Queries the metrics of a cluster.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters


The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeMetricList.


Specifies whether to query the metrics of the cluster or a node. Valid values:

  • CLUSTER: queries the metrics of the cluster.
  • NODE: queries the metrics of a node.
  • InternetOut: the outbound traffic over the Internet. Unit: bytes.
  • diskusage_utilization: the disk usage.
  • IntranetInRate: the inbound traffic over the internal network. Unit: bytes.
  • InternetIn: the inbound traffic from the Internet. Unit: bytes.
  • cpu_total: the CPU utilization.
  • memory_usedutilization: the memory usage.
  • IntranetOutRate: the outbound traffic over the internal network. Unit: bytes.

The monitoring interval. Unit: seconds. The minimum value is 15.


The monitored object. If MetricType is set to NODE, set this parameter to the ID of the node that is monitored.


The timestamp that indicates the beginning of the time range to query. Unit: milliseconds.


The timestamp that indicates the end of the time range to query. Unit: milliseconds.


The environment of the cluster. Default value: ALIYUN.


The ID of the data migration or synchronization task.


The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length.


The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.

Response parameters


Indicates whether the metrics of the cluster or a node are queried. Valid values:

  • CLUSTER: The metrics of the cluster are queried.
  • NODE: The metrics of a node are queried.

The monitored object.

  • If MetricType is set to NODE, the value of this parameter is the ID of the node that is monitored.
  • If MetricType is set to CLUSTER, the value of this parameter is the ID of the dedicated cluster. You can obtain the ID by calling the ListDedicatedCluster operation.
  • InternetOut: the outbound traffic over the Internet. Unit: bytes.
  • diskusage_utilization: the disk usage.
  • IntranetInRate: the inbound traffic over the internal network. Unit: bytes.
  • InternetIn: the inbound traffic from the Internet. Unit: bytes.
  • cpu_total: the CPU utilization.
  • memory_usedutilization: the memory usage.
  • IntranetOutRate: the outbound traffic over the internal network. Unit: bytes.

The monitoring interval. Unit: seconds. The minimum value is 15.

DataPointsArray of DataPoint

The monitoring statistics.


The timestamp of the record. Unit: milliseconds.


The statistical value.


Indicates whether the request was successful.


The error code returned by the backend service. The number is incremented.


The error code returned if the request failed.

ErrMessageStringThe Value of Input Parameter %s is not valid.

The error message returned if the request failed.


The dynamic part in the error message. This parameter is used to replace the %s variable in the value of ErrMessage.


The HTTP status code returned for an exception.


The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "code" : "200",
  "data" : {
    "MetricName" : "diskusage_utilization",
    "RequestId" : "36F33F1C-CF13-149E-AB05-****",
    "MetricType" : "CLUSTER",
    "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
    "Period" : 15,
    "DataPoints" : [ {
      "Timestamp" : 1651112970000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651112985000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113000000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113015000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113030000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113045000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113060000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113075000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113090000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113105000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113120000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113135000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113150000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113165000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113180000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113195000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113210000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113225000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113240000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113255000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113270000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113285000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113300000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113315000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113330000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113345000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113360000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113375000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113390000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113405000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113420000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113435000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113450000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113465000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113480000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113495000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113510000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113525000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113540000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    }, {
      "Timestamp" : 1651113555000,
      "Statistics" : 10.5
    } ],
    "Success" : true
  "httpStatusCode" : "200",
  "requestId" : "36F33F1C-CF13-149E-AB05-****",
  "successResponse" : true

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400Throttling.UserRequest was denied due to user flow control.The number of requests reached the limit and the request was rejected. Try again later.
500ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.The response of the server timed out or the server was unavailable. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support.
403InvalidSecurityToken.ExpiredSpecified SecurityToken is expired.The signature expired. Use a new signature.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.