Queries the details of an extension.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | GetExtension | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetExtension. |
RegionId | String | No | cn-zhangjiakou | The region ID. For example, the ID of the China (Shanghai) region is cn-shanghai, and that of the China (Zhangjiakou) region is cn-zhangjiakou. The system determines the value of this parameter based on the endpoint that is used to call the operation. |
ExtensionCode | String | Yes | ce4*********086da5 | The unique code of the extension. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 0000-ABCD-EFG | The request ID. You can use the ID to locate logs and troubleshoot issues. |
Extension | Object | The details of the extension. |
ExtensionCode | String | ce4*********086da5 | The unique code of the extension. |
ExtensionName | String | Extension name | The name of the extension. |
ExtensionDesc | String | This is a description. | The description of the extension. |
HelpDocUrl | String | https://www.aliyun.com/ | The URL of the help documentation of the extension. |
Status | Integer | 0 | The state of the extension. 0: Testing, 1: Publishing, 3: Disabled, 4: Processing, 5: Approved, 6: Approve Failed |
ProjectTesting | Long | 13552 | The workspace for testing. If the extension is being tested, the extension can be used only in the workspace for testing. |
DetailUrl | String | https://www.aliyun.com/ | The URL of the extension details page, on which users can view the details of the process blocked by the extension. |
ParameterSetting | String | extension.project.disabled=projectId1,projectId2,projectId3 | The parameter settings of the extension. For more information, see Configure extension parameters. |
OptionSetting | String | Options | The options defined for the extension. |
BindEventList | Array of BindEventList | The list of extension points. |
EventCode | String | commit-file | The code of the extension point event. |
EventName | String | Pre-event for file committing | The name of the extension point event. |
EventCategoryList | Array of EventCategoryList | The list of event types. |
CategoryCode | String | file-change | The code of the event type. |
CategoryName | String | File change event | The name of the event type. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<ExtensionName>Extension name</ExtensionName>
<ExtensionDesc>This is a description.</ExtensionDesc>
<EventName>Pre-event for file committing</EventName>
<CategoryName>File change event</CategoryName>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "0000-ABCD-EFG",
"Extension" : {
"ExtensionCode" : "ce4*********086da5",
"ExtensionName" : "Extension name",
"ExtensionDesc" : "This is a description.",
"HelpDocUrl" : "https://www.aliyun.com/",
"Status" : 0,
"ProjectTesting" : 13552,
"DetailUrl" : "https://www.aliyun.com/",
"ParameterSetting" : "extension.project.disabled=projectId1,projectId2,projectId3",
"OptionSetting" : "Options",
"BindEventList" : {
"EventCode" : "commit-file",
"EventName" : "Pre-event for file committing",
"EventCategoryList" : {
"CategoryCode" : "file-change",
"CategoryName" : "File change event"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.