"
"createdAt" : "2019-08-07T13:14:07.974Z",
"updatedAt" : "2019-08-12T03:04:27.215Z",
"inited" : true,
"tags" : [ ],
"dedicateMaster" : false,
"advancedDedicateMaster" : false,
"masterConfiguration" : { },
"haveClientNode" : false,
"warmNode" : false,
"warmNodeConfiguration" : { },
"clientNodeConfiguration" : { },
"kibanaConfiguration" : {
"spec" : "elasticsearch.n4.small",
"amount" : 1,
"disk" : 0
"commodityCode" : "elasticsearch",
"endTime" : 4720867200000,
"dictList" : [ ],
"synonymsDicts" : [ ],
"ikHotDicts" : [ ],
"aliwsDicts" : [ ],
"clusterTasks" : [ ],
"resourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmwriiikz****",
"zoneCount" : 1,
"protocol" : "HTTP",
"haveGrafana" : false,
"haveCerebro" : false,
"zoneInfos" : [ {
"zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-i",
"status" : "NORMAL"
} ],
"enableKibanaPublicNetwork" : false,
"advancedSetting" : {
"gcName" : "CMS"
} ]
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.