Call ListCollectors to obtain the list information of collectors.
Request header
This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see Common request parameters.
Request structure
GET /openapi/collectors HTTP/1.1
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Position | Required | Example | Description |
resId | String | Query | No | ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c**** |
The collector ID. |
name | String | Query | No | collectorName1 |
The name of the collector. |
instanceId | String | Query | No | es-cn-nif1q8auz0003**** |
The instance ID associated with the collector. |
page | Integer | Query | No | 1 |
The number of pages of the returned result. Default value: 1, minimum value: 1, maximum value: 200. |
size | Integer | Query | No | 10 |
The number of results per page. Default value: 20, minimum value: 1, maximum value: 500. |
sourceType | String | Query | No | ECS |
Specify the type of the machine where the collector is deployed, and return all types without filling in. Valid values:
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
Headers | Struct |
The header of the response. |
X-Total-Count | Integer | 5 |
The number of returned records. |
RequestId | String | 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1**** |
The ID of the request. |
Result | Array of Result |
The return results. |
collectorPaths | List | ["/var/log"] |
The acquisition path of Filebeat. |
configs | Array of configs |
The configuration file information of the collector. |
content | String | - key: log\n title: Log file content\n description: >\n Contains log file lines.\n .... |
The content of the remote file. |
fileName | String | fields.yml |
The name of the mezzanine file. |
dryRun | Boolean | false |
Whether to verify and create a collector. Then, you can perform the following operations:
extendConfigs | Array of extendConfigs |
The extended parameter information. |
configType | String | collectorDeployMachine |
The type of the configuration. Then, you can perform the following operations:
enableMonitoring | Boolean | true |
Whether to enable Monitoring, when configType For collectorTargetInstance , and instanceType For elasticsearch When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:
groupId | String | default_ct-cn-5i2l75bz4776**** |
machine group ID. When configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed. |
host | String | es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c**** |
The private network access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
hosts | List | ["es-cn-n6w1o1x*****"] |
Collector Output specifies the list of access addresses of the instance. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed. |
instanceId | String | es-cn-nif1z89fz003i**** |
The instance ID associated with the collector. When configType For collectorTargetInstance is the instance ID of the collector Output; when configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster is the ACK (Container Kubernetes) cluster ID. |
instanceType | String | elasticsearch |
The instance type specified by the collector Output. Support Elasticsearch , logstash. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed. |
kibanaHost | String | https://es-cn-nif1z89fz003i**** |
The Internet access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
machines | Array of machines |
The list of ECS machines deployed by the collector. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ECSInstanceId When displayed. |
agentStatus | String | heartOk |
The status of each collector on ECS. Then, you can perform the following operations:
instanceId | String | i-bp13y63575oypr9d**** |
The list of ECS machine IDs. |
protocol | String | HTTP |
The transmission protocol needs to be consistent with the access protocol of the instance specified by the collector Output. HTTP and HTTPS are supported. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed. |
successPodsCount | String | 8 |
The number of all successfully collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed. |
totalPodsCount | String | 10 |
The number of all collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed. |
type | String | ECSInstanceId |
The type of machine deployed by the collector, when configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:
userName | String | elastic |
Output specifies the user name of the instance. The default name is elastic. When configType For collectorTargetInstance or collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed. |
gmtCreatedTime | String | 2020-08-18T02:06:12.000+0000 |
The time when the collector was created. |
gmtUpdateTime | String | 2020-08-18T09:40:43.000+0000 |
The collector update time. |
name | String | FileBeat001 |
The name of the collector. |
ownerId | String | 168520994880**** |
The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. |
resId | String | ct-cn-0v3xj86085dvq**** |
The collector instance ID. |
resType | String | fileBeat |
The collector type. FileBeat, metricBeat, heartBeat, and auditBeat are supported. |
resVersion | String | 6.8.5_with_community |
The collector version. |
status | String | active |
The collector status. Then, you can perform the following operations:
vpcId | String | vpc-bp16k1dvzxtma***** |
Virtual Private Cloud ID. where the collector is located |
extendConfigs There are 3 configType types, namely collectorTargetInstance, collectorElasticsearchForKibana and collectorDeployMachine. Different deployment machines have different returned parameters. The specific combination method is as follows:
- collectorTargetInstance
configType, instanceId, instanceType, hosts, userName, password, protocol, enableMonitoring
configType, instanceId, instanceType, userName, password, protocol, enableMonitoring
- collectorElasticsearchForKibana
configType, instanceId, host, kibanaHost, userName, password, protocol
- collectorDeployMachine
configType, type, machines, groupId
configType, type, instanceId, totalPodsCount, successPodsCount
Sample requests
GET /openapi/collectors?resId=ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c ****&page=1&size=10&sourceType=ECS HTTP/1.1 public request header
Sample success responses
{ "Result": [ { "gmtCreatedTime": "2020-11-05T12:42:47.000+0000", "gmtUpdateTime": "2020-11-06T06:06:20.000+0000", "name": "fileBeatOnACK", "resId": "ct-cn-6fy17c8z99c7i****", "resVersion": "6.8.5_with_community", "vpcId": "vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva****", "resType": "fileBeat", "ownerId": "168520994880****", "configs": [ { "fileName": "logCollector.yml" }, { "fileName": "Name of index management policy 1" }, { "fileName": "Name of Index Management Policy 2" } ], "status": "active", "extendConfigs": [ { "configType": "collectorTargetInstance", "instanceId": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "instanceType": "elasticsearch", "hosts": [ "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****" ], "protocol": "HTTP", "userName": "elastic", "enableMonitoring": false }, { "configType": "collectorDeployMachine", "type": "ACKCluster", "instanceId": "c1b9fde5172b84f82b9928e825a7b****" }, { "configType": "collectorElasticsearchForKibana", "instanceId": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "host": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "protocol": "HTTPS", "kibanaHost": "https://es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "userName": "elastic" } ], "dryRun": false }, { "gmtCreatedTime": "2020-09-25T10:27:02.000+0000", "gmtUpdateTime": "2020-09-25T10:27:02.000+0000", "name": "fileBeatOnECS", "resId": "ct-cn-6cro0lb0dn66c****", "resVersion": "6.8.5_with_community", "vpcId": "vpc-bp12nu14urf0upaf4****", "resType": "fileBeat", "ownerId": "168520994880****", "collectorPaths": [ "/var/log/" ], "configs": [ { "fileName": "fields.yml" }, { "fileName": "filebeat.yml" } ], "status": "active", "extendConfigs": [ { "configType": "collectorTargetInstance", "instanceId": "ls-cn-v0h1kzca****", "instanceType": "logstash", "hosts": [ "10.7.xx.xx:8007" ], "protocol": "HTTP", "enableMonitoring": false }, { "configType": "collectorDeployMachine", "type": "ECSInstanceId", "machines": [ { "instanceId": "i-bp13y63575oypr9d****", "agentStatus": "heartOk" } ], "groupId": "default_ct-cn-6cro0lb0dn66c****" } ], "dryRun": false } ], "RequestId": "70338AB9-231F-412B-A8C0-239CD32F****", "Headers": { "X-Total-Count": 2 } }
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.