Creates a data migration task to migrate data from a specified Elasticsearch cluster to the current Elasticsearch cluster.

Before you call this operation, take note of the following points:

  • Currently, the one-click index migration feature is available only in the China (Beijing) region.
  • The source and destination Elasticsearch clusters must be self-built or Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Elasticsearch clusters of source V6.7.0 and Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Elasticsearch clusters of V6.3.2 or V6.7.0.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.

Request syntax

POST /openapi/instances/{InstanceId}/data-task HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
ClientToken String Query No 5A2CFF0E-5718-45B5-9D4D-70B3FF****

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length.

InstanceId String Path Yes es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****

The ID of the destination cluster to which the index is migrated.

Array Body No

The request body.

sourceCluster Object Body No

The information about the source cluster.

dataSourceType String Body Yes elasticsearch

The type of the source cluster. The default value is Elasticsearch.

endpoint String Body No

The public domain name of the cluster. You can specify this parameter when the source cluster is set to Internet-enabled.

vpcInstanceId String Body No es-xxx-worker

The ID of the current cluster or SLB(Server Load Balancer) instance. The source cluster is connected by using the VPC information.

username String Body No elastic

The logon username of the source cluster.

password String Body No es_password

The logon password of the source cluster.

index String Body Yes index_001

The index of the source cluster.

type String Body Yes index_001

The data type of the source cluster index.

vpcInstancePort Integer Body No 9200

The port number used to access the cluster. The source cluster is connected by using the VPC information.

vpcId String Body No vpc-xxx

The ID of the VPC to which the cluster belongs. The source cluster is connected by using the VPC information.

Note If the endpoint is a public domain name, you can specify this parameter. If the endpoint is a private domain name, you must specify this parameter.
sinkCluster Object Body No

The information about the destination cluster.

dataSourceType String Body Yes elasticsearch

The type of the destination cluster.

username String Body Yes elastic

The logon username of the target cluster.

password String Body Yes xxxxx

The logon password of the destination cluster.

index String Body Yes index_001

The specified index of the destination cluster.

type String Body Yes index_001

Specifies the type of the index.

settings String Body Yes {\n \"index\": {\n \"replication\": {\n \"type\": .....}


mapping String Body Yes {\"doc\":{\"properties\":{\"interval_ms\":{\"type\":\"long\"},....}

The mapping configuration.

routing String Body No _id

The index routing field. By default, the primary key field is used.

migrateConfig Object Body No

Migrate configurations.

sourceFilterParams String Body No index=111

The filter conditions of the index. You can use the filter conditions to filter documents that meet the specified conditions to rebuild the index.

  • If the cluster is enabled over the Internet, enter the endpoint parameter to connect to the cluster.
  • If the public network of the cluster is disabled (or the cluster is connected by using VPC information), enter the vpcInstancePort, vpcId, vpcInstanceId, or vpcInstancePort, vpcId, and vpcIp parameters to connect to the cluster.


  • Access the cluster over the Internet
                "endpoint" : "http://es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****",
                "username" : "elastic",
                "password" : "xxxxxx",
                "index" : "default",
                "type" : "default"
                "username" : "elastic",
                "password" : "xxxxxx",
                "index" : "default",
                "type" : "default",
                "settings" : "#settings configuration#",
                "mapping" : "#mapping configuration#",
                "routing" : "_id"
            "migrateConfig": {
                "sourceFilterParams": ""
  • Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Cluster
                "dataSourceType" : "elasticsearch",
                "username" : "elastic",
                "password" : "xxxxxx",
                "index" : "default",
                "type" : "default"
                "username" : "elastic",
                "password" : "xxxxxx",
                "index" : "default",
                "type" : "default",
                "settings" : "#settings configuration#",
                "mapping" : "#mapping configuration#",
                "routing" : "_id"
            "migrateConfig": {
                "sourceFilterParams": ""

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1****

The request ID.

Result Array of Result

The response parameters.

sourceCluster Object

The information about the source cluster.

password String xxxxxx

The password that is used to access the source cluster.

index String index_001

The indexes that you want to migrate.

type String index_001

The type of the specified index.

endpoint String http://10.20.xx.xx:9200

The public domain name of the cluster.

username String elastic

The username of the source cluster.

vpcId String vpc-2ze55voww95g82gak****

The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud to which the source cluster belongs. You can specify this parameter if the cluster endpoint is a public endpoint. You must specify a private endpoint.

vpcInstanceId String es-cn-oew1oxiro000f****-worker

The ID of the cluster under the Virtual Private Cloud, or the ID of the SLB instance.

vpcInstancePort Integer 9200

The access port number of the source cluster.

dataSourceType String elasticsearch

The type of the source cluster. Default value: Elasticsearch.

sinkCluster Object

The information about the destination cluster.

password String xxxxx

The password that is used to access the destination cluster.

index String index_001

The name of the target index.

settings String {\n \"index\": {\n \"replication\": {\n \"type\": .....}


mapping String {\"doc\":{\"properties\":{\"interval_ms\":{\"type\":\"long\"},....}

The mapping configuration.

type String index_001

The type of the target index.

routing String cluster_name

The routing field. By default, the primary key field is used.

username String elastic

The username of the destination cluster.

vpcId String vpc-2ze55voww95g82gak****

The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud to which the cluster belongs. If the cluster endpoint is a public domain name, you can specify this parameter. If the cluster endpoint is a private endpoint, you must specify this parameter.

vpcInstancePort String 9200

The cluster access port number.

vpcInstanceId String es-cn-oew1oxiro000f****-worker

The ID of the cluster under the Virtual Private Cloud, or the ID of the SLB instance.

dataSourceType String elasticsearch

The type of the destination cluster.


Sample requests

POST /openapi/instances/es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****/data-task?ClientToken=5A2CFF0E-5718-45B5-9D4D-70B3FF**** HTTP/1.1

[ {
        "endpoint" : "http://es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****",
        "username" : "elastic",
        "password" : "xxxxxx",
        "index" : "default",
        "type" : "default"
        "username" : "elastic",
        "password" : "xxxxxx",
        "index" : "default",
        "type" : "default",
        "settings" : "{\n  \"index\": {\n    \"replication\": {\n      \"type\": .....}",
        "mapping" : "{\"doc\":{\"properties\":{\"interval_ms\":{\"type\":\"long\"},....}",
        "routing" : "_id"
        "sourceFilterParams": "index = 1"
  } ]

Sample success response

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1****",
  "Result" : [ {
    "sourceCluster" : {
      "password" : "xxxxxx",
      "endpoint" : "http://10.20.xx.xx:9200",
      "vpcId" : "vpc-2ze55voww95g82gak****",
      "vpcInstancePort" : 9200,
      "index" : "index_001",
      "type" : "index_001",
      "vpcInstanceId" : "es-cn-oew1oxiro000f****-worker",
      "dataSourceType" : "elasticsearch",
      "username" : "elastic"
    "sinkCluster" : {
      "routing" : "cluster_name",
      "settings" : "{\\n  \\\"index\\\": {\\n    \\\"replication\\\": {\\n      \\\"type\\\": .....}",
      "password" : "xxxxx",
      "mapping" : "{\\\"doc\\\":{\\\"properties\\\":{\\\"interval_ms\\\":{\\\"type\\\":\\\"long\\\"},....}",
      "vpcInstancePort" : 9200,
      "vpcId" : "vpc-2ze55voww95g82gak****",
      "index" : "index_001",
      "type" : "index_001",
      "vpcInstanceId" : "es-cn-oew1oxiro000f****-worker",
      "dataSourceType" : "elasticsearch",
      "username" : "elastic"
  } ]

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.