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更新時間:Sep 21, 2023

Queries the configuration information in the current region. This operation returns all configuration information in the current region. The information is for reference only. The actual information in the console and on the buy page prevails.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.

Request syntax

GET /openapi/region HTTP/1.1

Request parameters







zoneId String Query No. cn-hangzhou-f

The ID of the current zone.

Response parameters





RequestId String 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6F******

The request ID.

Result Object

The configuration information returned.

env String production

The environment type.

regionId String cn-hangzhou

The region ID.

createUrl String

The address of the buy page.

dataDiskList Array of dataDiskList

The disk configurations allowed for data nodes.

scaleLimit Integer 2048

The maximum disk size if continuous disk sizes are allowed.

minSize Integer 20

The minimum value allowed for the disk. Unit: GB.

maxSize Integer 5120

The allowed maximum disk size.

diskType String cloud_ssd

The storage type of the disk.

valueLimitSet Array of String [2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]

Discrete value allowed on disk.

esVersionsLatestList Array of esVersionsLatestList

The list of supported Elasticsearch versions.

key String 5.5_with_X-Pack

The supported major version.

value String 5.5.3_with_X-Pack

The supported minor version.

nodeSpecList Array of nodeSpecList

The list of data node specifications.

memorySize Integer 64

The memory size per node.

cpuCount Integer 16

The number of vCPUs that are supported by the specification category.

diskType String local_efficiency

The storage type of the disk.

spec String elasticsearch.sn2ne.large

The unit of the specification.

disk Integer 44000

The disk size that is supported by the specification category.

specGroupType String local_efficiency

The storage type. Valid values:

  • common: cloud disk
  • local_efficiency: local SATA disk
  • local_ssd: local SSD
enable Boolean true

Indicates whether purchase is supported. Valid values:

  • true: The job can be rerun.
  • false: The job cannot be rerun.
clientNodeDiskList Array of disk

The disk configurations allowed for client nodes.

scaleLimit Integer 18

The maximum disk size if continuous disk sizes are allowed.

minSize Integer 20

The allowed minimum disk size.

maxSize Integer 20

The allowed maximum disk size.

diskType String cloud_efficiency

The storage type of the disk.

masterDiskList Array of disk

The disk configurations allowed for dedicated master nodes.

scaleLimit Integer 20

The maximum disk size if continuous disk sizes are allowed.

minSize Integer 20

The allowed minimum disk size.

maxSize Integer 20

The allowed maximum disk size.

diskType String cloud_ssd

The storage type of the disk. The following three types are returned:

  • common: cloud disk
  • local_efficiency: local SATA disk
  • local_ssd: local SSD
supportVersions Array of CategoryEntity

The supported versions.

instanceCategory String x-pack

The edition. Valid values:

  • advanced: Advanced Edition
  • x-pack: Standard Edition
supportVersionList Array of VersionEntity

The information about the supported Elasticsearch versions.

key String 5.5

The version supported on the buy page.

value String 5.5.3

The detailed version number.

masterSpec Array of String ["elasticsearch.sn2ne.large","elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.sn1ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.large","elasticsearch.r5.xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge" ]

The specifications of dedicated master nodes.

clientNodeSpec Array of String ["elasticsearch.sn2ne.large","elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.sn1ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.large","elasticsearch.r5.xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge"]

Coordinated node specifications.

zones Array of String ["cn-hangzhou-b","cn-hangzhou-f"]

The supported zones.

instanceSupportNodes Array of String [ "WORKER", "WORKER_WARM", "COORDINATING", "KIBANA", "MASTER", "ELASTIC_WORKER" ]

The type of the instance node that is available in the region.

esVersions Array of String [ "5.5.3_with_X-Pack"]

A list of Elasticsearch versions that are allowed to be created.

node Object

The configurations of nodes.

maxAmount Integer 50

The allowed maximum number of data nodes.

minAmount Integer 2

The allowed minimum number of data nodes.

jvmConfine Object

The JVM-related configurations.

memory Integer 32

The minimum memory size required for garbage collection (GC).

supportEsVersions Array of String ["6.7.0_with_X-Pack","6.7.0_with_A-Pack","7.4.0_with_X-Pack"]

Information about the Elasticsearch versions supported by JVM reclaim.

supportGcs Array of String ["CMS","G1"]

The list of JVM collectors that can be set.

clientNodeAmountRange Object

The range of the number of client nodes.

maxAmount Integer 25

The maximum number of client nodes.

minAmount Integer 2

The minimum number of client nodes.

warmNodeProperties Object

The configurations of warm nodes.

diskList Array of disk

The list of disk configurations.

scaleLimit Integer 2048

The maximum disk size if continuous disk sizes are allowed.

minSize Integer 500

The allowed minimum disk size.

diskEncryption Boolean true

Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: The job can be rerun.
  • false: The job cannot be rerun.
maxSize Integer 5120

The allowed maximum disk size.

diskType String cloud_efficiency

The storage type of the disk.

valueLimitSet Array of String [2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]

Discrete value allowed on disk.

spec Array of String ["elasticsearch.sn2ne.large","elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.sn1ne.8xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.large","elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.large","elasticsearch.r5.xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge"]

The specifications supported by the cold node.

amountRange Object

The range of the number of nodes.

maxAmount Integer 50

The maximum number of nodes.

minAmount Integer 2

The minimum number of nodes.

kibanaNodeProperties Object

The configurations of Kibana nodes.

spec Array of String ["elasticsearch.n4.small","elasticsearch.sn2ne.large","elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge","elasticsearch.sn1ne.large"]

The list of specifications that can be set.

amountRange Object

The allowed range of the number of nodes.

maxAmount Integer 20

The maximum number of nodes.

minAmount Integer 1

The minimum number of nodes.

elasticNodeProperties Object

The configurations of elastic nodes.

diskList Array of disk

The list of disk configurations.

scaleLimit Integer 2048

The maximum disk size if continuous disk sizes are allowed.

minSize Integer 500

The allowed minimum disk size.

diskEncryption Boolean true

Indicates whether disk encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: The job can be rerun.
  • false: The job cannot be rerun.
maxSize Integer 5120

The allowed maximum disk size.

diskType String cloud_ssd

The storage type of the disk.

valueLimitSet Array of String [2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]

Discrete value allowed on disk.

spec Array of String ["elasticsearch.sn2ne.large","elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge","elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge","elasticsearch.sn1ne.8xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.large","elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge","elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.large","elasticsearch.r5.xlarge","elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge"]

The specification of the node.

amountRange Object

The range of the number of warm nodes.

maxAmount Integer 25

The maximum number of nodes.

minAmount Integer 2

The minimum number of nodes.

Note The preceding sample values are for reference only and are subject to the actual return values of the API operation.


Sample requests

GET /openapi/region?zoneId=cn-hangzhou-f HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6F******",
  "Result" : {
    "regionId" : "cn-hangzhou",
    "createUrl" : "",
    "env" : "production",
    "dataDiskList" : {
      "scaleLimit" : 2048,
      "maxSize" : 5120,
      "minSize" : 20,
      "diskType" : "cloud_ssd",
      "valueLimitSet" : "[2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]"
    "supportVersions" : {
      "instanceCategory" : "x-pack",
      "supportVersionList" : {
        "value" : "5.5.3",
        "key" : 5.5
    "nodeSpecList" : {
      "disk" : 44000,
      "memorySize" : 64,
      "enable" : true,
      "diskType" : "local_efficiency",
      "specGroupType" : "local_efficiency",
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.sn2ne.large",
      "cpuCount" : 16
    "clientNodeDiskList" : {
      "scaleLimit" : 18,
      "maxSize" : 20,
      "minSize" : 20,
      "diskType" : "cloud_efficiency"
    "esVersionsLatestList" : {
      "value" : "5.5.3_with_X-Pack",
      "key" : "5.5_with_X-Pack"
    "masterDiskList" : {
      "scaleLimit" : 20,
      "maxSize" : 20,
      "minSize" : 20,
      "diskType" : "cloud_ssd"
    "zones" : "[\"cn-hangzhou-b\",\"cn-hangzhou-f\"]",
    "esVersions" : "[ \"5.5.3_with_X-Pack\"]",
    "masterSpec" : "[\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.large\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn1ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.large\",\"elasticsearch.r5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge\" ]",
    "clientNodeSpec" : "[\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.large\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn1ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.large\",\"elasticsearch.r5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge\"]",
    "instanceSupportNodes" : "[ \"WORKER\", \"WORKER_WARM\", \"COORDINATING\", \"KIBANA\", \"MASTER\", \"ELASTIC_WORKER\" ]",
    "node" : {
      "minAmount" : 2,
      "maxAmount" : 50
    "jvmConfine" : {
      "memory" : 32,
      "supportGcs" : "[\"CMS\",\"G1\"]",
      "supportEsVersions" : "[\"6.7.0_with_X-Pack\",\"6.7.0_with_A-Pack\",\"7.4.0_with_X-Pack\"]"
    "clientNodeAmountRange" : {
      "minAmount" : 2,
      "maxAmount" : 25
    "warmNodeProperties" : {
      "diskList" : {
        "scaleLimit" : 2048,
        "minSize" : 500,
        "maxSize" : 5120,
        "diskType" : "cloud_efficiency",
        "diskEncryption" : true,
        "valueLimitSet" : "[2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]"
      "spec" : "[\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.large\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn1ne.8xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.large\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.large\",\"elasticsearch.r5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge\"]",
      "amountRange" : {
        "minAmount" : 2,
        "maxAmount" : 50
    "kibanaNodeProperties" : {
      "spec" : "[\"elasticsearch.n4.small\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.large\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn1ne.large\"]",
      "amountRange" : {
        "minAmount" : 1,
        "maxAmount" : 20
    "elasticNodeProperties" : {
      "diskList" : {
        "scaleLimit" : 2048,
        "minSize" : 500,
        "maxSize" : 5120,
        "diskType" : "cloud_ssd",
        "diskEncryption" : true,
        "valueLimitSet" : "[2560,3072,3584,4096,4608,5120]"
      "spec" : "[\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.large\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn2ne.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.sn1ne.8xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.large\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.2xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.3xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.ic5.4xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.large\",\"elasticsearch.r5.xlarge\",\"elasticsearch.r5.2xlarge\"]",
      "amountRange" : {
        "minAmount" : 2,
        "maxAmount" : 25

HTTP status code

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.