Queries the output tasks of a metatable.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetMetaTableProducingTasks

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetMetaTableProducingTasks.

TableGuid String Yes odps.sample_project.sample_table

The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the MaxCompute metatable.

DataSourceType String No odps

The type of the metatable. Valid values: odps and emr. The value odps indicates that the metatable is a MaxCompute metatable. The value emr indicates that the metatable is an E-MapReduce (EMR) metatable.


The ID of the EMR cluster. This parameter takes effect only if the DataSourceType parameter is set to emr.

DbName String No default

The name of the database.

SchemaName String No myschema

The name of the schema.

TableName String No sample_table

The name of the metatable.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 00000-00000-00000-00000

The ID of the request.

HttpStatusCode Integer 200

The HTTP status code returned.

ErrorMessage String SUCCESS

The error message returned.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values: true and false. The value true indicates that the request was successful. The value false indicates that the request failed.

ErrorCode String "0"

The error code returned.

Data Array of Data

The output tasks of the metatable.

TaskId String 9876543210

The ID of the output task.

TaskName String Test task name

The name of the output task.


Sample requests


Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        <TaskName>Test task 1</TaskName>
        <TaskName>Test task 2</TaskName>
        <TaskName>Test task 3</TaskName>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "B44CB17A-4199-1A5A-B808-99BF5011DBDC",
  "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
  "Data" : [ {
    "TaskId" : "98765432101",
    "TaskName" : "Test task 1"
  }, {
    "TaskId" : "98765432102",
    "TaskName" : "Test task 2"
  }, {
    "TaskId" : "98765432103",
    "TaskName" : "Test task 3"
  } ],
  "Success" : true

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidParameter.Meta.CommonError The specified parameter is invalid. The error message returned because the values specified for one or more request parameters are invalid.
400 InvalidParameter.Meta.Illegal The app guid parameter is invalid. The error message returned because the values specified for one or more parameters of the application are invalid.
400 InvalidParameter.Meta.NotExist The object does not exist. The error message returned because the object you query does not exist.
403 Forbidden.Meta.NoTenant The user is not the owner of any tenants. The error message returned because the current user is not a tenant owner.
403 Forbidden.Access Access is forbidden. Try again later. The error message returned because you are not allowed to perform this operation. Try again later.
429 Throttling.Api The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. The error message returned because the number of requests for the resource has exceeded the upper limit.
429 Throttling.Api.Risk The request for this resource has exceeded your daily available limit. The error message returned because the number of requests per day for the resource has exceeded the upper limit.
429 Throttling.System The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. The error message returned because the DataWorks system is busy. Try again later.
429 Throttling.User Your request is too frequent. Try again later. The error message returned because excessive requests have been submitted within a short period of time. Try again later.
500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred. Try again later. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later.
500 InternalError.UserId.Missing An internal system error occurred. Try again later. The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later.
500 InternalError.Meta.NoCalcEngine An error occurred while retrieving the compute engine based on the MaxCompute project. The error message returned because the system has failed to obtain the compute engine instance based on the specified MaxCompute project.
500 InternalError.Meta.TenantTimeOut Failed to connect to the interface network. The error message returned because the network cannot be connected.
500 InternalError.Meta.Unknown An unknown error occurred while processing your request. The error message returned because an unknown error has occurred.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.