Queries metatables based on specific conditions.
You can call this operation to query only metatables in a MaxCompute or E-MapReduce (EMR) compute engine instance.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | SearchMetaTables |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to SearchMetaTables. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 |
The number of the page to return. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 10 |
The number of entries to return on each page. Default value: 10. Maximum value: 100. |
AppGuid | String | Yes | odps.engine_name |
The GUID of the workspace where the metatables reside. |
Keyword | String | Yes | test |
The keyword based on which metatables are queried. During the query, the system tokenizes the names of metatables and matches the names with the keyword. If no name is matched, an empty result is returned. By default, the system uses underscores (_) to tokenize the names. |
EntityType | Integer | No | 0 |
The type of the metatables. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates that tables are queried. The value 1 indicates that views are queried. If you do not configure this parameter, all types of metatables are queried. |
ClusterId | String | No | abc |
The ID of the EMR cluster. This parameter is required only if you set the DataSourceType parameter to emr. You can log on to the EMR console to obtain the ID of the EMR cluster. |
DataSourceType | String | Yes | emr |
The type of the data source. Valid values: odps and emr. |
Schema | String | No | default |
The schema information of the table. You need to configure this parameter if you enable the table schema in MaxCompute. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 |
The HTTP status code returned. |
ErrorMessage | String | The specified parameters are invalid. |
The error message returned. |
RequestId | String | 0bc1ec92159376**** |
The ID of the request. |
Success | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the request is successful. |
ErrorCode | String | 1031203110005 |
The error code returned. |
Data | Object |
The business data returned. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 |
The page number of the returned page. |
PageSize | Integer | 10 |
The number of entries returned per page. |
TotalCount | Long | 100 |
The total number of metatables. |
DataEntityList | Array of DataEntityList |
The list of metatables. |
TableName | String | test_name |
The name of the metatable. |
DatabaseName | String | abc |
The name of the metadatabase. |
EntityType | Integer | 0 |
The type of the metatable. Valid values:
ProjectName | String | test |
The name of the workspace. |
ProjectId | Long | 323 |
The ID of the workspace. |
TableGuid | String | odps.engine_name.test_name |
The GUID of the metatable. |
OwnerId | String | 123 |
The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account used by the workspace owner. |
ClusterId | String | abc |
The ID of the EMR cluster. |
EnvType | Integer | 1 |
The type of the environment. Valid values:
TenantId | Long | 12345 |
The ID of the tenant. |
Schema | String | default |
The schema information of the table. This parameter is returned only if you enable the table schema in MaxCompute. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<ErrorMessage>The specified parameters are invalid.</ErrorMessage>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"ErrorMessage" : "The specified parameters are invalid.",
"RequestId" : "0bc1ec92159376****",
"Success" : true,
"ErrorCode" : "1031203110005",
"Data" : {
"PageNumber" : 1,
"PageSize" : 10,
"TotalCount" : 100,
"DataEntityList" : [ {
"TableName" : "test_name",
"DatabaseName" : "abc",
"EntityType" : 0,
"ProjectName" : "test",
"ProjectId" : 323,
"TableGuid" : "odps.engine_name.test_name",
"OwnerId" : "123",
"ClusterId" : "abc",
"EnvType" : 1,
"TenantId" : 12345,
"Schema" : "default"
} ]
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | Invalid.Meta.TableNotExist | The table does not exist. | The error message returned because the metatable does not exist. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.CommonError | The specified parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because the values specified for one or more request parameters are invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.Illegal | The app guid parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because the values specified for one or more parameters of the application are invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.IllegalDate | The date format is invalid. | The error message returned because the date format is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.IllegalPageError | The parameter for paging is invalid. | The error message returned because the value of the parameter for paging is invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.NotExist | The object does not exist. | The error message returned because the object you query does not exist. |
400 | InternalError.UserId.Missing | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
400 | InternalError.Meta.NoCalcEngine | An error occurred while retrieving the compute engine based on the MaxCompute project. | The error message returned because the system has failed to obtain the compute engine instance based on the specified MaxCompute project. |
403 | ResourceNotAuthorized.Api | You are not authorized to access the resources. | The error message returned because you are not authorized to access the resources. |
403 | Forbidden.Meta.NoTenant | The user is not the owner of any tenants. | The error message returned because the current user is not a tenant owner. |
403 | Forbidden.Access | Access is forbidden. Please first activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or Flagship Edition. | The error message returned because you are not allowed to perform this operation. Activate DataWorks Enterprise Edition or DataWorks Ultimate Edition. |
429 | Throttling.Api | The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. | The error message returned because the number of requests for the resource has exceeded the upper limit. |
429 | Throttling.Api.Risk | The request for this resource has exceeded your daily available limit. | The error message returned because the number of requests per day for the resource has exceeded the upper limit. |
429 | Throttling.System | The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. | The error message returned because the DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. |
429 | Throttling.User | Your request is too frequent. Try again later. | The error message returned because excessive requests have been submitted within a short period of time. Try again later. |
500 | InternalError.System | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.TenantTimeOut | Failed to connect to the interface network. | The error message returned because the network cannot be connected. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.Unknown | An unknown error occurred while processing your request. | The error message returned because an unknown error has occurred. |
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.
For more information about the example on how to use the SearchMetaTables operation, see Examples of DataWorks API operations.