Queries the information about a partition filter expression.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetQualityEntity

The operation that you want to perform.

ProjectName String Yes autotest

The name of the compute engine instance or data source. You can obtain the name from data source configurations.

TableName String Yes dual

The name of the partitioned table. You can call the GetMetaTablePartition operation to obtain the name.

EnvType String Yes odps

The type of the compute engine instance or data source.

MatchExpression String No dt=$[yyyymmdd]

The partition filter expression.

ProjectId Long No 12345

The DataWorks workspace ID. You can log on to the DataWorks console and go to the Workspace page to obtain the ID.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
HttpStatusCode Integer 200

The HTTP status code.

RequestId String 6d739ef6-098a-47****

The request ID.

ErrorMessage String You have no permission.

The error message.

ErrorCode String 401

The error code.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful.

Data Array of EntityDto

The details returned.

RelativeNode String [{"projectName":"xc_DP****","nodeId":7000026****}]

The information about the node with which the partition filter expression is associated. The information includes the following items:

  • ProjectName: the name of the workspace to which the node belongs.
  • NodeID: the ID of the node.
OnDutyAccountName String test

The name of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to configure the partition filter expression.

Task Integer 0

The node.

TableName String test_dqc_de****

The name of the partitioned table.

Followers String 1822931****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to receive alert notifications.

OnDuty String 1822931****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to configure the partition filter expression.

MatchExpression String dt=$[yyyymmdd-1]

The partition filter expression.

CreateTime Long 1593964800000

The time when the partition filter expression was created.

ProjectName String autotest

The name of the compute engine instance or data source.

HasRelativeNode Boolean true

Indicates whether the partition filter expression is associated with a node. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
EnvType String odps

The type of the compute engine instance or data source.

EntityLevel Integer 0

The level of the partition filter expression. Valid values:

  • 0: The partition filter expression is at the SQL level. This indicates that the system checks data quality after each SQL statement is executed.
  • 1: The partition filter expression is at the node level. This indicates that the system checks data quality after all the SQL statements for a node are executed.
ModifyUser String 1822931****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to modify the partition filter expression.

Sql Integer 0

Indicates that the partition filter expression is at the SQL level.

Id Long 4003918

The ID of the partition filter expression.

ModifyTime Long 1593964800000

The time when the partition filter expression was modified.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    <ErrorMessage>You have no permission.</ErrorMessage>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
  "RequestId" : "6d739ef6-098a-47****",
  "ErrorMessage" : "You have no permission.",
  "ErrorCode" : 401,
  "Success" : true,
  "Data" : {
    "RelativeNode" : "[{\"projectName\":\"xc_DP****\",\"nodeId\":7000026****}]",
    "OnDutyAccountName" : "test",
    "Task" : 0,
    "TableName" : "test_dqc_de****",
    "Followers" : "1822931****",
    "OnDuty" : "1822931****",
    "MatchExpression" : "dt=$[yyyymmdd-1]",
    "CreateTime" : 1593964800000,
    "ProjectName" : "autotest",
    "HasRelativeNode" : true,
    "EnvType" : "odps",
    "EntityLevel" : 0,
    "ModifyUser" : "1822931****",
    "Sql" : 0,
    "Id" : 4003918,
    "ModifyTime" : 1593964800000

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.