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Enterprise Distributed Application Service:Manage the application lifecycle

更新時間:Aug 16, 2023

After you host an application deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster to Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS), you can manage the lifecycle of the application in the EDAS console. You can deploy a new version of the application, deploy a historical version of the application, and scale in or out the application. You can also manage the lifecycle of the application at a finer granularity by editing the YAML file.

Access the Application Overview page

  1. Log on to the EDAS console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Application Management > Applications. In the top navigation bar, select a region. In the upper part of the Applications page, select a microservices namespace from the Microservices Namespace drop-down list. Select Kubernetes Cluster from the Cluster Type drop-down list. Then, click the name of the application that you want to manage.

  2. On the Application Overview page, you can manage the lifecycle of the application.

Deploy a new version of an application

In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, choose Deploy > Deploy, and select a release mode based on your business requirements. For more information, see the following topics:


After the deployment starts, you can view the change records on the Change List page.

Deploy a historical version of an application

In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, choose Deploy > Deploy Historical Version. In the Deploy Historical Version dialog box, select the historical version that you want to deploy, and click Deploy This Version.

Roll back an application during deployment

When an application is being deployed, you can perform the following operations to roll back the application: In the upper part of the Application Overview page, click View Details. In the upper-right corner of the Change List page, click RollBack. In the OK message, click OK.

Start or stop an application

When an application is in the running state, you can perform the following operation to stop the application based on your business requirements: In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, click Stop. When the number of pods on which the application runs is reduced to 0, the application is stopped. You can stop an application only when the application runs on at least one running pod.


After an application that depends on other services such as Server Load Balancer (SLB) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is stopped, you are still charged for the services.

When an application is in the stopped state, you can perform the following operations to start the application based on your business requirements: In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, click Start. In the Start application dialog box, specify Applied pod number and click OK.

Restart an application

When an application is in the running state, you can perform the following operation to restart the application: In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, click Restart. The application is restarted by using the following rolling deployment mode: The new pod is started first and then the old pod is stopped.

Scale an application

In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, choose Scale > Manual Scaling or choose Scale > Auto Scaling. For more information, see Manual scaling or Auto scaling.

View the configuration details of an application

In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, click Configuration Details. In the App Configurations panel, view the configuration details, such as Workload (Deployment), Pod, and Startup Command.

Delete an application

In the upper-right corner of the Application Overview page, click Delete. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Edit the YAML file of an application

In the Basic Information section of the Application Overview page, click Edit next to YAML. In the Edit YAML dialog box, edit the YAML file to manage the lifecycle of the application at a finer granularity. After you edit the YAML file, click Save.