Queries the output tasks of a metatable.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GetMetaTableProducingTasks | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetMetaTableProducingTasks. |
TableGuid | String | Yes | odps.sample_project.sample_table | The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the MaxCompute metatable. |
DataSourceType | String | No | odps | The type of the metatable. Valid values: odps and emr. The value odps indicates that the metatable is a MaxCompute metatable. The value emr indicates that the metatable is an E-MapReduce (EMR) metatable. |
ClusterId | String | No | C-A_SAMPLE_CLUSTER_ID | The ID of the EMR cluster. This parameter takes effect only if the DataSourceType parameter is set to emr. |
DbName | String | No | default | The name of the database. |
SchemaName | String | No | myschema | The name of the schema. |
TableName | String | No | sample_table | The name of the metatable. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 00000-00000-00000-00000 | The ID of the request. |
HttpStatusCode | Integer | 200 | The HTTP status code returned. |
ErrorMessage | String | SUCCESS | The error message returned. |
Success | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the request was successful. Valid values: true and false. The value true indicates that the request was successful. The value false indicates that the request failed. |
ErrorCode | String | "0" | The error code returned. |
Data | Array of Data | The output tasks of the metatable. |
TaskId | String | 9876543210 | The ID of the output task. |
TaskName | String | Test task name | The name of the output task. |
Sample requests
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<TaskName>Test task 1</TaskName>
<TaskName>Test task 2</TaskName>
<TaskName>Test task 3</TaskName>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "B44CB17A-4199-1A5A-B808-99BF5011DBDC",
"HttpStatusCode" : 200,
"Data" : [ {
"TaskId" : "98765432101",
"TaskName" : "Test task 1"
}, {
"TaskId" : "98765432102",
"TaskName" : "Test task 2"
}, {
"TaskId" : "98765432103",
"TaskName" : "Test task 3"
} ],
"Success" : true
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.CommonError | The specified parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because the values specified for one or more request parameters are invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.Illegal | The app guid parameter is invalid. | The error message returned because the values specified for one or more parameters of the application are invalid. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Meta.NotExist | The object does not exist. | The error message returned because the object you query does not exist. |
403 | Forbidden.Meta.NoTenant | The user is not the owner of any tenants. | The error message returned because the current user is not a tenant owner. |
403 | Forbidden.Access | Access is forbidden. Try again later. | The error message returned because you are not allowed to perform this operation. Try again later. |
429 | Throttling.Api | The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. | The error message returned because the number of requests for the resource has exceeded the upper limit. |
429 | Throttling.Api.Risk | The request for this resource has exceeded your daily available limit. | The error message returned because the number of requests per day for the resource has exceeded the upper limit. |
429 | Throttling.System | The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. | The error message returned because the DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. |
429 | Throttling.User | Your request is too frequent. Try again later. | The error message returned because excessive requests have been submitted within a short period of time. Try again later. |
500 | InternalError.System | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
500 | InternalError.UserId.Missing | An internal system error occurred. Try again later. | The error message returned because an internal error has occurred. Try again later. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.NoCalcEngine | An error occurred while retrieving the compute engine based on the MaxCompute project. | The error message returned because the system has failed to obtain the compute engine instance based on the specified MaxCompute project. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.TenantTimeOut | Failed to connect to the interface network. | The error message returned because the network cannot be connected. |
500 | InternalError.Meta.Unknown | An unknown error occurred while processing your request. | The error message returned because an unknown error has occurred. |
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.