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更新時間:Mar 26, 2024

Queries information about inner nodes. For example, you can call this operation to query the inner nodes of a node group or a do-while node. You cannot call this operation to query the inner nodes of a PAI node.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes ListInnerNodes

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListInnerNodes.

ProgramType String No ODPS_SQL

The type of the node to which the inner nodes belong.

Valid values: 6 (Shell), 10 (ODPS SQL), 11 (ODPS MR), 23 (Data Integration), 24 (ODPS Script), 97 (PAI), 98 (node group), 99 (zero load), 221 (PyODPS 2), 225 (ODPS Spark), 227 (EMR Hive), 228 (EMR Spark), 229 (EMR Spark SQL), 230 (EMR MR), 239 (OSS object inspection), 257 (EMR Shell), 258 (EMR Spark Shell), 259 (EMR Presto), 260 (EMR Impala), 900 (real-time synchronization), 1002 (PAI inner node), 1089 (cross-tenant collaboration), 1091 (Hologres development), 1093 (Hologres SQL), 1100 (assignment), 1106 (for-each), and 1221 (PyODPS 3). You can call the ListNodes operation to query the type of the node.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The page number. Valid values: 1 to 100.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries per page. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 10.

ProjectId Long Yes 1234

The workspace ID.

ProjectEnv String No PROD

The environment in which the node is run. Valid values: DEV and PROD. Default value: PROD.

NodeName String No liux_test_n****

The name of the node to which the inner nodes belong.

OuterNodeId Long Yes 1234

The ID of the node group to which the inner nodes belong.

Response parameters





RequestId String E6F0DBDD-5AD****

The request ID.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful.

Paging Object

The pagination information.

PageNumber Integer 1

The page number.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries per page. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 10.

TotalCount Integer 100

The total number of inner nodes returned.

Nodes Array of Nodes

The list of inner nodes.

SchedulerType String NORMAL

The scheduling type of the inner node. Valid values:

  • NORMAL: The inner node is an auto triggered node.
  • MANUAL: The inner node is a manually triggered node. The scheduling system does not run the node on a regular basis.
  • PAUSE: The inner node is a paused node.
  • SKIP: The inner node is a dry-run node. Dry-run nodes are started as scheduled, but the scheduling system sets the status of the nodes to successful when it starts to run them.
RepeatInterval Long 60

The interval at which the inner node is rerun after the inner node fails to run.

Repeatability Boolean true

Indicates whether the inner node can be rerun.

ProjectId Long 123

The workspace ID.

ProgramType String ODPS_SQL

The type of the inner node.

Priority Integer 1

The priority of the inner node. Valid values: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8.

OwnerId String 1933****36551

The owner ID.

Connection String odps_source

The connection string.

ParamValues String a=b

The additional parameters.

DqcType String 1

Indicates whether the inner node is associated with a monitoring rule in Data Quality. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates that the inner node is associated with a monitoring rule in Data Quality. The value 1 indicates that the inner node is not associated with a monitoring rule in Data Quality.

BaselineId Long 1234

The baseline ID.

Description String test

The description of the inner node.

NodeName String liux_test_n****

The name of the inner node.

ResGroupName String Shared resource group

The name of the resource group.

BusinessId Long 123

The workflow ID.

DqcDescription String [{"projectName":"ztjy_dim","tableName":"dim_user_agent_manage_area_a","partition":"ds\u003d$[yyyy-mm-dd-1]"}]

The table and partition filter expression in Data Quality that are associated with the inner node.

CronExpress String 00 00 00 * * ?

The CRON expression.

NodeId Long 12

The inner node ID.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

            <ResGroupName>Shared resource group</ResGroupName>
            <CronExpress>00 00 00 * * ?</CronExpress>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "E6F0DBDD-5AD****",
  "Success" : true,
  "Paging" : {
    "PageNumber" : 1,
    "PageSize" : 10,
    "TotalCount" : 100,
    "Nodes" : [ {
      "SchedulerType" : "NORMAL",
      "RepeatInterval" : 60,
      "Repeatability" : true,
      "ProjectId" : 123,
      "ProgramType" : "ODPS_SQL",
      "Priority" : 1,
      "OwnerId" : "19337906836551",
      "Connection" : "odps_source",
      "ParamValues" : "a=b",
      "DqcType" : "1",
      "BaselineId" : 1234,
      "Description" : "test",
      "NodeName" : "liux_test_n****",
      "ResGroupName" : "Shared resource group",
      "BusinessId" : 123,
      "DqcDescription" : "[{\"projectName\":\"ztjy_dim\",\"tableName\":\"dim_user_agent_manage_area_a\",\"partition\":\"ds\\u003d$[yyyy-mm-dd-1]\"}]",
      "CronExpress" : "00 00 00 * * ?",
      "NodeId" : 12
    } ]

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.