When you create a Beats collector, call the ListEcsInstances to obtain the list of ECS instances.
Request headers
This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.
Request syntax
GET /openapi/ecs HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Location | Required | Example | Description |
page | Integer | Query | No | 1 |
The number of returned result pages. The maximum value is 500. |
size | Integer | Query | No | 10 |
The number of results contained per page. Default value: 10. Maximum value: 500. |
ecsInstanceIds | String | Query | No | ["i-bp13y63575oypr9d****","i-bp1gyhphjaj73jsr****"] |
The ID of ECS instance N. The value can be a JSON array that consists of up to 100 instance IDs. Separate the instance IDs with commas (,). |
ecsInstanceName | String | Query | No | test |
The name of the ECS instance. |
tags | String | Query | No | [{ "tagKey":"a","tagValue":"b"}] |
The tags of the ECS instance, which must contain:
vpcId | String | Query | No | vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva**** |
The ID of the VPC to which the ECS instance belongs. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1D*** |
The ID of the request. |
Headers | Object |
The header of the response. |
X-Total-Count | Integer | 11 |
The number of returned records. |
Result | Array of Result |
The returned data. |
cloudAssistantStatus | String | true |
Cloud Assistant the installation status, support:
ecsInstanceName | String | ecsTestName |
The name of the ECS instance. |
ecsInstanceId | String | i-bp14ncqge8wy3l3d**** |
The ID of the ECS instance. |
tags | String | [ { "tagKey": "a", "tagValue": "b" } ] |
The tags of the ECS instance. |
osType | String | linux |
The operating system type of the ECS instance. Valid values:
status | String | running |
The status of the ECS instance. Valid values:
ipAddress | Array of ipAddress |
The IP address of the ECS instance. |
ipType | String | private |
The type of the IP address that is used by the instance. Valid values:
host | String | 172.16.xx.xx |
The IP address of the endpoint. |
collectors | Array of collectors |
The information about the collectors on the ECS instance. |
resId | String | ct-cn-0v3xj86085dvq**** |
The ID of the collector instance. |
gmtUpdateTime | String | 2020-06-20T07:26:47.000+0000 |
The time when the collector was updated. |
dryRun | Boolean | false |
Specifies whether to verify and create a crawer. Valid values:
ownerId | String | 16852***488***** |
The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
vpcId | String | vpc-bp16k1dvzxtm****** |
The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud to which the collector belongs. |
resType | String | fileBeat |
The type of the collector. FileBeat, metricBeat, heartBeat, and auditBeat are supported. |
resVersion | String | 6.8.5_with_community |
The version of the collector. If the machine type of the collector is ECS, only 6.8.5_with_community is supported. |
gmtCreatedTime | String | 2020-06-20T07:26:47.000+0000 |
The time when the crawl collector was created. |
status | String | activing |
The status of the collector. Valid values:
name | String | ct-testAbc |
The name of the collector. |
configs | Array of configs |
The configuration file information of the collector. |
content | String | - key: log\n title: Log file content\n description: >\n Contains log file lines.\n .... |
The content of the file. |
fileName | String | fields.yml |
The name of the file. |
extendConfigs | Array of extendConfigs |
The information about the extended parameter. |
enableMonitoring | Boolean | true |
Whether Monitoring is enabled. This field is displayed when the configType is collectorTargetInstance and the instanceType is Elasticsearch. Valid values:
groupId | String | default_ct-cn-5i2l75bz4776**** |
The ID of the host group. Displayed when the configType is collectorDeployMachine. |
configType | String | collectorDeployMachine |
The configuration type. Valid values:
instanceType | String | elasticsearch |
The instance type specified by Collector Output. Supports Elasticsearch and Logstash. Displayed when the configType is collectorTargetInstance. |
protocol | String | HTTP |
The transmission protocol, which must be the same as the access protocol of the instance specified by Output. HTTP and HTTPS. Displayed when the configType is collectorTargetInstance. |
userName | String | elastic |
The username that is used to access the instance. The default value is elastic. Displayed when the configType is collectorTargetInstance or collectorElasticsearchForKibana. |
type | String | ECSInstanceId |
The type of the machine on which the Collector is deployed. This parameter is displayed when the configType is collectorDeployMachine. Valid values:
instanceId | String | es-cn-nif1z89fz003i**** |
The ID of the instance that is associated with the crawker. If the configType parameter is set to collectorTargetInstance, the value of this parameter is the ID of the output collector. If the configType parameter is set to collectorDeployMachines and the type parameter is set to ACKCluster, the value of this parameter is the ID of the ACK cluster. |
machines | Array of machines |
The list of ECS instances on which the collector is deployed. Displayed when the configType is collectorDeployMachines and the type is ECSInstanceId. |
agentStatus | String | heartOk |
The status of each crawl on the ECS instance. Valid values:
instanceId | String | i-bp13y63575oypr9d**** |
The IDs of ECS instances. |
hosts | Array of String | ["es-cn-n6w1o1x*****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200"] |
The list of access addresses of the specified instance for the output of the collector. Displayed when the configType is collectorTargetInstance. |
collectorPaths | Array of String | ["/var/log"] |
The path in which Filebeat is collected. |
Sample requests
GET /openapi/ecs?page=1&size=10 HTTP/1.1
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"Result" : [ {
"ecsInstanceId" : "i-bp1gyhphjaj73jsr****",
"ecsInstanceName" : "test",
"status" : "running",
"ipAddress" : [ {
"host" : "47.98.xx.xx",
"ipType" : "public"
}, {
"host" : "172.16.xx.xx",
"ipType" : "private"
} ],
"tags" : [ ],
"collectors" : [ {
"gmtCreatedTime" : "2020-12-30T08:04:32.000+0000",
"gmtUpdateTime" : "2020-12-30T08:20:48.000+0000",
"name" : "uptime-test",
"resId" : "ct-cn-4135is2tj194p****",
"resVersion" : "6.8.5_with_community",
"vpcId" : "vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva****",
"resType" : "heartBeat",
"ownerId" : "168520994880****",
"configs" : [ {
"fileName" : "fields.yml"
}, {
"fileName" : "heartbeat.yml"
} ],
"status" : "active",
"extendConfigs" : [ {
"configType" : "collectorTargetInstance",
"instanceId" : "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****",
"instanceType" : "elasticsearch",
"hosts" : [ "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200" ],
"protocol" : "HTTP",
"userName" : "elastic",
"enableMonitoring" : true
}, {
"configType" : "collectorDeployMachine",
"type" : "ECSInstanceId",
"machines" : [ {
"instanceId" : "i-bp1gyhphjaj73jsr****",
"agentStatus" : "heartOk"
} ],
"groupId" : "default_ct-cn-4135is2tj194p****"
} ],
"dryRun" : false
} ],
"osType" : "linux",
"cloudAssistantStatus" : "true"
} ],
"RequestId" : "58E5DE98-33B0-4D9B-B5F6-E70A77C5933E",
"Headers" : {
"X-Total-Count" : 2
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.