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更新時間:Dec 25, 2023

Queries the details of one or more replication pairs in a region.

Usage notes

  • For information about the regions in which async replication is available, see Overview.
  • When you call this operation for a specific region, if the primary disk (source disk) or secondary disk (destination disk) of a replication pair resides within the region, the information of the replication pair is displayed in the response.
  • If you want to perform a paged query, configure the NextToken and MaxResults parameters. During a paged query, when you call the DescribeDiskReplicaPairs operation to retrieve the first page of results, set MaxResults to limit the maximum number of entries to return in the call. The return value of NextToken is a pagination token, which can be used in the next call to retrieve a new page of results. When you call the DescribeDiskReplicaPairs operation to retrieve a new page of results, set NextToken to the NextToken value returned in the previous call and set MaxResults to specify the maximum number of entries to return in this call.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes DescribeDiskReplicaPairs

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDiskReplicaPairs.

RegionId String Yes cn-beijing

The region ID of the primary or secondary disk in the replication pair. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent list of regions in which async replication is supported.

MaxResults Long No 1

The maximum number of entries to be returned. You can use this parameter together with NextToken.

Valid values: 1 to 500.

Default value: 10.

NextToken String No AAAAAdDWBF2****

The pagination token that is used in the next request to retrieve a new page of results. You do not need to specify this parameter for the first request. You must specify the token that is obtained from the previous query as the value of NextToken. When you specify NextToken, the PageSize and PageNumber request parameters do not take effect and the TotalCount response parameter is invalid.

PairIds String No pair-cn-dsa****

The IDs of replication pairs. You can specify the IDs of one or more replication pairs. Separate the IDs with commas (,). Example: pair-cn-dsa****,pair-cn-asd****.

This parameter is empty by default, which indicates that all replication pairs in the specified region are queried. You can enter up to 100 replication pair IDs.

Site String No production

The type of the site from which the information of replication pairs is retrieved. Valid values:

  • production: primary site
  • backup: secondary site

Default value: production.

ReplicaGroupId String No pg-****

The ID of the replication pair-consistent group. You can specify the ID of a replication pair-consistent group to query the replication pairs that are added to this group. Example: pg-****.

This parameter is empty by default, which indicates that all replication pairs in the specified region are queried.

Note If you set this parameter to -, replication pairs that are not added to replication pair-consistent groups are queried.
PageNumber Integer No 5

The page number.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries per page.

Valid values: 1 to 100.

ResourceGroupId String No rg-acfmvs******

The ID of the resource group to which to assign the replication pair.

Tag.N.Key String No TestKey

The key of tag N of the replication pair.

Tag.N.Value String No TestValue

The value of tag N of the replication pair.

Response parameters





RequestId String AAA478A0-BEE6-1D42-BEB6-A9CFEAD6****

The ID of the request.

NextToken String AAAAAdDWBF2****

A pagination token. It can be used in the next request to retrieve a new page of results. If NextToken is empty, no next page exists.

ReplicaPairs Array of ReplicaPair

Details of the replication pairs.

ReplicaPairId String pair-cn-dsa****

The ID of the replication pair.

SourceRegion String cn-beijing

The region ID of the primary disk.

SourceZoneId String cn-beijing-a

The zone ID of the primary disk.

SourceDiskId String d-bp131n0q38u3a4zi****

The ID of the primary disk.

DestinationRegion String cn-shanghai

The region ID of the secondary disk.

DestinationZoneId String cn-shanghai-b

The zone ID of the secondary disk.

DestinationDiskId String d-asdfjl2342kj2l3k4****

The ID of the secondary disk.

PairName String TestReplicaPair

The name of the replication pair.

Description String This is description.

The description of the replication pair.

Status String created

The status of the replication pair. Valid values:

  • invalid: The replication pair is invalid. When a replication pair becomes abnormal, it enters this state.
  • creating: The replication pair was being created.
  • created: The replication pair was created.
  • create_failed: The replication pair failed to be created.
  • initial_syncing: Data was synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk for the first time. After a replication pair is created and activated, the replication pair is in this state the first time data is synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk.
  • manual_syncing: Data was being manually synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk. After data is manually synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk, the replication pair returns to the Stopped state. The first time data is manually synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk, the replication pair is in the manual_syncing state during the synchronization.
  • syncing: Data was being synchronized from the primary disk to the secondary disk. While data is being asynchronously replicated from the primary disk to the secondary disk not for the first time, the replication pair is in this state.
  • normal: The replication pair was working as expected. When the system finishes replicating data from the primary disk to the secondary disk within the current replication cycle, the replication pair enters this state.
  • stopping: The replication pair was being stopped.
  • stopped: The replication pair was stopped.
  • stop_failed: The replication pair failed to be stopped.
  • failovering: A failover was being performed.
  • failovered: A failover was performed.
  • failover_failed: A failover failed to be performed.
  • reprotecting: A reverse replication was being performed.
  • reprotect_failed: A reverse replication failed to be performed.
  • deleting: The replication pair was being deleted.
  • delete_failed: The replication pair failed to be deleted.
  • deleted: The replication pair was deleted.
RPO Long 900

The recovery point objective (RPO) of the replication pair. Unit: seconds. 86,400 seconds is equivalent to 24 hours.

Bandwidth Long 10240

The bandwidth used to asynchronously replicate data from the primary disk to the secondary disk. Unit: Kbit/s.

StatusMessage String PrePayOrderExpired

The message that describes the state of the replication pair. This parameter has a value when Status has a value of invalid or create_failed. Valid values:

  • PrePayOrderExpired: The replication pair has expired.
  • PostPayOrderCeaseService: The pay-as-you-go replication pair has been stopped due to an overdue payment.
  • DeviceRemoved: The primary or secondary disk has been deleted.
  • DeviceKeyChanged: The DeviceKey mapping of the primary or secondary disk has changed.
  • DeviceSizeChanged: The DeviceSize value of the primary or secondary disk has changed.
  • OperationDenied.QuotaExceed: The maximum number of replication pairs that can be created has been reached.
LastRecoverPoint Long 1649751977

The time when data was last replicated from the primary disk to the secondary disk in the replication pair. The value of this parameter is a timestamp. Unit: seconds. 86,400 seconds is equivalent to 24 hours.

ReplicaGroupId String pg-xxxx****

The ID of the replication pair-consistent group to which the replication pair belongs.

CreateTime Long 1649750977

The time when the replication pair was created. The value of this parameter is a timestamp. Unit: seconds. 86,400 seconds is equivalent to 24 hours.

ReplicaGroupName String pg-name****

The name of the replication pair-consistent group to which the replication pair belongs.

Site String production

The type of the site from which the information about the replication pairs and replication pair-consistent group was obtained. Valid values:

  • production: primary site
  • backup: secondary site
PrimaryRegion String cn-beijing

The initial source region (primary region) of the replication pair.

StandbyRegion String cn-shanghai

The initial destination region (secondary region) of the replication pair.

PrimaryZone String cn-beijing-a

The initial source zone (primary zone) of the replication pair.

StandbyZone String cn-shanghai-b

The initial destination zone (secondary zone) of the replication pair.

ChargeType String PREPAY

The billing method of the replication pair.

Valid values:

  • PREPAY: subscription
  • POSTPAY: pay-as-you-go
ExpiredTime Long 1649750977

The time when the replication pair expires. The value of this parameter is a timestamp. Unit: seconds. 86,400 seconds is equivalent to 24 hours.

Tags Array of Tag

The tags of the replication pair.

TagKey String testKey

The tag key of the replication pair.

TagValue String testValue

The tag value of the replication pair.

ResourceGroupId String rg-acfmvs*****

The ID of the resource group to which to assign the replication pair.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries per page.

TotalCount Long 60

The total number of entries returned.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        <Description>This is description.</Description>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "AAA478A0-BEE6-1D42-BEB6-A9CFEAD6****",
  "NextToken" : "AAAAAdDWBF2****",
  "ReplicaPairs" : [ {
    "ReplicaPairId" : "pair-cn-dsa****",
    "SourceRegion" : "cn-beijing",
    "SourceZoneId" : "cn-beijing-a",
    "SourceDiskId" : "d-bp131n0q38u3a4zi****",
    "DestinationRegion" : "cn-shanghai",
    "DestinationZoneId" : "cn-shanghai-b",
    "DestinationDiskId" : "d-asdfjl2342kj2l3k4****",
    "PairName" : "TestReplicaPair",
    "Description" : "This is description.",
    "Status" : "created",
    "RPO" : 900,
    "Bandwidth" : 10240,
    "StatusMessage" : "PrePayOrderExpired",
    "LastRecoverPoint" : 1649751977,
    "ReplicaGroupId" : "pg-xxxx****",
    "CreateTime" : 1649750977,
    "ReplicaGroupName" : "pg-name****",
    "Site" : "production",
    "PrimaryRegion" : "cn-beijing",
    "StandbyRegion" : "cn-shanghai",
    "PrimaryZone" : "cn-beijing-a",
    "StandbyZone" : "cn-shanghai-b",
    "ChargeType" : "PREPAY",
    "ExpiredTime" : 1649750977,
    "ResourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmvs*****",
    "Tags" : [ {
      "TagKey" : "testKey",
      "TagValue" : "testValue"
    } ]
  } ],
  "PageNumber" : 1,
  "PageSize" : 10,
  "TotalCount" : 60

Error codes

HTTP status code

Error code

Error message


403 OperationDenied The operation is not allowed. You cannot perform this operation.
403 OperationDenied.InvalidStatus The operation is not allowed in current status. You cannot perform this operation on the resource in the current state.
403 Forbidden User is not authorized to operate. You do not have the permissions to perform this operation on the resource. Check the permissions of your account or contact your Alibaba Cloud account administrator.
403 Forbidden.Action User is not authorized to operate this action. You have no access to this operation. Check the permissions of your account or contact your Alibaba Cloud account administrator.
404 NoSuchResource The specified resource does not exist. The specified resource is not found.
500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. An internal error occurred.
504 RequestTimeout The request is timeout, please try again later. The request timed out. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.