ListDicts is called to return the dictionary details of the specified type and the public downloadable link generated by the signature.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request parameters.

Request syntax

     GET /openapi/instances/[InstanceId]/dicts HTTP/1.1 

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
analyzerType String Query Yes IK

Dictionary type. Supported:

  • IK:IK cold update dictionary.
  • IK_HOT:IK hot updates the dictionary.
  • SYNONYMS: synonyms.
  • ALIWS: Ali dictionary.
InstanceId String Path Yes es-cn-0ju29ifnc0005****

The ID of the instance.

name String Query No SYSTEM_MAIN.dic

Filter the name of the specified file.

Note The dictionary name under each elasticsearchAnalyzer is unique. Even if IK's main word bank and disabled word bank, there will be no dictionary file with the same name.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Headers Struct

The header of the response.

X-Total-Count Integer 1

The total number of entries returned.

RequestId String 2937F832-F39E-41EF-89BA-B528342A2A3A

The ID of the request.

Result Array of Result

The returned request result.

downloadUrl String****&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI*****V9&Signature=PNPO********BBGsJDO4V3VfU4sE%3D

Internet downloadable link. The valid duration is 90 seconds.

fileSize Long 2782602

The number of bytes in the dictionary file. Unit: bytes.

name String SYSTEM_MAIN.dic

The file name of the dictionary file.

sourceType String ORIGIN

Static field.

type String MAIN

The type of the IK dictionary. Valid values:

  • MAIN: the main participle.
  • STOP: the word library.


Sample requests

     GET /openapi/instances/es-cn-0ju29ifnc0005****/dicts HTTP/1.1 common request header { "elasticsearchAnalyzer": "IK" } 

Sample success responses

JSON format

     { "Result": [ { "name": "SYSTEM_MAIN.dic", "fileSize": 2782602, "downloadUrl": "****&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAI*****V9&Signature=PNPO********BBGsJDO4V3VfU4sE%3D", "sourceType": "ORIGIN", "type": "MAIN" } ], "RequestId": "2937F832-F39E-41EF-89BA-B528342A2A3A", "Headers": { "X-Total-Count": 1 } } 

Error code

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.